Thread Blocked? Call Dyna-Rod!

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Thread blocked = insufficient privs to post? Not quite but close enough .............

For new_trader: you're in it now, there's no escape. Fibo's IN
permission to post ............

Moderator walked up to my car and said, "I clocked you at 140, you're going to jail for a very long time and you will never be able to drive again - you should not have sped up after you saw me, that will cost you dearly"

Fibo: Can you let me go with just a warning?

Moderator: Tell you what I'll do. I'm tired, its 3 AM, my wife has a nice meal ready for me, I want to get home quick so here's the deal ..... if you can give me a good reason/excuse why you were speeding so outrageously, one that I have never heard before, I will let you go without a ticket

Fibo: A few months ago my wife ran off with a cop. I thought it was YOU and you were trying to give her back.

Moderator: Have a nice night. You're free to go
Funeral services will be held at Forest Lawn during the entire month of ? .................. or months of 2020?

One here said this but THEY all say the same, all of them, every single mother's son, daughter in this case says the same. What do they say?

Gold to the moon, sometime soon?

Fibo gonna pray pray pray for 'em all 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Don, can you put the recent deleted post here in this thread like you usually do?
No Joe, one post was off topic where it was and makes even less sense here. The other was insulting a member and
as such it's not going to make it here either. Don't be surprised if further go missing.

Don't forget to address the issue with accusations of anti Americanism on the boards, I haven't found any as yet, have you?

Also not yet seen a robust defence of your use of fibs, I take it you aren't going there?
(1) No Joe, one post was off topic where it was and makes even less sense here. The other was insulting a member and
as such it's not going to make it here either. Don't be surprised if further go missing.

(2) Don't forget to address the issue with accusations of anti Americanism on the boards, I haven't found any as yet, have you?

(3) Also not yet seen a robust defence of your use of fibs, I take it you aren't going there?

Thanks Don,

(1) OK, got it.

(2) Sorry Don, I have not forgotten, thanks for reminding me though, I defo plan on doing this. Will start today, have one already - coming up next post

(3) Defense of use of Fibonacci? Good point Don. I have not bothered to defend it simply because of the following reasons, also applicable at ET: Consensus is: Fibs don't work, Gann don't work, Trendlines don't work, patterns don't work are drug induced imagination, Elliottwave don't work, all bs, losses all the time - the biggest one is TA don't work.
Also not yet seen a robust defence of your use of fibs, I take it you aren't going there?

I will go there, you bet, but not for any of your deadbeats like Rufus who has never even put on a trade - just for YOU. Let's go about it systematically. Pick one instrument. YOUR choice. I would assume its GBPUSD or London FTSE 100 but I won't limit you - you can pick from hundreds of others. They all work. YOU pick, then give me a chance to show my stuff right here. I know you don't trade and that is no biggie for me - I will do it step by step in a very easy manner for you to follow.

Waiting for your input.

Will add this: I absolutely love the challenge.

When YOU and only YOU tell me you are satisfied will I consider that a win for me. The others are too full of hatred towards me that even if I gave 'em gold, it would be ignored. You should know by now since you are policing my posts (gladly accepted) that I have eliminated your entire gang - last one to get trashed is new_trader. So I will take no questions from any of these punks - fck 'em.

Its for you Don

Bring it on, Don.
No Joe, one post was off topic where it was and makes even less sense here. The other was insulting a member and
as such it's not going to make it here either. Don't be surprised if further go missing.

Don't forget to address the issue with accusations of anti Americanism on the boards, I haven't found any as yet, have you?

Also not yet seen a robust defence of your use of fibs, I take it you aren't going there?

Don, sorry forgot to state that the deleted post was never intended to be on-topic, it was meant as a joke right from the start. Totally irrelevant to the thread. Would you reconsider placing it here in this thread?

Don, this was one of the great things about ET. Now, no need to tell me, "This is not ET, we don't give a sh*t about 'em, we have our own show and our own rules and a different culture - if you don't like it go back there"

Jokes spice up a place. Take it from me, T2W is a graveyard. You guys are just way too serious, way too tight-assed and stiff. At ET there never ever was relevancy of a joke to the thread - the readers knew it was never meant to be.

Some examples follow and then 2 jokes that you missed deleting right here that were also as always totally off-topic.

See next. But first please reconsider posting the deleted post here ................... its just a request, your call.
ET's top female poster, NoDoji, a highly technical gal, super highly educated (easy to tell, no need for profile view) - had a great following, her followers loved her, she was like a saint.

