Thread Blocked? Call Dyna-Rod!

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Excellent - Good to see you realise how much fate and indeed serendipity appears in the path we all walk

some traders can fall apart when a few trades unwind and things go pear shaped ....but in truth its part of the game and removes the losers .........

as a scalper i do lose on some trades ..part of the game ....

There's more from the great NVP but what I've showed above ought to be enough.

The post with feedback about my thread after reading it was on Page 77. You will notice the drop off in acceleration as my interest waned when I realized that only ET is reading it.

Fibo i have to say you are a true one off......never seen anyone like you before on T2win .......and ive been here a long time
keep the value coming......
Doesn't matter how many posts get deleted, incoherent ranting never makes sense which is why nobody reads it.
Some people just gots lots of time to waste and we all know the agenda anyways. Post copious loads of crap to annoy everyone whilst giving the Mods something to do.

Things were much better when Mods exercised judgement in the days before constitution. Rambo on the rampage was a sight to behold!

This is one of the core 30. My posts are so way above his level as to be total


so what's the point in posting at T2W? Nobody is interested.
Beats me ! But i'm sure you are correct.

You better believe it, clown. Let me spell it out for you:

counter-violent: zero live trades in 20 years, Net contribution to site for excellence in trading by name T2W = near zero

fibo_trader: 47 live trades in under 6 months, Net contribution to site for excellence in trading by name T2W >= all members combined over at least the time I've been here.
In 6 months here at T2W ...........

#posts deleted ............ lost count, seems like we crossed 100 deletions within the 2nd or 3rd month

#blocked threads ............ lost count but could be around 40.

One of the blocked threads is where the op himself, one of the core engine of T2W is crying daily for me to return so HE has a shot to LIVE. Without me he is DEAD in 6 months and he knows it.

His last post:
Saturday at 8:38 AM
fibo? buddy? what's going on?
Level of stupidity of the core 30? see demonstration here:

taunting and teasing that fibo was not updating his trade on GBP - of course he did not know that Fibo had been barred from the thread. And of course don would not tell him, for it would be max. for op to think that fibo had run away. And there lurking in the thread, several posts back, Fibo had clearly stated the profit target well before the time to TP even arrived.

Such is the stupidity I'm dealing with here. Loser Central

Jan 13, 2020
I'm so highly leveraged to the short side that I might take some off the table if/when the following occur:

see latest steep trendline + RSI trendline in lower panel: if both get taken out I will take some money off the table. The chart is 1H so you cannot see the anticipated TP on the 4H chart mentioned in prev. post


bring me any one of your clowns who can do what I did even in just one instance as shown above ....

You better believe it, clown. Let me spell it out for you:

counter-violent: zero live trades in 20 years, Net contribution to site for excellence in trading by name T2W = near zero

fibo_trader: 47 live trades in under 6 months, Net contribution to site for excellence in trading by name T2W >= all members combined over at least the time I've been here.

Done plenty of live trading on here if you bother digging. Not that I care what you think about anything at all.

The deal from yesterday is on your desk in PM and here now. Be a nice guy and reciprocate. You are the winner, you got what you wanted, so take the win and complete this NOW

Delete all my threads and posts, I leave instantly for good. Close out my T2W account too. Your wish come true. No banning required.

Let's do it amigo. 🙂🙂🙂
Done plenty of live trading on here if you bother digging. Not that I care what you think about anything at all.

Of course you care that's why you keep taking me on and off Ignore to come read and answer. that makes you an outright p****Y. Only b*tches give their boyfriends this sort of sh*t.

But wait I have a solution for fun sake. There ain't nothing like a duel to sort things out

GBPUSD live trade starting February 1 right f*** here in broad daylight. so gives you time to prepare and study up some more. Bring in your gang of 30.

You already refused to show your trading records = wimp. Now if you refuse a trading duel that confirms you are a total wuss.

Your court, clown
Done plenty of live trading on here if you bother digging. Not that I care what you think about anything at all.

Take this to the bank, clown

Not only do you not have power in your entire frame to equal what I got in just one toe, you would get slaughtered by oneof your own here at T2W, one of your core engine. NVP would bugger you and slap you stupid in just one trade and leave you so far in the dust you'd quit for good.

Multiply that by 1000 and you got me.

But talk is talk. A duel will settle it once and for all

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezy to settle stuff the old fashioned way. Back then it was a fist fight, then it became a karate fight. But this here is a different level altogether
- a TRADING duel

Stra[p your balls on and comem to Fibo.

Say when

If there is any honor left in your frame, consider this: put yourself in my shoes for a moment and tell me if you would be so thrilled to post here when the posts are being deleted at breakneck speed and rights to post are being severed like f***** artery?

Now you understand my posts about the UK? Heck, I even told one your guys that don't for a minute believe that just because your actions are in the historic past (cruelty and slaughter of millions) does not mean its gone away. Fighting dirty is in your blood, all of you.

End phenomena has been reached for me Don.

Jeez, you've got he mob in your corner, how can you lose against jut one guy. Notone of you has the guts to up agasinst me LIVE trading at a site named

TRADE 2 WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎

I thought so.

Delete all my threads and posts. One shot. My visit to T2W is to be a total write-off without claiming it on my taxes, hehehehehe. A totally free walk away and not look back.
My thoughting:

I want the best. There is no such thing as the best of the best. there is only the best

And that best be ET.

Can't have it, so I cut my losses and live without trading forums, period.

Hehehehe, that's just the way it is. 🙂
Done plenty of live trading on here if you bother digging. Not that I care what you think about anything at all.

Come to the duel clown. My days here are over. Let's finish this, NOW. We can do the duel this way: bring 6 deputies with you. Like so: then you and I face eachohter one on one after I've disposed of your entire gang.


Think that Fibo's GOD is not watching? Dream on! Think that HE did not send the Angel of Fire to assist FIBO at this dump where posts are being deleted left and right and rules are applied to me and not to others? Dream on! The biggest mistake made here on this site is to do a thread about GOD and then in the thread disparage, belittle and mock him.

That's gonna cost you bigtime. And THE MAN for sure has noticed that FIBO still stood there and took all the shots and then dig this, gets barred from the thread in which only He is defending God. Oh brother, the penalties will be severe for the ones in that thread - their TRADING will never recover - EVER.

GOD looked at my scars, sent a PM to the Angel of Fire, who then engineered the paths crossing with the magnificent NVP

That's how fast God is when I have scars and ask for Help.

NVP came-d in and buggered Don, Trader333 and then entire site in just this one post. Literally f****d the entire T2W versus FIBO.

Take that to the bank, clowns!

Fibo i have to say you are a true one off......never seen anyone like you before on T2win .......and ive been here a long time
keep the value coming......
This will go down in one of 2 ways:

(1) The cowardly way: Fibo will just be cut off from being able to Log in.

(2) Honor will show up and delete my posts and threads and kiss and cuddle and then I leave in PEACE, no hard feelings

Which will it be?

Given that we are dealing with the UK, (1) is the likely route.

But hey, I'm an optimistic guy, misguided yes, but nevertheless miracles can happen