Tradergames: 50% poker / 50% trading

Well, is any of you had a go trading on this site It look pretty good to me.

The Trader Games website has been updated over the weekend and now includes a number of improvements to increase game excitement and players' involvement.

Choosing a game to join
The layout and content of both the Q-and-Go queues and the Scheduled List have been modified.
For Q-and-Go, we've added higher value games to reflect players' preferences. The layout now provides an overview of all available Queues, making it easier to determine which games are likely to start quickly.

The Scheduled List has been modified to make choosing a game easier. For each game you can now see the minimum number of players required, the maximum number allowed, as well as the number of players who have already joined.

This information allows you to choose a game with appropriate risk/reward characteristics, and allows you to identify those games that are most likely to start once you've joined.

Playing a game
In response to user comments, we've modified three details of the game play itself.

-We are removing the currency pair CHF/JPY which has been used rarely. We are adding AUD/USD, USD/SEK and USD/CAD.
-The spreads on several currency pairs has been narrowed, to enhance the trading experience.
-We have modified the Recent Trades pane within the game, to provide somewhat less information. Currency and volume information is still shown, but the all important Buy/Sell flag has been dropped. You will now have to work harder to guess your competitors' strategies!

Building a community
Our research has shown that users identify strongly with Trader Games and that certain friendly rivalries exist between specific players. To support this development, we have added a private, in-game chat facility, which allows players to communicate with each other.

With the exception of Trader Games moderators - who will monitor conversations to ensure that they maintain the appropriate tone - the in-game chat facility can be viewed only by those players who are participating in the game.

We feel that these modifications add significantly to the Trader Games experience but the final judgement lies with you and your fellow players. Please send us your comments, your praise and your criticisms. We'll do our best to consider these in future site enhancements.

By the way, you might have noticed that the Q-and-Go and Scheduled lists, are now mounted in a "Forex" tab. Does this mean that we will shortly be launching other game types? Watch this space for the answer and for news of other, on-going improvements.

Yours sincerely,

Hugh Curran,
Marketing Director
Trader Games

T: +44 20 7538 5235

M: +44 7977 041 950

E: [email protected]
good win again roberk about 700 quid in 2 days neet

dont know why more traders are not playing these 2 hour games

Thanks Sun!
yep, I am really hooked on these games.
Especially the risk is defined to the dollar,and the probabilities are know as well.
Once another 1000 players join we'll be able to play anytime day or night.
Hi roberk

The site as only been going for about 6 to 8 months, and there are always games to play of you choice from about 9 am to 5 am. of 80 pound games to 750 pound games.I have had a few games and won some. the more I look at it looks easier to make money this way than your normal trading with a broker.Also they are looking to introduce some of the indices such as the Dow. It can only get better.


I don't think you are experienced enough to judge this thread, you have only been at this game for a year and use about 8 different indicators.

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Unlucky on you last game. Could do me a favour can you tell me where you get the USD/SEK charts from.


A quick question....

Are the price feeds just internal to the game ? Or is it live ?

jitasb said:
A quick question....

Are the price feeds just internal to the game ? Or is it live ?

Live from telerate. The spreads are 2 pips on most pairs. They reduced them from 3 last week.
But personally I think 3 would be better as it matches most of the forex shops.
sun123 said:

Unlucky on you last game. Could do me a favour can you tell me where you get the USD/SEK charts from.


Hi Sun.
I get all my forex data from Esignal. Costs me about $50/month on top of my yearly subs to them.
roberk said:
Hi Sun.
I get all my forex data from Esignal. Costs me about $50/month on top of my yearly subs to them.


Thanks for that.good win on you last game over 200.000k must be one of the biggest points win for a 2 hour game


And what do you mean by that? Please, do say more.

Hi Roberk

I found you on the Trader Games website and I can see now that you are a "real" player!

The reason I was skeptical about this thread is that, on first reading, it looked a bit contrived (i.e. a piece of PR) to me.

Moreover, I won my first 2 games, but I got the distinct impression that the other players weren't "real" (e.g. software robots?).

Did you ever get that impression, while playing?

Also, I've noticed several 2 hour games where players haven't made a single trade, which seems surprising. Even if you don't get a signal in 2 hours, I would expect any real player would "have a punt", especially if someone else is sitting on a win (unless, perhaps, they are using Trader Games to work on their discipline not to overtrade!).

