New FX Webinar with Kathy Lien, Boris Schlossberg and Ken Calhoun


Junior member
Hi all, this is a free (no signup needed) webinar I just held last week Friday with Kathy Lien and Boris Schlossberg, I thought you all might be interested in the mp3/pdf of it:

It's a full 1 hour, 22 minutes of me asking Kathy and Boris about their comments on the biggest differences between currency and stock trading, as well as how the spot FX market works.

So it's mostly for new currency traders, or stock traders who are thinking about possibly trading currency pairs.

I'm not pitching anything, it's a 29-meg mp3/pdf download for everyone, as us traders "talk shop". Enjoy! It's geared at new forex traders (though all will benefit!), so I thought I'd post in this thread; feel free to move the thread if it would better fit somewhere else..


Ken Calhoun

(ps feel free to delete this thread is if you think it's promotional; I felt it was ok since it's a webinar with solid content and no signups needed, eg just a download link for you)