TheBramble's Random Squawk

Hey B

on my daily Strengthmeter I see that Gold has finally pushed above the rest of the Big currencies ....the first time since February

is armageddon nearly here for the Fiats ?



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I have no idea how you'd go about integrating dissimilar asset classes to fit sensibly within a relative strength indicator of this nature, so can’t really comment. Be a bit like comparing Pork Bellies with Brent Crude.
Fazedbook average price (VWAP) at $34.85. So the underwriters did a none too bad job for old Zuckie baby. He’s got probably more than he expected to raise (or possibly not if he genuinely is as clueless on the technicalities of an IPO as is being suggested) and will go on to spend the cash raised on any number of wonderful acquisitions. Hopefully at better value than his own outfit offered early adopters.

I’m still fairly confident that $23 will represent a first line of Support as $26 even gave way today, albeit only temporarily (I got a print at 25.88, but this is disputed).

If it does settle at the $23 level it’s going to have to make a 51% uphill struggle to get back to average price and a whopping 95% to allow the biggest mug to get out at B/E. Not this side of the global recession I think.
Fazedbook average price (VWAP) at $34.85. So the underwriters did a none too bad job for old Zuckie baby. He’s got probably more than he expected to raise (or possibly not if he genuinely is as clueless on the technicalities of an IPO as is being suggested) and will go on to spend the cash raised on any number of wonderful acquisitions. Hopefully at better value than his own outfit offered early adopters.

I’m still fairly confident that $23 will represent a first line of Support as $26 even gave way today, albeit only temporarily (I got a print at 25.88, but this is disputed).

If it does settle at the $23 level it’s going to have to make a 51% uphill struggle to get back to average price and a whopping 95% to allow the biggest mug to get out at B/E. Not this side of the global recession I think.

I'm not sure where the $23 has been pulled from but it is pie in the sky. My calculations show Fatalbook at $5. I'll throw in some good will and suggest @ $7.

Re: 13 year olds using FB - that's a surprise for the books. Not sure what difference that is going to make as they already do? What disposable income do 13 year olds have? This is like McDonalds trying to unleash that old acquired taste for big Macs. Catch em when they are young at 7 and feed em till they pop at 70.

FB is sooooo desperate the drop is going to be much faster than anyone expects. What will they think of next???
Egypt's military sets Thurs deadline for 100 person panel to write new constitution, or it will draw up its own blueprint.

100 Egyptians agreeing on something, anything…LOL. My guess is the blueprint is already drawn up and looks remarkably like the old one. Plus ca change….
What disposable income do 13 year olds have?
You don't have children do you Atilla?

Disposable income of a 13 y.o. is considerably more than that of its parents. There is a direct correlation between those two states.
ECB Interest Rate decision at 12:45 (London). Media expectations of it remaining at 1%.

If it does, Euro plunges. Every little helps even if in reality it can’t, and this hasn’t.
Cyprus making stronger noises about needing a bailout ("HEEEEELLPPP!!!!!!").

Get in line chaps. We've got almost enough to bailout 1/5th of Spain now that we're not giving Greece any more wonga. Greek new issue of zero coupon consols due out today.
ECB rate. A 25bps cut wouldn't surprise. But if I was a betting man, I'd go large with a 50bps cut.
Greek primary surplus (uh?) finagled & fudged for Q1 of 2.3 billion euros has disappeared to be replaced by a deficit. Well, these elections and polls aren’t cheap you know.
You don't have children do you Atilla?

Disposable income of a 13 y.o. is considerably more than that of its parents. There is a direct correlation between those two states.

Do so - two. :)

$23 is far too high in comparison. May see a bounce yes but will not rest there for long. As it did at $28 the real IPO price ;)

Some greedy sods holding big losses on FatalBook and all waiting to bail out. Let's see how long the institutions stick together before dumping on each other. :D
Cyprus making stronger noises about needing a bailout ("HEEEEELLPPP!!!!!!").

Get in line chaps. We've got almost enough to bailout 1/5th of Spain now that we're not giving Greece any more wonga. Greek new issue of zero coupon consols due out today.

they need to Sell Peter Andre to Germany :p
Some greedy sods holding big losses on FatalBook and all waiting to bail out. Let's see how long the institutions stick together before dumping on each other. :D
I don't think you'll find too much institutional pain with FB at the moment. It was a very ‘public’ offering.
Russia to boost military cooperation with China.

Did I already post something about "Buy Defence"? Pretty sude I did.
Vietnam upgraded by S&P (to stable from neg.). Unfortunately, the Viets never really capitalised on their potential and extant advantages. A laggard (relatively) in the region and consequently, unlikely ever to get a toe-hold in the global market. Real shame as they had all the ingredients. Compare with Cambodia which is going from strength to strength.
Europe is technically still not in recession according to data just released. That’s great news.

I’ll go and let all the shops and factories that closed down know. And all the bods that used to be able to afford to buy their products.
To prevent wider regional disruptions, China, Russia and Central Asian nations need to do more to bring stability to Afghanistan. Hu Jintao (China President).

If memory serves, they were reasonably stable before they were invaded – each time. It’ll bring back fond memories for the Russian forces. Be good to get this cold war started again, just like the old days.