Trade to Win or Something Else?

temptrader said:
I would like to add that I have nothing against firewalker99, and I wish him well, but he has unfortunately got the wrong end of the stick
And I have nothing against you. In fact, I can find pleasure in a healthy rational logical dicussion. Unfortunately from your reactions and comments I can only tell you were emotionally involved, which is obviously never a good thing, not in trading not in any other endeavour.

temptrader said:
Forget about my comments about talent, whether you are born with it or not, concentrate on what you are suppose to be doing: learning to trade. If you have what it takes, as Socrates so eloquently defines in a particular thread that escapes me, you WILL make it, regardless of what I say or think, or what Socrates and his band of merry men/women say or think. That's not to say you won't go through a lot of pain, doubt, financial difficulties etc . . . What Socrates and co. can add to this is to maybe set you on the right path and shorten your journey (if you have what it takes), but unfortunately that option is not available due to his comments above.

There have been many people on trade2win that have been helpful and have taken the time to offer me suggestions. I'm not saying that it was/is an easy journey but those who stand on the sidelines apparently are very eager to laugh or comment. If that's what they want to do, then that's fine. But for the record there is no "you have what IT takes or you don't have IT". Each one has to go to his own struggle in his own way. If Socrates & co want to shorten my journey they have every possibility to do so in my journal. If they don't, so be it, but my persona will certainly not have been the reason why that option is no longer available.

temptrader said:
What I am trying to say is that trading is very much like getting into academia. There is no one stopping you and all the literature to do research is there out in the open, and if you have the right "mind" for it you will produce research for other people to notice you. Trading is the same, anyone can enter it (provided you have sufficient funds and equipment), but very few make it. But unlike most academic fields we have a lot of controversy and scam merchants, and the literature is definitely not out in the open - which makes your journey even worse.

You are right, if you know where to look it will definitely make the journey easier. And yes there are a lot of "traders" who publish books, websites, seminars, scams but don't put them behind a monitor to trade live! In my opinion one think that separates those who learn to trade quickly and others is creativity. In order to come up with an idea, to study a pattern, to exploit some hypothesis in the market one has to be a little creative. But again this is not something you have or have not, there are many ways to increase your creativity skills but that's a whole different matter.

temptrader said:
I wish I can offer more, but I can't. And those that can offer more, are unfortunately not offering, so the journey is a little longer

That's a pity then, especially to all newbies who come looking to trade2win for help and guidance. But I'm sure others will come along the way and help, as they always have and always will be. Sharing information freely has never been more popular than today (look at wiki). Perhaps ego is the one thing that is blocking them from sharing information with others.

I wish you the best in your trading, I hold no grudges, but as far as the talent "myth" is concerned we will never be agreeing.

If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful after all.- Michelangelo
Another Quote

Borrowed it from someone else, thought it was approriate to add to this thread considering the discussing that went on here last year (not meant to stir things up again!):

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”
-- Calvin Coolidge