Tradergames: 50% poker / 50% trading

Thanks roberk. I am very excited to finally see a site like this. It opens a whole new ideas about trading. I just can't believe people could scalp 50-70 times in matter of one hour! It is mind blowing! So far all my play games have been a winner. I guess beginner's luck. Anyway, I usually trade three pairs: eur/usd, usd/chf, and gbp/usd. In one hour time span, I trade minimum of 3 trades, and maximum of 6-9 trades. I will play this free game until the end of March, before jumping in with real money.

By the way, I sent an e-mail to to see a possibility of seeing actual free game players, instead of a bunch of virtual traders while trading in a 1hr. game. It is more fun to challenge other beginners, rather than a "virtual trading system!" Hope I can get a reply. Cheers.
Or perhaps can add an option to play against real players, instead of VitualTrader1 & 2.
Hi Roberk

and welcome frankC

I cant not understand why more traders from trade2win are not trying tradergames out, I feel you got a better chance of winning over the normal way of trading. margin is so low at 50 pound, that is if you enter a 50 pound game with a 200 pot - the house takes 5%commistion

So if you are trading for a 190 pound pot you not risking no more than 50 quid. Along with this tradergames have change the game so the winner having 75% of the pot and second place 25% of the pot. just like roberk said in his last post. I think this is great odds.

In the near future you can trade the Dow indices and more. I have had a few games put don't want to give my player name well not yet. just a personnel thing.dont like traders looking over my shoulder to see how im doing. I know roberk don't mind this, but we are all different. This could be with other traders also on trade2win,they might be playing the games but don't wish to talk about it. It could be an ego thing. Who knows.

I have stopped trading because they have narrowed the spread on USE/SEK and I did not have the charts for it so I could not scalp it. I just had my new charting software today only to see they have put the spread back up. Ho well.

It's still early days in the coming months I would say we be trading 24 hours a day. There are increasingly more sighning up.and no I dont work for them LOL. I just think its a great way to trade.

Hi sun123, you are right about incredibly low margin of this game, not to mention how one can improve his/her trading just by watching pros like roberk in real-time. Just a quick question: how can I see what has been bought or sold while watching a game. The only thing visible is the amount and the price under Recent Trades.
Hi Frank

They have done away with that. if you look you can work it out.example if a trader as bought EUR/USD and the price is moving up with the traders money you know he long. but I would say concentrate on your game more. and if you are winning and in the last 30 mins to go, a trader is catching you up just buy or sell what ever he is trading.

The last few days since they only had a 2 tick spread on USD/SEK the winners are usually in the 200.000.before this, you could win a game on 40.000 to 90.000 but they have put the spread back up to 20 ticks. So I would say you would need less to win. We see how it goes. But you got to adapt to new situations the same with normal trading

Also frank you got to remember it's not the amount of trades roberk does. lets say he makes 180 trades. Most of these is scaling out. so actual trades he may make about 30 to 60 scalping. He the best to answer you this.though.

Thanks sun for your response. As roberk mentioned before, the competition is fierce in this game. I usually trade on a 30min. chart, and swing trade using candle signals, and slow stochastics. Result is ok, and I am happy with it, but to enter these 2, or 4hr. games, I certainly need to change the style of my trading, otherwise no way to compete. Perhaps need to move into a shorter timeframe, 5min/tick charts, and scalp. Scalping is the toughest thing to do in trading, and I do salute those successful scalpers. By the way, what do you mean by scaling out. Cheers.
Hi Frnak

What I mean by scaling out is you put all of you position on of the max 49 lots and once the position starts going in your favour you scale out 5lots here 5 lots there you could scale out till you target is hit,that could be 15 point or 25 points.

Thanks again sun. Sorry to ask you all these stupid questions. So by scaling out, initially you are risking all your money (49 lots) for the target of, say 25 points. What if the position goes in a wrong direction, and your down 10 points. At what point do you cut your losses. Cheers.
No worry mate, you don't need to reply. I was just wondering about the e-mail I sent to couple days ago. No reply yet! To me it doesn't matter how stupid the idea is, but at least a reply would be highly appreciated. Called the number in the contact list, and an old Irish lady picked up the phone, and said it was a wrong number! Tried the # couple times with no avail. Should I really trust this company with my credit card # :?:
By the way, I have to admit that the is a fantastic site. It allows us traders to become a better trader with a minimal risk. sun was right, wonder why not too many traders joining in. Hope my matter could be resolved as soon as possible.
Hi Frank

Sorry late in my reply I have been trading the YM most of the day. You ask what if the position goes against you with a full hard one it is real up to you.

