Trade like a Pro


Hello Traders,

most traders do not understand how the pros are earning their money. It is all about to get an Edge and exploit it. If you are dreaming about doubling your money evey month you will fail for sure.

I attached an account statement of on account we are managing so that you can see that I am not totally clueless about trading.

I will not post the track record every month again, because this thread is not about performance it is about getting people to think about the markets and how the game is played. Maybe you will recognize that the game is not for you and that is not something bad. It can save you a lot of money.

Our business is selling option in various kind of markets like equities, bonds, commodities and currencies. I WILL NOT explain Options because yif you are eager to learn you will find almost everything you need to know about options on the internet.

We are always recommending big accounts >250 k but due to the fact that there are a lot of ETFS options out there it is possible to start with less capitalized accounts.

Please do not copy our trades, we just want to show you how we are doing it and maybe you can develop your own strategy. We have no special indicators and we cannot predict the markets no one can predict the markets.

We want to show you how we are managing our positions. I will try to post the limits every day but we are no day traders and we are holding our positions 30 to 40 days.

Maybe it helps!

Transactions 25.06.2013

Short ZC SEP 13 490 Put @ 5


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Please check the CME website there you will find all the expiration dates

I know what the dates are, I wanted you to specify which contract you traded - but since then I've figured it out.

This thread has potential.
thanks for what are you selling ?
Welcome Pre.
The last time I saw such returns was from a hedge fund and they never post any statement online. So just like NVP asked, what are you selling?
What crap again?

Is this guy a re-incarnation of someone else?
It's yet another thread about how wonderful it is to be selling options and how this sort of strategy could never ever lose you any money...

Or maybe I am too bitter and am judging the OP too harshly.
Hello Traders,

most traders do not understand how the pros are earning their money. It is all about to get an Edge and exploit it. If you are dreaming about doubling your money evey month you will fail for sure.

I attached an account statement of on account we are managing so that you can see that I am not totally clueless about trading.

I will not post the track record every month again, because this thread is not about performance it is about getting people to think about the markets and how the game is played. Maybe you will recognize that the game is not for you and that is not something bad. It can save you a lot of money.

Our business is selling option in various kind of markets like equities, bonds, commodities and currencies. I WILL NOT explain Options because yif you are eager to learn you will find almost everything you need to know about options on the internet.

We are always recommending big accounts >250 k but due to the fact that there are a lot of ETFS options out there it is possible to start with less capitalized accounts.

Please do not copy our trades, we just want to show you how we are doing it and maybe you can develop your own strategy. We have no special indicators and we cannot predict the markets no one can predict the markets.

We want to show you how we are managing our positions. I will try to post the limits every day but we are no day traders and we are holding our positions 30 to 40 days.

Maybe it helps!

Transactions 25.06.2013

Short ZC SEP 13 490 Put @ 5

I dont understand your report card.
It says your NAV beginning is 0.00
It's yet another thread about how wonderful it is to be selling options and how this sort of strategy could never ever lose you any money...

Or maybe I am too bitter and am judging the OP too harshly.

could it be Howie? :p with concealed firearm..:LOL:
could it be Howie? :p with concealed firearm..:LOL:
No, I don't smell any iron condors here... This right here is just straight balls-to-the-wall, c0ck-in-the-custard, penny-in-front-of-steamroller, eat-like-an-elephant-sh1t-like-a-bird stuff.
Oh, I am kind of wondering that some user are so negative about it

I am selling expensive newsletters and seminar which will teach you how to get richt quick

I am selling noting and of course I am losing from time to time, because I can not forsee the future.

It is just one account we are trading for a client and it is generated via Interactive Brokers and it is with real money. But that is not important I just wanted to show that I know a little and I would never say I know it all

I jsut want to show you a different kind of trading than just going long and short. If you are interested you can read if not do not read it.
Hello Traders,

most traders do not understand how the pros are earning their money. It is all about to get an Edge and exploit it. If you are dreaming about doubling your money evey month you will fail for sure.

I attached an account statement of on account we are managing so that you can see that I am not totally clueless about trading.

I will not post the track record every month again, because this thread is not about performance it is about getting people to think about the markets and how the game is played. Maybe you will recognize that the game is not for you and that is not something bad. It can save you a lot of money.

Our business is selling option in various kind of markets like equities, bonds, commodities and currencies. I WILL NOT explain Options because yif you are eager to learn you will find almost everything you need to know about options on the internet.

We are always recommending big accounts >250 k but due to the fact that there are a lot of ETFS options out there it is possible to start with less capitalized accounts.

Please do not copy our trades, we just want to show you how we are doing it and maybe you can develop your own strategy. We have no special indicators and we cannot predict the markets no one can predict the markets.

We want to show you how we are managing our positions. I will try to post the limits every day but we are no day traders and we are holding our positions 30 to 40 days.

Maybe it helps!

Transactions 25.06.2013

Short ZC SEP 13 490 Put @ 5

Why did the NAV still increase in Q3 2011 even tho the account lost 10% ?

(And why is starting NAV 0.00 ? )
The client did another deposit because normally you do that during a drawdown when you are trusting the strategy.
The report is generated with interactive brokers therefore do not ask me why they show 0.00 NAV

Again it is not about the performance it is just a proof that I am not totally clueless. It seems that some members here made horrible expierences.

I just post some trades if you are smart enough not to copy the trades nothing can happen to you.
I don't understand... If it's not about the performance then where is the proof that you're not totally clueless? What you have shown is meaningless, on its own, and doesn't provide any information whatsoever about your "clued-in'ness" or cluelessness. If you want to answer some more specific questions, maybe we can get an idea.

And, one other thing. It appears that the strategy started running in Q2 2009. It seems to me that this is not a coincidence, as the graph of the returns looks remarkably like what you'd get if you were leveraged long Spooz (including the pause in Q2 2010 and the dip arnd Q3 2011 when we had the European mini-crisis). So I imagine that your strategy is yet another variation of "sell Spooz puts and hope for the best". Such strategies generally have the famous property that they work until they blow up in your face. In light of that, have you got any results for the backtest of this for 2006 - Q1 2009 period?