Time-Frame diversification

Any and all time frames are valid for trading. It's really just preference. I'm a day trader myself for various reasons.

But I do use the 30s, 5m, and 1h for trades (and the daily for the big picture). They all provide their own market perspective.

Hell, I just gave the 5s a shot this morning and it's eminently tradeable, provided the spread is almost nil. 😆

thats the key....👍
I'm quoting from the opening message, I don't say diversification, in the sense of risk diversification to protect a portfolio, is achieved by trading different time frames.

However, it is interesting that many people do say this, yet don't actually do it. Traders and teachers often say the same markets can be traded with the same TA in different time frames, yet it seems none of us believe that's true. What do you think's going on?

nothing wrong with trading a 5min TF against a 4 hour TF Signal ...:smart:
Correct and right on the money!! Governments banning? No, not necessary if experienced fellas like you gave the newcomer the FACTS OF TRADING LIFE

The facts speak for themselves. 80-95% lose right out the starting gate. Trading is hard, its bloody tough, but you clowns give the new entrant the wrong picture and thereby set them up for a life of losing and misery for their families who have to endure yet another addiction that maims.

sorry....I cant remember me here on T2W ever telling a newbie that trading is easy

we cant win

We tell them its easy.... (you vend*r B*stards)
Tell them its hard...... (you insufferable closed shop bigoted bores)

so what are we telling them ?
I played with him before, when I was briefly hooked in by his RAT for 12 hours. He thought he had a sucker and engaged.

Wasn't expecting a response, as he probably has 100's of threads going all over the place.



you dont get it do you......it takes years and years to get known on FF and places like here......and to get to know some of the names you are claiming you "play" with......Bless 🙄

take your time .......show us something that works to impress us and perhaps one day you will have the wannabee idiots showing up at your door 😉

perhaps even show up again on Flashs thread and actually make some money....that helps



you dont get it do you......it takes years and years to get known on FF and places like here......and to get to know some of the names you are claiming you "play" with......Bless 🙄

My posts are in the thread. Go find them if you want them. See, all my claims are backed by statements.

.......show us something that works to impress us and perhaps one day you will have the wannabee idiots showing up at your door 😉

No, anything that works I keep for myself. I may refer to them obliquely as a play. I am not a sharing kind of guy unless with people who shared with me. I have never asked you to share, so the share with you is permanently closed.
you get what you give. share with us BJ.

PS: better change your nic; BJ could mean other things. 😆
sorry....I cant remember me here on T2W ever telling a newbie that trading is easy

we cant win

We tell them its easy.... (you vend*r B*stards)
Tell them its hard...... (you insufferable closed shop bigoted bores)

so what are we telling them ?

(Non - religious)

Its easy. You just tell them the truth. And what might that be?

Only 5% will make it, the rest will perish and put their families thru' severe crisis.

And if you think you are one of the 5%, remember that every mother's son thinks he's a born winner.

And I personally would throw this in:

You will be broke, miserable and devoid of humor 6 months from now - just like Jesus said to Satan when the latter was messing with Lazarus in the temple ....

In a bellowing voice as if thru' a meagaphone, SATAN, leeeeeeeeeeve him NOW!

The corresponding reality of that bellowing voice of Jesus - is the call from deep within you, a mere whisper that wafts thru' the myriad reality levels to YOURS when you lie in a gutter just a mere shadow of your former self - that is the message from your Higher Consciousness for you see, you hit rock bottom and as you arrived at the southern tip you threw up a telephone call to HIM just as Croc Dundee did ( 🙂🙂) - from there you limp back home and apologize to your family and start anew - the prodigal son returns home.

Stress test for traders: Do you need a new job? - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
Interesting article deadbroke (which I hope you're not literally).

Interesting also how Farrell conflates trader with day trader, recognising only one time frame for trading.
Youre giving away your immaturity there deadbroke. Trade2Win should have an age policy for younglings such as yourself. You see only an idiot makes such comments referencing an article on a site that earns money from vendors. Lesson 1, do your homework and source reputable information that isn't provided through a sales platform for vendors before you use it as an authorative reference. Lesson 2, branding a person who is in essence a complete stranger is the type of thing I expect from a child, not an adult, you not doing yourself any favours and frankly it looks pathetic. Keep it up and you going to make more enemies than friends

<<<<<< Keep it up and you going to make more enemies than friends <<<<<<

I've accomplished this already - zero friends and universally hated at T2W.

<<<<<<<< Trade2Win should have an age policy for younglings such as yourself <<<<<<<

The only policy T2W OUGHTTA have is proof of trading results over a long enough period , say 5 years.

But since T2W is a business the site would go broke because if the truth were out that perhaps just 1 or 2 traders were earning more than at a McDonalds job, nobody would come here no more - the site would go bust, ditto for all other such sites.
err...you need to look in the mirror for that one. Forget to use a stoploss lately??


<<<<<<< Forget to use a stoploss lately?? <<<<<<<

Why would I need a stopless if you're convinced I'm on demo?

Why would I be misemotional if as you say, I'm on demo?
I'll make it easier for you .......

show us your Demo results

I am happy to show you my current trade that isn't a demo. This one has a good chance of turning into a reasonable winner.



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<<<<<<< Forget to use a stoploss lately?? <<<<<<<

Why would I need a stopless if you're convinced I'm on demo?

Why would I be misemotional if as you say, I'm on demo?

What does misemotional mean Demo-meatbeat? Is it how you feel when you're chewing on winnets from "Brit" truckers?


Why do people use demo? Do you see why people still use stops on demo? Unless they're demoing an approach without stops of course. Try that Demo-meatbeat, it might work.

Don't forget to brush your teeth after your shift!