My first post to her was, "Man with hand in bush is not necessarily gardener" ....... many readers choked but a few laffed their asses off

Next day it was, "Stupid Man give wife grand piano, wise man give her upright organ" .......... laffter grew into a force

Then, "Passionate kiss, like spider web, soon leads to undoing of fly" (your dummies here won't get this one)

Still no response from DoDoji. She continued her technical postings. But the members were waking up to the jokes and the laffffter was building. this went on for 4 weeks. One fella in particular who worked a boring office job was laffffffing so much he told us that he was threatened by the boss to get fired - he said the laffter was so infectious that his co-workers would lafff too and soon started reading and could not wait each day for me to get online and start my bullshit. 🙂🙂🙂
Then, about a month down the line, still no word or response from NoDoji, I posted this:

"Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone!

Bloody Hell, even ET owner was now laffing his ass of and dig this, NoDoji came on with her first response with,

"Man who walks sideways thru' airport turnstile going to Bangcock

Jesus H Christ, pandemonium broke out at ET. The 6 other girl posters joined in and loads of fellas chimed in and it became a full blown fest.

The only one thoroughly pissed off was your counterpart, the cop, Magna. I got death threats like 4-6 per day. He even contacted the girls to ask if I was offensive to them and they said NO and then PMed me to watch out that he was after my ass.

God damn, ET became a magnificent place for lafffffter.
I hit on NoDoji. Very graciously she smiled and replied, "sorry I'm married" I queried if happy in marriage she said, "for the most part, but we argue and fight now and then" Then she asked me if I had any tips for continued success in her marriage?

I replied to her to cut down on the fighting with her fella with, "Woman who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse"

The place flipped out. ET was rocking and rolling bigtime. It was a ball just to get on line and see the lafffffter alerts and new jokes pouring out in open court. For my entire stay there people totally stopped posting to the JOKES thread as they found it too boring and out-of-context.

The 6 gals laffffed their asses off with

"It take many nails to build crib but only one screw to fill it"
You missed this one ................ the quote contained "asses" ............ that's what fired me off 🙂

Trading with different asses brings to mind these 2 eye-talian guys on a bus ..............

They sit down and engage in an animated conversation. The lady sitting behind them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:

"Emma come first. Den I come. Den two asses come together. I come once-a-more. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come one lasta time."

"You foul-mouthed swine," retorted the lady indignantly. "In this country we don't talk about our sex lives in public!"

"Hey, coola down lady," said the man. "Who talkin' abouta sexa? I'm a justa tellin' my frienda how to spella 'Mississippi'."

ET exploded. Pandemonium

Some guys started praying, "God, whatever you're feeding Fibo, please don't stop" 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Like you, Don, Magna was deleting stuff left and right. I even told Baron to send the prick on vacation for 3 months so we could all have a ball but Magna would not go and even his wife was getting pissed off with him because even during sex, he would stop cold when the alert came that Joe was online. He would drop everything and pounce on me everywhere I went.

Siggy, long after I'm banned and you miss me, remember this one, its my best ever prank, none of my other pranks come anywhere close to this one ...............

Driving down a modestly busy road in LA I pulled up alongside a Big Cadillac that had its windows down and so did I.
In the Caddy were 2 big black ladies in the front seats, i.e. the driver and passenger. I was alone in my car and in a particularly playful and mischievous mood. It was a long traffic light at La Cienega blvd., a major intersection. The 2 black ladies were obviously some type of super religious bible toting Jesus fanatics, not Muslim, they were plain American Black ladies and they were so damned serious - like T2W cats. they were looking straight ahead and no smile, no nothing, did not even turn their heads to look at me.

So I leaned towards 'em and in my most devilish demeanor, said, "you ladies want to come to my place for some heavy drinkin and partyin?

They both turned in a jiffy to look at me and within a split second the one closest said to the other, "hit it Mary, its the Devil hisself!"

They rammed thru' the red light and almost hit 3 or 4 cars and didn't even stop at the next light, so scared out of their wits they were.

Can you dig it? Fibo is no different in real life. Always scaring the shit out of lambs, wimps and sissies - everywhere I go.

Hasta la vista, Siggy. Hope you guys will lighten up some so we can have some fun before I get banned for good. 🙂🙂🙂

OK Don,

Arrived here May 6th ................ I will go thru' the early posts to find answers to your question above about americans .........

but here's this for starters as I believe thus far that this was what started the entire attack - your gang drew first blood, it was not I. I was a nice guy who was getting fcked by my SHORT SPY trade that had gone off the rails.

