Trade2Win - a dangerous place for newbies ?

I forgot to add that over 1500 members have been permanently banned (well that's about where it was when I hung up my mod boots)and the vast majority of those are spammers. 'Course, they often keep finding a way to come back under a different name so that probably doesn't properly reflect the real number involved in spamming.


its moved on a bit and probably closer to 1600 now jon, also i would add that on average that around 3-5 threads a day get deleted, maybe more, because of the different methods of dispatching them making it difficult to get an accurate measure, add to that the deleted posts on a daily basis as well, spammers nightmare we are 😀

perhaps there should be an official stats section on our actions, daily or weekly? so the members know that something is at least happening in the background, that could include anonymous stats on post reports actioned also, as gj suggests.
... presumed victim is a 48 year old white male middle manager who drives a base spec 3 series, shops at waitrose because he wouldn't want to "be seen" at tesco, drinks cheap lager at the pub and ale at home. Platonic relationship with wife (assisted by copys of 1980s vintage Mayfair) and slightly nervous of his two teenage children. Could have paid off his mortgage by now but went for a conservatory instead. Replaces curtains every few years.

Sounds like a Spread Bet Co's dream client!
Hi everybody

The moderators have already given you a pretty good insight into moderation practice, which should clear up any doubts over how T2W deals with reported posts.

Just to reiterate:

1. All reported posts get looked at and assessed, usually within a few hours
2. The majority of reported posts are dealt with by editing or deleting posts or threads
3. What may seem 'unactioned' reported posts are often those where there just isn't enough information about the poster or the info posted to justify a removal

Occasionally there is a backlog, but things are not overlooked - neither on purpose nor due to lack of care or concern for the wellbeing and safety of members.

Given the size of this Forum and the moderation resources we have we depend on reports from members, and ideally reports that give us information and feedback on what's wrong with a post. Very often cases are obvious and it's not difficult to make a judgement, but occasionally there are cases that aren't as clear-cut and then it's of enormous help to get further feedback from members that help us to investigate a case.

There are of course issues where reporting a post may not be the ideal way to deal with concerns, in which case you are most welcome to drop a moderator or me a line to explain your concerns. We'll always look into things within the means available to us.

We are also aware that people are very inventive about how to get dodgy posts in, which is why we are certainly always aiming to finetune our moderation methods. For example if usernames are increasingly becoming an issue then we'll make sure we find a solution to that, same with 'self-promotion' disguised as customer feedback.

I hope this reassures everybody that T2W applies due care. If you have any issues you are generally concerned about - or any suggestions - then please drop me a PM. The best solutions are always created in close collaboration with members and users of a site so I'm always keen on your feedback.

1. All reported posts get looked at and assessed, usually within a few hours
2. The majority of reported posts are dealt with by editing or deleting posts or threads
3. What may seem 'unactioned' reported posts are often those where there just isn't enough information about the poster or the info posted to justify a removal

I appreciate this isn't an easy problem to keep on top of and the "behind the scenes" efforts of mods and staff may not always be evident. How about an Editor's explanatory footnote to posts that have been "seen to" - we would at least then be able to agree / disagree / argue with the official judgement, and see those that have been reported / deleted etc.

Could open up a whole new sub-forum of activity and readership :cheesy:
What I find really odd in the context of this thread is the policy of T2W letting people stay on who came here very openly soliciting funds like Depth Trade.

The only proven track record he has is when Putz gave him $ 1000,- to trade for a six month period and where the scope of his talent was the ability to incur a 20% drawdown before bringing the account to a final close of being up 1% BEFORE fees.

Rather than admit to the obvious he came up with a lie that Putz told him to buy metal which crashed, something Putz clearly states he never did.

Any honest profitbale signal provider ? - Page 22 - MoneyTec 2.0 Forex Traders Social Networking Community


Forums - FX Majors: No trolling.

DT's only contributions on here are either make-believe phantasy returns no broker can substantiate, or incredible rudeness or political paranoia.

He has certainly never contributed anything else here yet gets to stay and people being what they are there will definitely be more than enough newbies naive enough to fall for unsubstantiated pull marketing which is all he does here.