The rules state:

In order to qualify as a winner, a player must have made at least one trade within a game.

Of course, you don't have any trouble with that particular rule, as I noticed that you made 187 trades in a 2 hour game today!! Is that "super-hyper-scalp" mode? 😀

Robots or not, the site is great fun, hope to play you in a game soon.


P.S. have you figured out a way to get a price update more frequently than every 5 seconds?
c6ackp said:
Hi Roberk

Moreover, I won my first 2 games, but I got the distinct impression that the other players weren't "real" (e.g. software robots?).

Did you ever get that impression, while playing?

Also, I've noticed several 2 hour games where players haven't made a single trade, which seems surprising. Even if you don't get a signal in 2 hours, I would expect any real player would "have a punt", especially if someone else is sitting on a win (unless, perhaps, they are using Trader Games to work on their discipline not to overtrade!).

The rules state:

Of course, you don't have any trouble with that particular rule, as I noticed that you made 187 trades in a 2 hour game today!! Is that "super-hyper-scalp" mode? 😀

Robots or not, the site is great fun, hope to play you in a game soon.


P.S. have you figured out a way to get a price update more frequently than every 5 seconds?

HI Steve,
I understand. I did start the thread to alert everyone about this new site. And Sun has obviously been putting in posts to bump it to the front of the line.
I am kind of grateful that he is, as I want more players. I live in Japan and at the moment most games start after 11pm, I sometimes don't get to bed until after 3am in the morning. I want hundreds or thousands more players so we play anytime.

Never had the impression of playing a robot, no🙂.
I think what happened when someone didn't make a trade is that they forgot they had enrolled. I got in line for a game once, put myself down to wait an hour and forgot all about it till 20 minutes before the game was going to end. Luckily everyone else was negative and I had an easy win just by a small trade.

I probably only made about 50 full trades as I always scale out of positions, just to try to get the extra pip.
The new tighter spreads (a week ago)suit me - I am used to scalping the DAX.
But they make the games a little unrealistic as firms like FXCM won't let you get in and out so quickly - they put you on manual execution.
Not sure if it is an improvement.

No, the prices update as they do - it seems to vary between 3-5 seconds. Anyway I live in Jpan so get my prices 50ms slower than you in Britain.
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Hi roberk, reading your thread with high interest. Glad that I found this thread. If I just get your advise. I am trading on the free game, and like to hear your performance evaluation of my games.

In the 1 hr. game, I am ranked 1/3 with $200 down. Minimum bet is 1Mil. 37min. to go. Cheers.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I have three open trades: Overall s/l: $250K, Trade limit: 50mil. So I really should kick back and not to worry a bit. :cheesy:
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You see, I am trying to make a sense of this game. If I have 1mil, and down 200, I really shouldn't be too worry. Should I? At what level do you usually cut your losses. Thanks.
HI Frank,
Welcome to the game!
At the moment the competition is pretty fierce with some very good players. Sometimes you get a game with mostly weak players and sometimes mostly strong- it's part of the gamble because you don't kbnow who you are playing till the game begins. If you go in the 20pound games you have a good chance of winning just by making one trade in the right direction; but I wouldn't enter the 250pound games just yet🙂.
As I mentioned they tightened the spreads last week and this has allowed the scalpers to have an edge. I am going to write to tradergames and suggest they widen the spread on volatile pairs like USD/SEK to make it as close to normal trading as possible.

This week they divided the prizes 75/25 between first and second (before it was winner take all). So now- assuming everyone is at equal skill level- you have a 50/50 chance of breaking even or making a sizeable profit. Very close to real trading.

As for cutting losses. It all depends..I win many games when the market stays in a range(I cut losses instantly) but lose when it trends. I've played one guy- Tafia- over 20 times. Everytime the market goes into a trend I close out too early , but he holds and holds- and wins. He can let it go against him $20,000 or 40,000 but when the trend resumes- bang, he takes off. Watching his discipline is teaching me -slowly- how to stay in trades also when I do normal trading.
BTW- I lost my first 7 real money games in a row, so don't neccessarily expect to be number one immediately.
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