But for me im not a big fan on placing my max stake on I rather put half on and add some more if im correct.or if it goes aginst me i add more. and if it goes back to my entry price after that i get flat and start again. But if im scalping I place the max on and go for a target with a tight stop.its a personal thing

As for the telephone number I also could not get through to them. All I get is 1 ring and it goes off. I will email them to see what is up with the number.

have you had a game on tradergames yet frank.

Thanks sun for your reply. I didn't mean to be obnoxious with my no reply thread. Anyway, I hope you had a great trading day, and wish you the best. I agree with your risk remark. This is totally up to each trader individually. I personally would like to take a small risk initially, if it goes against me, I am out with a small loss. Then wait for a price action to dictate my next trade entry. On the other hand, if my trade goes positive, then I add at later stages.

I've been only playing the free games so far, and I always win! I really think these virtual traders I am against are just bunch of dumb computer programs to lure me into placing my credit card# :cheesy:

Tomorrow look at a live game and trade against them. lets say you trade the USD/CHF if you place a 49mil that is the max you can trade. and for every point the USD/CHF goes up or down you will make or lose 4137 pounds. if you was to trade 10 mill a time that would be about 830 pound a point. that is if you want to try to scale in and out. But if you don't just place the max on 49 mil 4137 per point.and see how you get on.

sun, this was a fantastic idea. Thanks alot. Didn't think about it that way. Should have had a V8!
Will post my result later.
Don't worry about your credit card. I take out money almost every week and it is just a click, put in your password another click, and it is back in your account by the next day. Compare that with getting money out of a trading account!

They are very fast on replying about any technical problems but probably don't take suggested changes so urgently- but they definitely consider them. I wrote suggesting that they start a player ranking system. And then say the top 5 players every month get free entry into a tournament or have a play-off against each other: Money and glory. (No reply about that yet).

Note that SEK has a wider spread now (see my earlier post).
Thanks roberk for the info. But I still would like to see a reply from them, no matter how busy they are, and also a valid phone # in case I need to contact. Hopefully they resolve these matters.

Hi sun, I played the free game, and compared the result with the actual game, and came out winner. Went long 49mil, and started take 10 mil as prices went in my favour. During the first hour, I was ahead 49mil, and the second hour game(10min. to go) 24mil ahead. But the total of my trades was only 8. So no scalping at all. Beginner's luck I guess. Will play like this for awhile, and see how it goes. Cheers.


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By the way, in my real trading, I'd never risk all the money in one trade: smal risk at the beginning, and just add moderately as prices goes in my favour(see the attached). Bottom line is you shouldn't risk more than 10-15% of your total trading capital.

But in the case of game trading, sun's suggestion to add all the lot initially, and scale out makes lots of sense. The only drawback I see, is that you better be right in your initial trade direction, otherwise 4137 pounds per point move can easily put you behind all your opponents in a very short time!


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Hi Frank

I don't know what is the best thing to do. As in adding all or place half on. The more games you have the more answers you will get

30 mins to go. And you flat 60 mill in front. You then must watch out for the other players. they got nothing to lose and can be very aggressive they can catch you up quickly.A bit like poker when they say ALL IN . So to speak. I feel I need to be more aggressive early in the game.

To roberk

I don't think we will see the 280.000 wins anymore with the spread back up to 20 pips on the usd/sek, do you think.

Hi sun,

Still playing the free game, and just tried to place a max 49mil in one trade, but the platform rejected the order, and only allowed me to place a 3mil trade! Has the rule being changed now?

Sent an e-mail to the help desk with the same question above, and awaiting their response.

Hi frank

What pair was it. you were trying to trade.

All the usd/ are 49 mil
eur is 37 mil
gbp is about 26 mil and so on play around with the free games and see what's the max you can trade on each pair and write it you know how much you can trade.

you cant trade 49 mill on all of them.just the usd/---