So whats the value added T2W sees in letting him stay ?

Most other boards have certainly banned him.

I just find stuff like this not only boring beyond belief, but extremely distasteful as well.

There is a lack of good content around these parts recently, and encouraging non-users like him to stay obviously does drive off good posters.
he's not supposed to be, dt has agreed not to solicit funds here at t2w, the only reason that this may still be apparent in his profile is because we (mods) cannot change this, admin have to do it. in discussions it was suggested that admin sweep his profile clean, the mods have cleaned his posts, once his profile is cleaned there will no longer be further issues on this matter. if there is a recent post where he has solicited funds, post a link please.
Hi Lightning I appreciate that.

I guess what I specifically meant was that most people who have been here longer than say half a year still remember why he is here as he himself stated so clearly, and therefore see any thread where he claims to be making so and so much without any substantiation in the light of it being pull marketing to attract funds.

I mean one doesn't see anybody else on these shores posting once a day, and all that post is is an unproven performance claim.

Lol the only reason I got into this sad squagmire with him again after weeks of abstinence was when I read on his thread that an old and long time member I respect here was congratulating him on his posted results there. Thing is that member wasn't aware of DT's only proven dismal track record nor other history, and pmed me accordingly after I posted there providing some balance to the otherwise solitary thread tune of perma-self-glorification-with-no-basis-in-facts.

That long time members praise got DT excited and going again to the extent that while not clearly soliciting money outright he is however using his make-believe returns along with respected members praising them to get his hands on jobs where he would be trading other peoples money:

And another one:

Those couple of posts I mentioned are the only reason I got into this again lol, and yup I do see that you guys have your hands full here with a steady influx of new scammers even without the resident jokers.
On the flip side I would like to thank Counter_Violent for banning a member yesterday after spamming via PM members to join his hedge fund incubation programme.

So the report function does work :clap:

hmm, well dt does appears reformed and thats all that matters in my book, ok so he's applied publicly in a few threads for situations vacant, as you say doesn't count as soliciting for funds, yep. a completely different thing all together i would have thought, i think that if a prospective "employer" doesn't conduct careful due diligence on any message board applicants, whoever they are, then yes, it's all likely to end horribly i'll have to agree. but he's not doing anything wrong, and whether or not he's been binned from other message boards is not really our concern, unless he steps out of line here at t2w.

happy to see that was actioned, it would have been a lot quicker and easier for others that saw the post report to do something quickly if you had actually reported the pm itself rather than a 2008 post, as per nika's post, info is everything when dealing with reports 🙂
happy to see that was actioned, it would have been a lot quicker and easier for others that saw the post report to do something quickly if you had actually reported the pm itself rather than a 2008 post, as per nika's post, info is everything when dealing with reports 🙂
For the record I DID BOTH

I forwarded the PM to Counter_violent at 7.15 pm on Sep 14. There is no facility to actually report a PM. So a moderator did have all the information.

I followed that up by reporting a post.

However the only "clue" I had that something had been done, was the fact that the status of the member changed to banned.

see pic for location of report flag, it's over on the top right of the pm :smart:


  • report flag in pm.JPG
    report flag in pm.JPG
    22.2 KB · Views: 199
see pic for location of report flag, it's over on the top right of the pm :smart:

This report flag clearly needs more prominence as another high profile member also missed it a few weeks ago and things became a muddle because the correct report P M procedure was not followed. We got there in the end though thankfully.
For the record I DID BOTH

I forwarded the PM to Counter_violent at 7.15 pm on Sep 14. There is no facility to actually report a PM. So a moderator did have all the information.

I followed that up by reporting a post.

However the only "clue" I had that something had been done, was the fact that the status of the member changed to banned.


Well, I can't claim to have actioned this particular message or member status as I was on-site working at the time and miles away from a P C . 😆
So thanks to whoever did.

It's pretty annoying though that we keep having these kind of issues raised and accusations abounding about who is doing what or not as the case may be.
I can only say once again that we do look at everything and most issues are put to bed fairly quickly. We do at all times take a balanced and measured approach in how we deal with matters.

