things I hate

Repetitive threads started by newbies. I don't mind reading and answering genuinely new questions but given that if you click on the first steps/beginners section, there'll already be 5 threads with titles such as "Is it really possible to make money trading?", "Can I really make money trading?", "Do successful traders really exist?" and "Is it possible to make money from trading?", it is a bit ridiculous. Conversely, I don't mind talking to people thinking of starting out because obviously they can't see what's been said in a pub traders meet, so it's not like I don't like helping beginners.

Or "Can I make £27,500 a year daytrading?"
add to the list
Sheffield Wednesday
anybody who's got a big nose
IG index who's charts are buggered this morning and which is why I found time to waste my time reading this drivel
What do I hate?

The fact that I have to hock my time and services to pay a mortgage on a crappy house that is falling apart in a ****-hole of a town surrounded by chavs who get it all for free from the gov't.
I hate their hate-filled, repugnant kids who wine and bitch and get what they want, not going to school, hanging out until all hours not understanding the value of anything.
I hate that fat, retarded one-eyed sewer-snake we call a Prime Minister and his ****-licking, do-good nanny-ist cronies who think that tax will solve everything.
I hate the fact that I lost a job I loved because health and safety are not as tight in China as they are here, and that now I have to turn up to a ****ing loony asylum every two weeks and sign on amongst a bunch of semi-toilet-trained mongoloid neanderthals who think they are owed everything, and am then made to jump through hoops by some jobsworth who doesn't have 1/10 my ambition, enthusiasm or ability. 😡
I also hate some other stuff but this will do for now 😍
I hate wasting my time on this forum only to realise at the end there was nothing worth reading and I could have been doing something more constructive instead.
I hate people who wear hats when they drive.
I hate people who take up the whole pavement/corridor/doorway when they have a conversation.
I hate being at uni when I could be travelling while I'm still young enough to do the things i want to do.
I hate the fact IG make me use guaranteed stops because I'm a student and have no regular income, increasing my spread by 3 points, despite the fact I trade small and have more than enough capital.
I hate people who don't say please and thank you.
- Stochastics and the newbies who use them without understanding

- newbies who come on here looking for the Holy Grail or a short-cut based on someone's hard work developed over years
- similar, newbies who are too lazy to research a particular thread or method thoroughly and expect a 'precis'

- forex, and the way it sucks in newbies as if its an "easy" instrument to trade

- spanish89

- newbies who question or criticise advise or support when they requested it in the first place

- people trying to call a Bottom in the current environment

- Gordon Brown

- Tony Blair

- the Palestinian Ministry of Propaganda, aka the BBC

- Bible bashers/Koran bashers/ Talmud bashers

- Celtic FC and Celtic fans

- the IRA (see above)

I see some folk have knocked your sectarian views Rathers, personally i think you are right.


I've experienced and witnessed hatred towards myself and other 'Brit B*st*rds'. A person doesn't have to 'hate haters', but a person is entitled to defend themselves. The 'do-gooders', handwringers, PC brigade and all the rest want something, what that something is i don't know, they are up against millenia of world history, some things will never change.

Q. Is it really possible to make money on the markets?😀😉
ALL old firm fans and their ridiculous sectarianism. In fact I am increasingly put off that whole aspect of UK football culture, but it's particularly repugnant in Glasgow imho.

whilst the old firm thing is an issue in its' own - you can't really believe that it's representative of football culture as a whole - or should I say it has decreased enormously over the last few decades.

If you're talking about the greed in football then I'd have to agree.

I see some folk have knocked your sectarian views Rathers, personally i think you are right.


just back from watching the Rodfather live in concert (Hot Legs was brilliant, got the whole place jumping)
but there was a huge sellick shamrock on the stage; both bass drum skins had huge shammies and the cockney git was even waving a Scumtic shirt around in unison with the 30 or so Tims wearing replica Hoop tops (most of them middle aged "business men"
But worst of all was the 15 minutes of sectarian pro-IRA music played over the loudspeakers during the intermission.
Fortunately, it probably went right over the heads of most Thais, but I for one will never waste money on such a sectarian, bigoted performer again.

Have I told you lately that I hate you ?
1. "...and then move your stop to break even..."

2. 4x4 owners who park on the pavement/verge as they think it is their God-given right to go anywhere.

3. People who use more than 3 colours on their charts (and 2 of those should be red and green candlesticks).

4. Every neighbour I've ever had. Why do the Obsessive-Compulsive-DIYers, and their collection of power tools, have to live next to me?

5. A certain spreadbetting company that is even considerate enough to give you time to make a cup of tea whilst you wait and see if you've been filled or not (with a not entirely random outcome).

6. The fact that we don't have 'RON' (Re-Open Nominations) as one of the candidates in UK elections because I want them to know that none of the lazy, corrupt, career-liars deserve my vote.

This is like therapy.

you mere mortals will never understand ......

Self interest, ignorance and arrogance ...isn't that why the world is fkt....putting self before others is a surefire road to ruin.
I hate those types with a passion.

Now what about those cream eggs and the freezer ?