trading ideas & strategy building blocks


this thread will contain building blocks to build strategies and idaes for where to go from when you feel stuck , please think of out of the box ideas for trading and post them up ...its good to join in 👍

The first of many ideas to come :

Moving Average Shift Idea

Here is a simple idea that is based on one moving average and then replicating that moving average with a +10 shift to the right.
The idea being that when the moving average crosses over itself it creates a buy or sell signal.
I do not recommend trading of this as is this is an idea on which you can build and create your own system to trade, allot of hard work and experimentation should go in to creating a trading system.

It is also recommended that you statistically prove to yourself that the system you created made money in the past before you start trading with real money , also you must note that a system that has made money in the past is not guaranteed to do so in the future!
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tangent trading idea

Tangent trading theory (moving average)

The idea here is you start with a horizontal line on the bottom of a moving average curve, entering the trade much like in “moving average change in direction compared to horizontal”


but then when the moving average starts to curve in one direction or the other you redraw the line matching the tangent of the curve.


When the moving average doubles back over tangent you close the trade.


This is only a idea to trade on it is not tested in any way there is no guarantee that it will work please demo test this on a platform yourself before committing any capital.

for more ideas like this check out my site onlyaboutforex
