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Proof? Tomorten of T2W posts at ET. He is alive because he is a NOBODY and does not post the shit he posts here at ET.

DbPhoenix made the mistake of entering the Political forum and got the American Flag painted across his ass 1 centimeter deep. Go to ET and type in his name and see "giant p****y come up in neon lights" Go see for yourselves
T2W mob of defo 30 core engine but also throw in another 70 or more and you have a MOB loading the pressure on 2 cops (mods) who are probably not even getting paid to do the sh*t they do.

Can't tell you how much I wish I was one of these cops and the mob came at me. It would make my friggin century

On the CALL to him in FLA he said to me, "they not you are making my life miserable.

Perhaps you aren't making him miserable anymore because you are banned?🙂

Rufus_Leakey has arrived. But Fibo (Ntwadumela) is not interested in someone at the bottom of the pile of complainers. Ntwadumela wants the Matriarch b*tch of T2W. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Once the matriarch is gone, the rest go away quietly. didn't know that? duh! 🙂

At 1:10
Perhaps you aren't making him miserable anymore because you are banned?🙂

View attachment 273137

Correct! His heart, mind and soul are in blissful PEACE now that the damned Fibo is no more causing him sleepless nites. But wait it gets better. He had 6 beers with me recently, we picked up 2 bimbos (I as usual did the closing) and plugged 'em both at the Hilton, Orlando where I was staying. Baron stayed the whole nite (changed room to a suite) and we booted the bimbos out in the morning and had breakfast, just the 2 of us.

That's when he said and could not stop laffffing .................... that his #1 cop (named Magna) was under so much psychological duress and stress during my stay at ET that he complained to Baron that he could not even finish having sex with his wife on 2 occasions because he got the forum alert that Fibo just came online, so he told his wife, "Joe just logged in and is going to say some shit any minute now, gotta go!"

Man we laffffed so hard. We love Baron. He's a fun guy. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

By the way, the nite was so good that we swapped a couple times, i.e. plugged 'em both.
T2W is just way tooooooo serious, there's no fun, no frolic. Fellas like me are crified here from day 1 because the members are so f***** uptight and tight ass that it brings out the Troll in us players. We are not trolls, just human, if a girl sticks her ass out at me I'm gonna nail it. its as simple as that.

At ET the cats can roll that's for sure. FUN is highly sought after. Technicals are highly sought after. Its the best combination of WORK/LEARN and Fun all rolled into ONE!

Miss ET? You're damn straight, I miss her.

T2W is just way tooooooo serious, there's no fun, no frolic. Fellas like me are crucified here from day 1 because the members are so f***** uptight and tight ass that it brings out the Troll in us players. We are not trolls, just human, if a girl sticks her ass out at me I'm gonna nail it. its as simple as that.

At ET the cats can roll that's for sure. FUN is highly sought after. Technicals are highly sought after. Its the best combination of WORK/Learn and FUN

Why don't these members get banned entirely?? Trying to read threads where 1/2 the posts are from ignored members is useless. The threads make zero sense. It's not even worth it to post/ read here anymore when there are so many threads like this. JUST permanently ban them. I understand that Sharky is against this but we have been told over and over again through the years that mods act INDEPENDENTLY of admin. We now know this isn't so. Thanks to a few idiots this entire forum has turned to complete rubbish and the mods appear useless.

/end of rant,

Mods don't make the rules, they are there to enforce rules that Admin have set and this is still independent. If Admin set new rules then Mods act based on the new rulings. You are right though that in the era of previous rules, Mods would have issued banning more readily than they do now.
ET versus T2W:
Experience gots to count for something ................ I've been in both place.
AT ET every single member of T2W would be burned alive within a very short time if their posts here at T2W were also done at ET.
ET devours saints in under 3 seconds. ET is probably the best internship for p****** on the Planet. And if you want the real test, go to the Political forum and see what happens to you.
"I'm TUFF...I'm so TUFF I post in the Political forum in ET!"


"I'm TUFF...I'm so TUFF I post in the Political forum in ET!"


Don, I rarely strike first, rarely draw first blood. 🙂


OK Doll, answering your smart alec post with enormous pleasure but let me first remind you of the vocabulary lessons you got from me - EFFLUVIUM. Now, Uncle Donn was rightly annoyed to see this word combined with "Vaginal" - he went "yuk" - I don't blame him one bit, because in real life I've been in that kind of dilemma more than once and thought DEATH had arrived.

TUFF, TUFF TUFF ...................... you have to be, baby, absolutely.

Rules of the ET not in exact words, conceptually, Political Forum: If you're thin skinned and weak and cannot take a blow or blows to your psyche, it is not recommended for you to be here. You're here at your own peril on your own responsibility. Your complaints will not be responded to.
"I'm TUFF...I'm so TUFF I post in the Political forum in ET!"


Doll, you would not last 1 second in the ET Politics forum. Want proof? Heck here at T2W you're hiding behind closed doors at your Journal, terrified to even step out to take a dump in the open air under the trees in case Fibo is waiting, but are more than happy to lock all the windows and dooors and then throw out bombs at Fibo.

You're female so its not right to call you a p***y.

Additionally, you refuse to go head to head with me on Gold trading in real time (daily TF is OK as you are an investor).

Furthermore, you refuse to meet with me person to person in Central London face to face, trading records in hand, proof of gold purchases in hand and current statement from your storage vault.

