The ultimate prop shop recruiting test?


Senior member
Someone I know working at a prop shop was in the process of recruiting candidates for the firm. It was mentioned to me that they were inundated with CV's and didn't know how to whittle down the numbers for interviews. I've been to some of these things before and knew the maths tests were largely useless as were the logical reasoning tests these places use. So my mind got thinking and I decided it would be best to devise something that is important to trading and is actually realistic.

Today it hit me! In trading, detachment is one of the most important concepts. Some people can be so attached to money they'll freeze in their seat and never take a trade, and to a prop firm this is a bad idea. So we need people who can pull the trigger.

So my initial idea was to invite the candidates into the office and tell them to bring £100 cash to the interview. Then they must burn the full £100 on request. However, it was pointed out to me that £100 to some people is not the same relative value as others so we had to develop the idea.

So it was suggested we ask them to bring their mother in and ask the candidates to kill them. But I noted that some people may hate their mothers and gladly do this. So this put us in a tricky dilemma. But then we cracked it!

They bring their mother to the interview. If they don't like their mother, we get them to name a sum for us to kill their mother, then we ask them to burn that much money

Thereby, by put-call parity we have the same test?
Torture. Depending on their personality, mental or physical. I am happy to help test candidates.
Two screens should be setup, one with charts on it of whatever markets you please, and the other should be a video of two large breasted women showering together, the participant has to site in front of the screens for a minute. Whoever looks at the charts for the greatest percentage of that minute gets the job.
Two screens should be setup, one with charts on it of whatever markets you please, and the other should be a video of two large breasted women showering together, the participant has to site in front of the screens for a minute. Whoever looks at the charts for the greatest percentage of that minute gets the job.

Not a fair test. Some candidates may be gay and others female, however it will work on gay females.
this should be helpful, there are no right or wrong answers. But maybe you will gain some insight into who you are as a trader. Answer the questions as honestly as possible. There are no "correct" answers. You fail only if you lie.

1. You need to buy one important item in the store. You run in quickly, pick it up, and approach the counter. Unfortunately, instead of the usual five cashiers only one cashier is open and there is a line of 20 customers ahead of you. You:

A. Walk out of the store immediately, leaving your item behind.
B. Get in line and wait your turn.

2. You are driving down a two-lane highway on your way to work. Suddenly a sports car tries to cut you off, nearly clipping your fender. You:

A. Slam your horn for at least 15 seconds and wish the driver dead.
B. Hit the brakes and let the driver pass unimpeded.

3. Assume you are capable of doing both activities. What's more fun?

A. Fishing.
B. Downhill skiing.

4. The Powerball lottery jackpot is $100 million. You are at a newsstand buying a magazine when you discover a crumpled $20 bill in a shirt pocket. You:

A. Buy 20 lottery tickets.
B. Put the $20 in your wallet.

5. Your favorite entertainer is in town for a surprise show. Your choices are:

A. Get up at 4 A.M. on Saturday morning to get tickets at the box office.
B. Buy tickets online for a show nine months later.

6. What is worse:

A. A constant low-grade toothache for a month?
B. Having your wisdom tooth pulled with no anesthetic?

7. For the next 52 weeks choose one:

A. You will be paid $2,000 per week.
B. You will be paid $700 per week with a reasonable chance but no guarantee to collect a $250,000 bonus.

*maybe i'll provide more details later