things I hate

Lawyers - money grabbers

Police - incompetent ar*seholes who stitch weak people up to boost their crime detection rates

Dentists - money grabbers who inflict physical pain

Vets - money grabbers who inflict physical pain on my dog


Gale force winds

All politicians - immoral and amoral money grabbers


Chavs and inbreds

George W Bush

Poodles - Tony Blair

Political correctness

Fish bones

Systematic and unceasing nagging - missus
Lawyers - money grabbers

Police - incompetent ar*seholes who stitch weak people up to boost their crime detection rates

Dentists - money grabbers who inflict physical pain

Vets - money grabbers who inflict physical pain on my dog


Gale force winds

All politicians - immoral and amoral money grabbers


Chavs and inbreds

George W Bush

Poodles - Tony Blair

Political correctness

Fish bones

Systematic and unceasing nagging - missus

I have to disagree with the comment about police. But maybe I'm biased. My Dad has slaved away fighting a loosing battle for 30 years to control the use of drugs in our city. I'd like you to see the hard work he has done over those 30 years and then see if you can call him incompetant. In fact, he's far from it, and someone I am extremely proud of. Anyway, maybe things are different in Italy. I'm more offended by the fact that you don't like cheese! What on earth is wrong with you!? lol 🙂

I have to disagree with the comment about police. But maybe I'm biased. My Dad has slaved away fighting a loosing battle for 30 years to control the use of drugs in our city. I'd like you to see the hard work he has done over those 30 years and then see if you can call him incompetant. In fact, he's far from it, and someone I am extremely proud of.

As in all walks of life there are exceptions to the rule and I am sure your Dad was a good cop. Sadly these are not the ones that steal the headlines. It is the Menezes type murderers, and the bent and incompetent trash who usually receive the full attention of the media, and consequently mould the public image of the police force.

As for cheese, I am most sorry to offend you and I would implore you not to report me to the Moderators for this failing.

In fact I have been known to eat a touch of Brie ( if you can call it cheese ) on a Ryvita slice but with lashings of Branston pickle to kill the taste of the Brie.

Generally the taste of cheese makes me throw up although if it is cooked and mixed in with something else, then that is ok.

Also I am quite partial to Cheese and Onion crisps.
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Did you know hate spelt backwards is Etah which is a town located at 27.63°N 78.67°E[1]. It has an average elevation of 170 metres (557 feet).Located on Grand Trunk Road which connects Delhi to Kanpur. This is actually the old Sher Shah Suri Marg built during Mughal period. Awagarh one of the town area of Etah used to be important princely state before Independence. Main occupation of the people of District is agriculture.

Don't you just hate wanchors like me ? :cheesy:
The things I, not so much hate but irritate the life out of me:

1) People that think they are clever by taking quick profits on half and moving the rest to breakeven

2) People that move their stops to breakeven when they are well in profit

3) People that can't sit on their hands when they are in a good position

4) People that can't sit all day and watch a market go up and down without trading

5) People that complain about being unable to make money and then explain how they are trading GBP/JPY on a 1m or 5m chart.

6) People that complain about spread betting companies.

And no, I don't have many friends.
The things I, not so much hate but irritate the life out of me:

1) People that think they are clever by taking quick profits on half and moving the rest to breakeven

2) People that move their stops to breakeven when they are well in profit

3) People that can't sit on their hands when they are in a good position

4) People that can't sit all day and watch a market go up and down without trading

c'mon TD you must have been there at some stage, its a rite of passage to make these mistakes before becoming profitable
Yes and as I have previously pointed out on another thread, an anagram of TRADER is RETARD 😆

Yes, BUT ! Did you know Trader spelt backwards is Redart and Redart is a town in Mathews County, in the Virginia Beach-Norfolk metro area.

The latitude of Redart is 37.47N. The longitude is -76.301W.
It is in the Eastern Standard time zone. Elevation is 3 feet.

What a wanger...... 😀
5) People that complain about being unable to make money and then explain how they are trading GBP/JPY on a 1m or 5m chart.

TD, any particular reason for picking out GBP/JPY ?

Or could it have been any pair ?

I'm not that familiar with the individual characteristics of specific pairs, unless you're referring to tits that is.
Lawyers - money grabbers

Police - incompetent ar*seholes who stitch weak people up to boost their crime detection rates

Dentists - money grabbers who inflict physical pain

Vets - money grabbers who inflict physical pain on my dog


Gale force winds

All politicians - immoral and amoral money grabbers


Chavs and inbreds

George W Bush

Poodles - Tony Blair

Political correctness

Fish bones

Systematic and unceasing nagging - missus

You forget to mention real estate agents - greedy and immoral and useless
Germans who are never wrong and always right 🙂

Claudia 123 might be an exception though 😆