Trade what you see, not what you think....

Traders using automated systems? Nothing wrong with it.

oh right I could have sworn you just monstered them along with other methods that you dont sell.

Fractals are fairly obscure math/physics constructs. If you can understand the above definition, then my hat off to you. If you can understand the math behind them then I bow down to you. If not, then probably best not try to use fractal math to trade - especially if you don't know much about trading either.

rather ironically I have a masters degree in Physics so the maths would not be a problem but it is not something i would want to spend time on. bizarrely above you now seem to be saying that you can trade profitably with fractals. wtf.

This simply highlights the fact you have no idea what I do.

just to add some context to this, for anyone that doesnt know, DT sells trading software and training courses.

Day Trading

because that's what profitable traders do! lol.

honestly if you can think you can monster a load of trading techniques/types of trading and then have the arrogance to come back and add all sorts of caveats on what you originally said, it's not credible DT and it's harmful to newbies.

seriously you came on here and 5hat on anyone using indicators, I pulled you up on it and you have come back and said oh it's ok to use indicators if you know how to trade first. you are just making a fool of yourself mate.

just get a banner ad or buy an email list it will be more effective and better for all of us.
oh right I could have sworn you just monstered them along with other methods that you dont sell.

Nope - you are simply unable to comprehend the nuance of my points.

rather ironically I have a masters degree in Physics so the maths would not be a problem but it is not something i would want to spend time on. bizarrely above you now seem to be saying that you can trade profitably with fractals. wtf.

Nope - I am saying that people who cannot trade should not try to use fractals as magic bullets to make decisions for them.

Nor indicators, nor candlesticks, nor EAs, nor fractals etc. etc. ad nauseum

Those that can trade would not use fractals for a different reason.

just to add some context to this, for anyone that doesnt know, DT sells trading software and training courses.

Day Trading

because that's what profitable traders do! lol.

honestly if you can think you can monster a load of trading techniques/types of trading and then have the arrogance to come back and add all sorts of caveats on what you originally said, it's not credible DT and it's harmful to newbies.

There are no caveats, simply me trying to get you to understand the argument, so that you can counter argument instead of mud slinging. I have 2 children and therefore my patience for explaining things in different ways is almost endless.

seriously you came on here and 5hat on anyone using indicators, I pulled you up on it and you have come back and said oh it's ok to use indicators if you know how to trade first. you are just making a fool of yourself mate.

just get a banner ad or buy an email list it will be more effective and better for all of us.

You have yet to even understand the points I made. You have shown clearly that you didn't know what an EA or a Fractal was.

I am hoping that at some point, you understand the discussion and are able to put forward a coherent counter-argument.
now you are just getting desperate you sound like one of the market sellers at my local market who trys to flog out of date packs of economy biscuits.

just buy a banner ad FFS😴

There was more information about actual trading in that single post than in anything you have written on this forum.

You would do well to read and digest it.
I wonder whether we argue difference in methodology as a metaphor for performance? It is the one taboo we all buy into - none of us declare our performance levels publicly for obvious reasons. Hence we're trying to say to each other in a coded way that "In my experience, method X can generate returns Y".....

Just a thought.

Differences in methodology then would certainly produce different outcomes.
The reason nobody declares profits and verification then is that they are unsure of themselves and that they have the best method as compared to another, and they are not about to expose themselves just in case 😆

Meh, I have no such qualms in this area. I am the greatest, and I have to believe this, and you better believe it too. etc etc.


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They quadrupled the shining beacons ad revenue, perhaps they can help you meet your objectives. It woukd be a lot easier in the long run.

Those guys are off my Christmas card list for what they did here last year!

My best month ever was January 2013. I think I'd have had less that 20 posts here that month if it wasn't for Dante-Lulz.


So it appears that actually less posts on T2W = more sales.

This is what those who casually associate cause with effect would conclude. My conclusion is that forum posts do not turn into sales.

Other activities do, like selling for instance.
Differences in methodology then would certainly produce different outcomes.
The reason nobody declares profits and verification then is that they are unsure of themselves and that they have the best method as compared to another, and they are not about to expose themselves just in case 😆

Meh, I have no such qualms in this area. I am the greatest, and I have to believe this, and you better believe it too. etc etc.

You considered the merits of not having paint open above your account window?

I think Photoshop would be a much higher profile app to have there.

Nutter! 😆 😆 😆
You considered the merits of not having paint open above your account window?

I think Photoshop would be a much higher profile app to have there.

Nutter! 😆 😆 😆

Just imagine what I could achieve if I could use a computer and technology 😆

World sho🙂
Which particular debacle offended you do much ?


This one:


You have been issued payment notice of Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($10.5M). The Zenith Bank will Programmed your fund($10.5M)into an ATM CARD, Powered By Master-Card/Visa card. The debit card can be used on any ATM machine/P.O.S (POINT OF SALES) all over the world, or you can go to your bank to off-load the funds.

You are advised to re-confirm to us the below information or call me immediately on
(1) Your Full-Name:
(2) Your Physical address not PO BOX:
(3) Telephone, mobile and fax Number:

Best regards.

Mr. Odum Emmanuel,
Executive Director,
Corporate Finance
Zenith International Bank PLC

Waiting for a mod to come along and edit out the email/phone number to protect cablemonster....
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its a scam letter, I think DT is suggesting tongue in cheek that cablemonster is a bit naive he might of fallen for it.
its a scam letter, I think DT is suggesting tongue in cheek that cablemonster is a bit naive he might of fallen for it.

I gathered that, but I thought that couldn't possibly be the sole reason and there must be some kind of business history between them to justify all this nonsense.

My mistake...
Are you for real? Other people post trading statements and you post your vendoring statements. Thats says it all!!!!

Those guys are off my Christmas card list for what they did here last year!

My best month ever was January 2013. I think I'd have had less that 20 posts here that month if it wasn't for Dante-Lulz.


So it appears that actually less posts on T2W = more sales.

This is what those who casually associate cause with effect would conclude. My conclusion is that forum posts do not turn into sales.

Other activities do, like selling for instance.


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There is no need for me to scale up using this particular method....if anything, I will be scaling down once acct reaches a certain size.

And another thing....don't presume anything.

I analyse what I see and not what I think. Naturally the analysis will produce projections that will form my presumptions. It seems to me scaling down would be a sign of risk avoidance. Are you omitting showing the result of the risks ?

Looking at the 1st trade of your export:

30/01/13 19:43:30 Sell 13939

My shop is showing in the region of 13921 or lower around that time. So I am not sure if I am looking at the same thing or there is a difference in shop prices.
Are you for real? Other people post trading statements and you post your vendoring statements. Thats says it all!!!!

Yes - I am for real.

You get banned from this forum, come back under a different name over & over & over again. You follow me like a lovesick puppy accusing me of using the forum to plug my software.

Like all of your points, they are easy enough to refute, hence the picture.

You should take some time off, learn how to trade and come back.