I'll try to get better, malaguti. Did you have to nail my parents too? 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

What a treat to read all this again!!!! I had no idea back then that it was impossible to make friends here!!!!!! Those were the good ole days. I sure as heck miss 'em 🙂

will cherish thee gems from malaguti forever .....................

constantly referring to yourself in the 3rd, low self esteem, the need to call out everyone, the need to be right
you're 12 Fibo..."come play malagutti" just about sums it up.

you got it wrong Fibo, deal with it. you got chucked out of ET, deal with it

these are your issues Fibo, not mine. no, i wont be "playing" you got it wrong Fibo. you got it wrong, mate

if they dont play, they're a chicken...another ET herdist right?

you're 12 Fibo🙂

show us you can be an adult....go on I dare you... i double dare you

you have issues Fibo, deal with them.

"They kiss Fibo and embrace him"...because your parents didn't

We've got there at last! There you go mate, there you go. Let it all out now. Your first step to getting better.

Deal with them now, talk to them. Tell them you still love them. Yes embrace them. The kids that bullied you at school...embrace them too

You can grow now

We believe you Fibo. You gotta believe in yourself though buddy. Your parents probably did too they just couldn't express themselves
Talk to them buddy.


What's that Fibo, nobody's playing with you?

South of France, so they left you did they?
You can do it mate

You live there and other places...other homes?
I'm guessing you're an only child?
Nothing wrong in that, just an observation

So when you said short, it wasnt just your ass on the line. You poor thing. I can understand why it must be difficult
Tell them you were wrong they will still love you

Nighty night little one. Someone will play with you tonight I'm sure. Mind the Catholics though 🙂
Oh yeah, well if it wasn't for us, the United States wouldn't be united, in the area now occupied by America there would be several shithole countries speaking either French or Spanish. Ungrateful colonials... 🙄
The best one was ......................

Sometimes curiosity gets the better of me and I click 'Show Ignored Content'. My God! It's like peering into the padded cell of a Lunatic and watching him smear excrement all over himself.🤢
permission implicitly granted by virtue of no deletion and 3 teardrops found on the screen DNA confirms it belongs to don

Jengira does and she's quite good at it. 🙂

But she takes a heck of a lot of static and taunting from the other girls who are all Conventional Technical Analysis traders at Goldman Sachs. They all fish at the same lake on Sundays. But Jenjira always catches loads of fish while the others catch nothing. She always finds herself fishing on the opposite side of the lake as the girls. This went on for weeks until finally the girls cornered her and demanded to know how she is so lucky/successful at catching fish?

She replied, "when I wake up in the morning I see which way my Elliottwave boyfriend Fibo's wave is pointing - left or right, I go to that side of the lake to fish. Always works.

Aha scoffed one of the smart Alec girls - what if Fibo's Wave is pointing straight up?

Jenjira replied, "that's a 3rd wave - I stay Home"


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Submitted AGAIN as TEMPLATE evidence, Exhibit E: that THEY drew 1st blood, unprovoked when I had barely entered T2W. All I did was stroll my own graveyard where I was getting my ass kicked by being on the wrong side of trading SPY. But THEY came at me, first one, then 2, then 3, then 1 and so on .............

There's more, will dig 'em up as time goes by

Dowser said:
Oh yeah, well if it wasn't for us, the United States wouldn't be united, in the area now occupied by America there would be several shithole countries speaking either French or Spanish. Ungrateful colonials...

And so it is - every damnn place, anywhere everywhere regardless where one goes where there is predominance of Brits and a minority of Americans, the gangbang is guaranteed and the best part? .... the rape will be allowed to go on and the moderators will turn a blind eye to it for fear of losing their status as "defender of Brit-Land"
Watch this: How big a backbone does Don have regarding asking me if I am willing and ready to prove Fibonacci works? I said YES and am waiting for him to step up to the arena as I accept his challenge, but dig this:

He is placing himself at great risk here because he will be shafting the very people who are expecting him to defend 'em. They will be humiliated egregriously and made to look so stupid that all the blame will fall on Don for stirring this up.

The requests for banning Fibo will escalate to such a degree that the backbone of Don will be tested to the nth.

He will succumb. Nobody can survive such an onslaught by the HERD = gangbangers = mob = entity-of-no-individuals-all-group-collective-as-if-ONE