You can bring Don and Trader333 with you as bodyguards.

Say when? 👠👩‍👦‍👦👜🥿
"I'm TUFF...I'm so TUFF I post in the Political forum in ET!"


Doll, you're going to have to step up your game when you deal with me. Your video just makes me hard. 🙂 Its time to skin it, baby, nail the smokewagon.

Yes, always give credit where it is due: Thanks deadbroke👍

Who is better? ..... dead_broke or fibo_trader?

When live-in girlfriends give dead_broke sh*t, he gets pissed and storms out and is gone for hours.

When live-in girlfriend gives Fibo sh*t like, "its not working" - Fibo nails their ass with the boomerang Fibo original, "how soon can you be gone, I'll have you replaced within 24 hrs?" The b*tch never leaves and it drags on for a year until I throw her out - literally.

that's the difference between me and dead_broke. But we are friends of the same nature same game, both hunters of the soft stuff

dead_broke and I did a trip to Eastern Europe because he challenged me to a duel on his home turf - nailing b*tches in a one-call close. This means, no dates tomorrow, no dinner dates, none of that sh*t, YOU had to clse the deal in one shot at one sitting, that very same session, not even later in the evening is allowed by those rigid rules. they are the rules of the ONE-CALL CLOSER.

After the trip he made a video of me and him. This is what he said. His name is Roosh.

There are only a few things that are dead certain in Life. Financial Markets are not one of them - they are anything but CERTAIN - they have to be dealt with on the basis of "odd" or "probabilities"

But when it comes to new_trader here at T2W, there are 2 certainties:

(1) She loves dead_broke

(2) She loves fibo_trader.

Both give her goosebumps. Both take her to high frequency Hz but here Fibo has the Edge by taking her up to 40Khz.

Reason she won't come out of her cage in Journals and go face to face with me is becasue just one touch on her arm, one look in her eye and she's done for - there is no escape thereafter.

My Christmas song to her says it all - listen to the whole song, there isn't any better one. I thought at one point that the best christmas music came from the French Antilles. Wrong! It came-d from right in my backyard

I believe dead_broke also used the word, "antediluvian"

FYI, only o.oooooooooooooooooooooooo1% of the world's English population knows this word and can define it with aplomb. the only ones who know it are spelling Bee contestants.

There are many others like it

Fibo has them all. Its a thing of utmost pride. The fellow with the Vocabulary is worth way more than Warren Buffet.

In Fibo's case add 5 other languages to the arsenal. Thai being the latest one added.

Any government office Fibo goes to for documents or whatnot, just go to the front of the loooooong line as at Department of Motor Vehicles for example (Thigh-Land) and say, "You magnificent creature, hope you're having a wonderful day" - they see and hear I'm a foreigner. what knocks 'em out is the diction.

Boom, front of the line, in and out in under 5 min.

See next for Immigration office, thailand
Only dead_broke and I can pull this sort of thing off with ease

These poor Brits and Europeans and Aussies hate Fibo with a passion so huge, it actually might even be worse than at T2W. Whenever I leave the premises with my annual visa renewed in under 4 minutes, they, especially the Brits show a shit fit with comments like, "there goes that motherf********* yankwith bribing and fck** it up for all of us"

Truth it, no bribe but I do have something of intense and immense value that I use to the hilt

I have the treaty between Thailand and USA in my passport in both languages and present that to them at the window pointing out in perfect thai language, "Saharat America puan gann reo reo krap, khap khun kap"

= Traty between america and Land of smiles guarantees any American citizen rapid excellent service ahead of all other nationalities.

dead_broke agrees with me. Maria Carey has displaced this long-held #1 in top slot from the French Antilles

dead_broke and Fibo are the only 2 this side of the world and 3 others from Asia who got this right at first crack ...............

dead_broke got it right in 17 lines of Math (Trig), Fibo in 11, but Howard beat us all, got it in 8 lines. Howard is a soft kinda guy lives in Australia nowadays - occipital lobes the size of watermelon, comm lag so close to zero its quite incredible. Anything I cannot solve, including dead_broke's input, we call Howard and boom, he'll have it after a cup of coffee.

Starting from first principles and without the use of computers or calculators or smartphones prove that

cot 7½° = √2 + √3 + √4 + √6
dead_broke, Fibo and John Nelson, triple team knocking 'em dead in Rio de Janeiro .......................... a stunner at the bar in the most popular club, partially outdoors - turning down fellas like there was no tomorrow. All scampered off with their tails between their legs. GAME is same as my thread calling the BEAR Market Top = psychology but in this case as you all know, wrong ...........

When he stream of guys stopped and she just sat there alone sipping her drink, we tossed for it - John first, then dead_broke then then finally it would be my turn to hit on her.

John lasted 45 seconds but then had to retreat. dead_broke lasted a minute. Same fate.

My turn. Went to her, said Hi, and sat quietly for 4 minutes, then Jesus H Christ, for cryin out loud go on home, take a shower and come back. then ignored her. "How dare you talk to me like that?" You can't come to a bar and expect a fellow like me to pick you up smelling like cheap perfume now, can you?

Long story short! Nailed the top. She got her best friends and John and dead_broke got in on the action too.

Market Psychology is the same regardless what is being hunted.

that's the lesson. Always worked, always will. Any mistake is no fault of the market but the hunter