I can't say too much but there really are bigger issues out there and when / if they do break will certainly open a few eyes around here !
It seems to me of late that little is being done to 'police' this site in terms of unscrupulous scammers.

Anyone that is providing a service to traders should declare themselves as a vendor loud & clear. It is now a regular event for people to post their 'methods' or 'opinions' on the market with links to their website (or their business name as their user name).

The only reason these people come here is to advertise. I would have thought from a business perspective that having a bunch of free advertisers would lessen the amount of people paying to advertise here.

The bottom line is that 99% of these people that come on here & post with links to their sites are scammers. They are not declaring themselves as vendors.

You have Suresh1_1 with his click throughs to dodgy Forex EAs on his 'profit every day' threads. We have technicalanalyst with with links to 'their' (i.e. him in his bedroom) magic S&R indicator site and associated sales material.

Bottom line is that these people are not vetted and are not offering anything of value. They are however, likely to be hooking in newbies and ensuring that these people are relieved of $100's or $1000's of dollars with nothing of value in return.

Is T2W actively supporting these people or is this a case of being asleep at the wheel ? Reporting these threads does nothing to remove the links these people put there.

It seems wrong to me, the T2W community needs to help newbs avoid people like this, not expose them to it.

Am I the only one that feels this way ?


yes. quite right. laws, more laws and regulation is what is needed.


a trading site, with someone moaning about people err - trading! just because their products arent on an exchange or ecn....???

face it, if someone is dumb enough to buy their cr*p, they aint gunna be smart enough to make a consistent income trading are they?

hey, anyone wanna buy some esz0 1400.00 calls from me? they're real good ones and bound to make your christmas! meet me on globex if interested..... any price above cab accepted
My limit depends on the victim... presumed victim is a 48 year old white male middle manager who drives a base spec 3 series, shops at waitrose because he wouldn't want to "be seen" at tesco, drinks cheap lager at the pub and ale at home. Platonic relationship with wife (assisted by copys of 1980s vintage Mayfair) and slightly nervous of his two teenage children. Could have paid off his mortgage by now but went for a conservatory instead. Replaces curtains every few years.

In this case I estimate an acceptable loss to be approximate £674.28.

is this you? :cheesy:
is this you? :cheesy:

Well, to break it down:

48 year old

22 year old

white male


middle manager


who drives a base spec 3 series

pfft, I was driving a 4 litre XJ40 at uni... I know about cars and know what to look for 🙂

shops at waitrose because he wouldn't want to "be seen" at tesco

Shop anywhere

drinks cheap lager at the pub and ale at home

certainly an ale chap

Platonic relationship with wife (assisted by copys of 1980s vintage Mayfair)

That's not mayfair, that's a catalogue. And don't worry about my curtains 🙂
No? Hint: Never lose again.

Admin, can I suggest you consider reviewing Mr. J’s 'Advisor' status with a view to changing it to 'Sniper' status.

Math, if you need to get something off your chest why not just come right out and say it rather than fudge around the periphery? Unless, of course, it’s just a personal thing with no substantive issue involved.

If TRO came out with queries on how your current business affairs were shaping up and were they doing any better than the first time round, you’d be justifiably irritated and probably push for clarification. As far as I can tell, TRO hasn’t and isn’t involved in anything other than providing indicator coding for various trading platforms – the vast majority of which are available free of charge. That he is in your commercial ballpark in this area may give us a clue as to your motivations for this constant sniping. And one of the major issues I have with any vendor being assigned a quasi-staff role on this site.

Either come out and say your piece case or simply shut up.
If I were making wild claims of success and profitability for the purpose of soliciting "donations" from the T2W membership, I would expect queries into the basis of said claims. I do not do this, and thus do not expect queries.

I'd like to understand the basis of what you call "constant sniping" of TRO. Links to posts I've made that can be considered sniping would be helpful.

Either way, if you're bored again and looking for a "cause", I will suggest that TRO despite being one of the more interesting causes to take up might not be the best choice. You will also find me quite uninteresting to interact with, so you may wish to take that into account as well.