Trader's Challenge for Bramble

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please don't disturb the duelling site with actual trading information.

I think we are up to duelling banjo's now. I'd like you to meet my brother darryl and my other brother...darryl

Perhaps I have had too much moonshine.

"short Dec FTSE at 4743, stop at 41.5

oh, sorry. wrong thread"

No, just wrong plaice
Aren't you supposed to have a "second" when you duel? If your struggling you can always just fallback on the old favorites"My Nanna's harder than your Nanna", "Your mammas so fat, she fell over an gravy fell out"

or my old favorite from the mary whitehouse experience.... "you know people who talk like KKKKKCCCHH KCHHC ....."
..."thats you that is".

Seriously... I've added you to my buddy list so I can follow you everywhere. LOL
Aha....Sven the stalker hey....following TV everywhere.

Do you have cable?

aussietrader said:
Aha....Sven the stalker hey....following TV everywhere.
Stalking makes a change from lurking and learning hence forth known as learnking

Not just stalking TV, I know where you live as well australia ...erhm its on your profile 😉

aussietrader said:
Do you have cable?

Indeed for the moment anyway... about to get less channels
Hi all...

Does this site have any administrators.....again I visit this site and look at a thread full of crap.
Its quite obvious this is just a general chat forum now and has nothing to do with trading. I am not surprised that everyone who has an interest in trading and sharing ideas has either stopped posting or moved on to another forum.

Wont be long before any sponsors on the site will leave also so I guess enjoy it while you can.

I would have expected a far better sense of humour from a fellow Aussie. This thread began as an absolute joke and it has been improved somewhat imho.

Still I believe you are quite right in noticing that a lot of traders have disappeared from this forum but tht is a topic for another thread altogether


Angler said:
Hi all...

Does this site have any administrators.....again I visit this site and look at a thread full of crap.
The thread may be cr*p but the site t'is not.

Its quite obvious this is just a general chat forum now and has nothing to do with trading.
I agree that the thread starter should have placed it in the T2WLounge not the forex area.

I am not surprised that everyone who has an interest in trading and sharing ideas has either stopped posting or moved on to another forum
There are still many threads and posters with something to share, come on lighten up

Wont be long before any sponsors on the site will leave also so I guess enjoy it while you can
Yeeaaas because sponsers only want to be associated with sites with interesting threads and not sites with large numbers of members and traffic ...not

ok I shouldn't have added to off topic traffic but I surely i can be forgiven for interpreting the original post as a windup and as such doesn't deserve serious answers.
Maybe thread starters should be more aware of the correct forum to post on and posters shouldn't give weight to the threads, but we're all human.

there is a simple solution, stop reading
Does this site have any administrators.....again I visit this site and look at a thread full of crap.
Its quite obvious this is just a general chat forum now and has nothing to do with trading. I am not surprised that everyone who has an interest in trading and sharing ideas has either stopped posting or moved on to another forum.


I realise your typo error in the above . Did you mean "Carp" ? 😉
Good post GJ.

This is my take on it in my words:

A guy (TV) comes on these boards and claims to have a fantastic trading system (nothing new about that). The guy gets slated without any evidence being produced (again nothing new). So the guy decides to put his money where his mouth is (err this is new). Now where are the people who slated this guy? Nothing, except irrelevant posts from various people (or are they?).

This doesn't help somebody like me who came to these boards to try and learn something. Looks like I'll have to find somewhere else. Especially after reading The Bramble's PM to TV before it was deleted early this morning.

If I have got it wrong please let me know.

I doubt Bramble will take you up on your challenge. You have clearly wound each other up but at the end of the day, you are the one that claims to have a near 100% accurate trading methodology, not him. It is you that people want to see proof of trading ability from.

A few days ago, you posted that you wanted nothing more to do with T2W but you keep on posting what a wondeful system you have etc etc.

I think the problem is that a near 100% success rate is difficult to believe as most traders would find it impossible to acheive this and still have a reasonable risk /reward profile. I think this is the main reason you have come up against so much flack.

If you don't want to be a part of t2w because of this flack then fine.

If you do, then the best thing you can do is ignore the flack and prove your claims by posting some live trades. (So far, I have only seen one example).No one should have to post their live statements, but if you can post trades, in real time and they are successful, that is the proof people will be satisfied with. (or should be).

If you really have such a high success rate, then as few as 20 live trade postings would do the trick. I reckon, if you could score 18, or even 17 out of 20 acheiving the profit targets you have spoken about, that you would have the ultimate respect of 25,000+ members here.

I would say though, that if you do choose to follow this route, ensure that your trades are posted in a clear, timely fashion, stating entry, time, exit target, stop (or state no stop) etc or you will lay yourself open to more flack.
Spot on summary, Gamma.

I tried to review this/(these) threads this morning starting from the beginning but TV seems to have removed his initial post, which was a shame for us slowbies who were trying to catch up on things.

If I recall, and I am probably wrong, TV was stating that at some point during the life of a trade, 97-99% of all positions were positive, and this is where the profit numbers come from. If that is the case, I can confirm that this is also a similar case to many of the trades that I place, but a 5 pip floating profit is not any use when you have a 80 point stop, so the trade will remain open. If I am way off the mark here, please ignore me, but this is part of the jist I got from TC previous posts.
In respect of the duel between TV and Bramble, it would appear to the lay-man that 2 people with such proud ideals, TV from several years research, and Bramble with similar trading experience will have to agree to disagree on their different perspectives. If TV is simply trying to promote a system for sale, it would not be long before he was either declared a trading God by the majority, or labelled with VS in the 'I have a few fans' category. Time will therefore dictate whether or not TV or Bramble were correct in their opinion.

And remember, it always take opposing views to make a market.

And if this is the drivel it might me, then I apologise for the 4 hour Christmas lunch I have attended today.
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