Thomas Moore Global - Boiler Room ?

Its highly unlikely that they are actually located in Tokyo, they are just renting virtual offices around the world and then using these as addresses or in other cases just making up an address. For example Luxor Associates used an address at 16 Rue Pradier, Geneva but the last building in that street is number 14. virtual offices have been used on many occassions in Switzerland and London but the scammers are never actually located where they say they are, which isnt surprising given the nature of their business. I dont know your circumstances but it might be better to start looking in the country you transferred your money to.
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The following email was received from TMG suggesting that they will resolve the situation within 3 days.

My first instinct is that it is another stage of the scam.

My second instinct was to call their bluff using an escrow account.

See email below, (copied word for word inc grammatical errors), received from Thomas Moore Global, Tokyo.

Dear .........

Required block of HTE is 500,000 @ $7.09 = $3,545,000
The minimum block to be considered for payout on the takeover of HTE is 500,000 shares. Leaving a balance of 190,000 shares of HTE @ $7.09 = $1,347,100. Price per share of HTE after takeover is $11.49. Giving us a total value $5,745,000. Leaving a balance from that. Funds needed to secure 190,000 shares to complete the 500,000 share block minimum @ 7.09 would be $1,347,100.
$1,147,100.0 - Guaranteed by Thomas Moore Global
$200,000 - amount due

Pay out to client 500,000 shares block @ $11.49 = $5,745,000.00. Less $1,147,100.
Amount due to client = $4,597,900.00 PLUS Client fund - $200,000
Amount due to client - $4,797,900

Upon receipt of wire transfer or TT that the client has transferred the amount of $200,000. Thomas Moore Global will reciprocate with a wire transfer to client in the amount of $4,797,900

NOTE: Thomas Mooore Global is ready, willing and able to issue transfer of funds due to the clients upon receipt of proof of wire transfer in the amount $200,000

Once the amount of $4,797,900 are received by clients bank, it is agreed by both Thomas Moore Global and client ......... that this transaction has ended and no further responsibility, liability or action need be taken by either party for this transaction. It is considered therefore complete.


The following email was received from TMG suggesting that they will resolve the situation within 3 days.

My first instinct is that it is another stage of the scam.

My second instinct was to call their bluff using an escrow account.

See email below, (copied word for word), received from Thomas Moore Global, Tokyo.

Dear .........

Required block of HTE is 500,000 @ $7.09 = $3,545,000
The minimum block to be considered for payout on the takeover of HTE is 500,000 shares. Leaving a balance of 190,000 shares of HTE @ $7.09 = $1,347,100. Price per share of HTE after takeover is $11.49. Giving us a total value $5,745,000. Leaving a balance from that. Funds needed to secure 190,000 shares to complete the 500,000 share block minimum @ 7.09 would be $1,347,100.
$1,147,100.0 - Guaranteed by Thomas Moore Global
$200,000 - amount due

Pay out to client 500,000 shares block @ $11.49 = $5,745,000.00. Less $1,147,100.
Amount due to client = $4,597,900.00 PLUS Client fund - $200,000
Amount due to client - $4,797,900

Upon receipt of wire transfer or TT that the client has transferred the amount of $200,000. Thomas Moore Global will reciprocate with a wire transfer to client in the amount of $4,797,900

NOTE: Thomas Mooore Global is ready, willing and able to issue transfer of funds due to the clients upon receipt of proof of wire transfer in the amount $200,000

Once the amount of $4,797,900 are received by clients bank, it is agreed by both Thomas Moore Global and client ......... that this transaction has ended and no further responsibility, liability or action need be taken by either party for this transaction. It is considered therefore complete.

Further to my previous post see the email below .....

Dear Mr. ..............

Our recommendation is 47,500 Harvest Energy Trust shares at a price of
$7.09 per share should you wish to proceed the total amount due will be

Please be advised that the trade confirmation allocating the share
purchase and the payment instructions have been duly attached. The
documents included are the: Trade Confirmation and Payment Instructions.

Please find the provided link below for your perusal:

I trust all the above will meet with your requirements. Please sign and
date the trade confirmation and send it back to me by either fax or
email immediately.


Dr. Mike Stevens
[email protected]
You would be a total idiot if you even considered this, you might as well send an advance fee to a Nigerian Prince and hope for $4 million. This is typical of the second part of the scam, I cant believe you would even imagine for a minute that this would work out in your favour.
You would be a total idiot if you even considered this, you might as well send an advance fee to a Nigerian Prince and hope for $4 million. This is typical of the second part of the scam, I cant believe you would even imagine for a minute that this would work out in your favour.

Obviously I didn't think it was genuine, hence my opening comments. But if we can keep showing the strategies these boiler rooms are using it might assist others in avoiding the scams.

The escrow suggestion was just a way of calling their bluff and seeing what reaction/excuse we would get.

