Tim. You can't escape trading. It is now in your blood, and you can't escape from T2W (They always come back... (Evil laugh...😈😈😈)).
Seriously though, sometimes we get too close to the action of what we want to do, we can't see the wood for the trees.
I have great respect for the knowledge you have accumulated over the years and the assistance you have imparted on these boards. (just don't give me any trading tips).
All jokes aside now. You performed brilliantly in the beat the broker comp. How many of those trades were US share trades?
It may be stating the obvious and you may have thought of this already. (Well you have 'cause you want to quit). But doesn't that tell you something?
I am not one to mollycoddle, share your sympathies because you couldn't cut it as a usa share trader, pat you on the head and say never mind, so wake the f up.
Do me a big, big favour?
Take a couple of hundred quid and trade at a pound a point EXACTLY as you did in the beat the broker comp.
If trading/scalping the usa didn't work. Do some other form of trading. Naz is an excellent trader, (some question his teaching ability). Grey 1 is very very very good at what he does, if you haven't already, I would suggest you chat with him before you give up usa shares altogether.
Never give up, success could start from your very next trade, as long as you adapt to conditions.
I know full well about the trials and tribilations that come from the passion and addiction that trading is. If you have to stop 'being' a full time trader, have to get another job to bring money in and support trading that way then do it. It is not an admission of defeat. Don't look at it as such. If you were continually having problems trading the way you were. CHANGE SOMETHING. Do not repeat your mistakes.
(But adjust the risks you took accordingly).
I hate to see anyone give up at this. People will of course because most deserve to. They will not or do not put the work in that is neccessary to advance. But you have done the hard bit.
Do not give up... ever!
And when you make it, just remember to send a couple of mill my way for keeping you in the game.