Think house prices will rise now.. read this...

and who says you get your info from the paper

What are you going on about you pathetic fool...

Still bragging on about gold going down since it was 980 and how we are going to have deflation.

I also notice you haven't progressed from your one line sarcastic comments other than the topic of the thread.

You really have a big chip on your shoulder don't you?
....Really....well I never....Care to eloborate with some sound statistics about the factors of Deflation in UK...?
....Oh ok then...join series of proclamations that proved to be just little bit more than a eloborate fart...!

...last time it was a hat.....what is it going to be this time...

...something easier to eat..?
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We always followings the Yew Ess Ay doesn't we.


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The term deflation was used with an alternative meaning by the classical economists, to refer to a decrease in the money supply and credit;

Is not what is happening in the market right now is it?
That's what Q.E. was set to combat. Whther it's worked i the longer term we'll have to see. After my holiday my money will literally be on 'no'.
We always followings the Yew Ess Ay doesn't we.

Fundamentally speaking then our lil ol Nelly should keep interest rates where they are. What was that rumour about a 2% target... ???

We always follow Yew Ass Ay into wars indeed. When it comes to the real economy however - Sterling is rising whilst Dollar is going for vertical free fall.

Finally, are those figures for real or you've taken up art classes in the evening or something... :cheesy:

Your statement doesn't stand up to observation if I may humbly say so - :rolleyes:

On a serious note with last CPI reading at 1.8% and significant turn around in manufacturing, retail and mortgage stats it's only a matter of time before 2% inflation is reached and the BofE has to take a view on interest rates.

I reckon they are positioning them selves for maneouvering by stating how fragile the economy is. Perhaps they are right and I suspect they are but we all know what's round the corner with interest rates and value of the pound...
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The term deflation was used with an alternative meaning by the classical economists, to refer to a decrease in the money supply and credit;

Is not what is happening in the market right now is it?

there is a decrease in the money supply and credit.

easy credit is gone. and people are currently paying down there huge debts thus decreasing the money supply.

all this money from the fed etc isnt actually reaching the consumer..its going into re capitalizing the banks. And as the for the treasury, there is no way to really know how much of this debt is being montatized by the fed.

Things are SO much more complicated than the theory of "omg printing money = hyperinflation" people just cant seem to see past this basic argument.

right now the world is in a deflationary cycle, END OF. whether this will continue remains to be seen but the only way out is to start lending again like a drunken sailor to service the current debt levels of the consumer. All this debt just results in one thing, transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. There is only so much cash out there (alot less than there is debt) how do you think people are going tp pay the INTEREST on all this debt? well they dont, you just create yet more credit to keep the ponzie going..and that ponzie has now failed IMO.




so yeh tell me again there isnt a contraction in credit and the money supply?

last month was the biggest contraction of consumer credit in history
there is a decrease in the money supply and credit.

easy credit is gone. and people are currently paying down there huge debts thus decreasing the money supply.

all this money from the fed etc isnt actually reaching the consumer..its going into re capitalizing the banks. And as the for the treasury, there is no way to really know how much of this debt is being montatized by the fed.

Things are SO much more complicated than the theory of "omg printing money = hyperinflation" people just cant seem to see past this basic argument.

right now the world is in a deflationary cycle, END OF. whether this will continue remains to be seen but the only way out is to start lending again like a drunken sailor to service the current debt levels of the consumer. All this debt just results in one thing, transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. There is only so much cash out there (alot less than there is debt) how do you think people are going tp pay the INTEREST on all this debt? well they dont, you just create yet more credit to keep the ponzie going..and that ponzie has now failed IMO.

Hyper-inflation is a currency event. Or lack of confidence in a currency event.

well the dollar has retraced 60% of its all time lows...still ALONG way to go before i would say there is a lack of confidence in the dollar. As i said before, the us is still the best house in a bad neighbourhood
well the dollar has retraced 60% of its all time lows...still ALONG way to go before i would say there is a lack of confidence in the dollar. As i said before, the us is still the best house in a bad neighbourhood

It is not mate! Look how big is the USD debt! Look how much money is on the system and is not everything for the banks..

The FED has printed to much money out of nothing, is printing money to fix a problem and if it dont get fixed it`ll printe some more because the lenders are not lending money as they use to.

If the rates goes up do you know how much money USD will pay on interest of its debt? and what they going to do to pay they bills?

What happens if a person or a company spends more money than it gets?