Luckily I am a cynical b*#*@ and have never been scammed, (and never will ), but the more information we can get out there the better for those more trusting.
Obviously I didn't think it was genuine, hence my opening comments. But if we can keep showing the strategies these boiler rooms are using it might assist others in avoiding the scams.

The escrow suggestion was just a way of calling their bluff and seeing what reaction/excuse we would get.

Luckily I am a cynical b*#*@ and have never been scammed, (and never will ), but the more information we can get out there the better for those more trusting.

You have never been scammed? How can you say that when Thomas Moore Global scammed you out of $850,000, according to your own post here on T2W?
You have never been scammed? How can you say that when Thomas Moore Global scammed you out of $850,000, according to your own post here on T2W?

Don't be silly ... if you read back though my posts you will see that I made some basic errors in the information I sent, euro's instead of USD etc and that was because it wasn't me who was scammed it was a client/friend of mine and I was trying to assist him in finding any information we could on TMG ... This is just the latest email he has received from them.

If he had come to me in the beginning and told me what he was doing I would never have let him get involved.

And my "never been scammed" comment I will leave as an open challenge to anyone who wants to try.
Don't be silly ... if you read back though my posts you will see that I made some basic errors in the information I sent, euro's instead of USD etc and that was because it wasn't me who was scammed it was a client/friend of mine and I was trying to assist him in finding any information we could on TMG ... This is just the latest email he has received from them.

If he had come to me in the beginning and told me what he was doing I would never have let him get involved.

And my "never been scammed" comment I will leave as an open challenge to anyone who wants to try.

I read back and saw those posts where people were challenging you about your story and how you changed your story to the friend/client victim. If your story is true, and I know some people doubted it, then you should know by now that TMG is a scam and you are wasting your time even reading their e mails.
I know people doubted what I was saying, sounds like the standard, "it wasn't me it was someone else" statement but it doesn't really matter what anyone believes so long as we get out as much information on these boiler room scams as we can... Caveat Emptor
This is 100% boiler room and no money spent will be returned.
I too spent money on these people.
Names who contacted me where Mikael Green, David Earl, Amy Grant.
I have realized they keep changing contact info but with same concept and web page. See attached
Anyone beeing contacted from Tokyo on similar lines as described in the above massages please post all info here. and was used
Thank for your info. Do you know under what name they operate this "merged" company? Or new web site?
How did you get in contact with them?
Regards Karl
My question is, how do they scam?

Are they licensed to sell shares? If so their license number must contain a persons name that got approved by a financial authority in some jurisdiction.

How do they buy the shares and pass them over to a client? How does the share transaction/change of hands happen? Does it happen?

Or is the scam just a stealing money for air? That would be boring and lame though, any idiot with a phone can do such.
My question is, how do they scam?

Are they licensed to sell shares? If so their license number must contain a persons name that got approved by a financial authority in some jurisdiction.

How do they buy the shares and pass them over to a client? How does the share transaction/change of hands happen? Does it happen?

Or is the scam just a stealing money for air? That would be boring and lame though, any idiot with a phone can do such.

scam just a stealing money for air.....YES.... this is what they do... and no surprise there are people been scam especially newbie who never have experience in trading... it happen to me 3 years back.. that's how it get me started to get interested in trading.. Probably most expensive lesson in my life.. money just flow out in the air..i do not mind to tell the figure.. .USD 20,000...😡😡😡 but today... im happy.. from the lesson, i have learned "skill of life"...:clap::clap::clap:
It looks like the idiot continual changes his story. He fits the profile. He has posted links for for a setup of fish for future scams. Open the links and give him your email address and you can expect a annoying contacts in a year about some new scam.

If what he says is true, with his track record he can't have too much money left the way he continually gives his money away. And his posted thread name is calling everyone on T2W idiots. He says he was saving a friend and has great sympathy for him but turns around and calls him a total idiot. Not much sympathy there and his stories don't fit his emotions.

The next reaction of a scammer is to want to sue me and from which country will that be from? Where he lives, where his internet phone connection is web tunneled to, where he does business, where the money is sent to, where the phony business is, where the shares are sold illegally?

Lets get back to the subject and what can be done about Thomas Moore Global. Report them to the proper authorities and do not give them any more money. It will be stolen too.

[B]Remember: Cold Calls = Scam[/B]
It is this website is also killed now. They called another victims and claim that they have merge with Thomas moore. New-website, new phone number but all starting with the same country code, so please beaware. Now website has also been killed. I believe they will find alternative website to host again and continue their fraudulent activities.

BTW they number in their website is still reachable todate, means they have not shut down operation yet. the switchboard is meant by a man and it never get connect directly to the so called portfolio manager. He will insisit on caller name and always give excuse that they are in this meeting that meeting not available. If you are victim who have not discover their identity they will return call, otherwise your call will never be return.