How to succeed without TopStep
Let's cut through the fog, the red herrings, the straw men, and all the elaborate discussions about the customization of "Combines". Let's set aside all the hand wringing from "Funded Traders" who, having never made any real money, attribute it to their own shortcomings and feel compelled to intensify their spiritual quests, documented in their Journals. Why not throw the football metaphors out the window too, while we are at it.
Let's talk about the only logical reason for subscribing to this promotion. The IMPLICATION that by purchasing a subscription, you will have an opportunity to progress to earning a meaningful income through trading of Patak funded equity. Otherwise, what would be the point? The camaraderie of the Man Cave chat room?
It doesn't really matter how many "Funded Traders" or "Draft Choices" or "Honored Guests" or whatever you want to call them there are. The fact that there has never been any outside-vetted disclosure of the existence of ANY meaningfully profitable traders who have emerged from the fraction of subscribers designated as "Funded Traders" indicates to me that it is highly unlikely that any such meaningfully profitable traders exist.
Mr. Transparency likes to say that this information is withheld to protect the privacy of his traders. That's just like saying that releasing the statistical results of a clinical trial violates the privacy of the patients who participate.
I fail to see how the release of AGGREGATED ANONYMOUS information threatens the privacy of any individual except one, whose name has already been mentioned.
So, Combiners, please be encouraged to fill in the blanks to believe whatever you want. After all, would be traders are known for their gullibility. Even if there are no meaningfully profitable traders yet, maybe YOU will be THE FIRST ONE. But think of this phrase should you be able to wrap your brain around the simple proposition set forth above:
Res ipsa loquitur. The thing speaks for itself.
If I were starting from scratch and wanted to succeed at futures or any other kind of trading, I would do the following;
1) Acknowledge that I will never know where price is going on the next tick and accept that this implies I will often lose and must truly accept the risk before trading.
2) Understand money management.
3) Understand the nature, habits, personality, range, patterns, speeds of the instrument I choose to trade.
4) Create a plan to profit from my understanding.
5) Create an accountability system to monitor my testing of the plan.
if the testing is deemed successful
6) Trade the plan live with small risk and with accountability.
7) Increase risk in accordance with the money management plan.
Clearly this can be done without TopStep and just as clearly many people try and fail. The hardest part to setup is the accountability. An accountability partner is a good way to impose discipline.
I will submit that it is possible that TopStep has not significantly altered the rate of success for their customers. I have never seen any trader layout his account statements and prove to me that he is profitable. I understand why this is. More important, I understand why it is not relevant. Only one question important to me; "Can I trade profitably?"
This boils down to two main reasons that someone would consider TopStep; access to their accountability system and access to their capital. The training can be acquired for free, discounting your time. If you can fund your own account with true risk capital then you would only need the accountability. Is that worth $200? The marketplace will decide. Yes, you could construct your own accountability system but will you?
If you think you are a profitable trader, nothing stopping you from hooking up your NinjaTrader to Rithmic and proving it to yourself. If you don't want to or can't fund an account then get a free MetaTrader Demo. Trade a higher timeframe chart and even subtract a tick from each trade to simulate the commission. The EURUSD is not going to be much different from the 6e. If you can be profitable in accordance with the combine rules while trading the spot fx then you will pass the combine. That is, if you were honest with your self while sim trading. and we are back to accountability again.
I do not see any reason to ever trade above the minimum combine size. I also don't see any reason to do them back to back unless you are rolling over. If you get funded and stay profitable you will have opportunities to grow either with top steps partner or elsewhere. No one who truly knows how to trade needs to worry about capital.