if you're a good enough trader anything is possible... there is no legal requirement to take desk fees 🙂
Not really because the general model ends up with people either on very low splits or entirely self backed... as why would one have it any other way? A 80 or 90% split (in the trader's favour) is far more usual than 50%.
The prop shop's investment is almost just a way to get you started rather than a serious investment, in most cases.
That arrangement works out better for the self employed folk who trade at prop firms; the desk fee basically covers fixed costs, while commission fees and split cover variable costs. You could build the desk fee into the variable costs but then you'd have the more successful subsidising the less successful, and why would they want to do that?
The other option, of course, is to work in a hedge fund or similar and take a salary and bonus.
Main point seems to be lower commissions, top end equipment, and trading with someone else's cash (plus benefit of some mentoring in some places) but if you have to cover any losses yourself, why not just trade your own account...or is prop shopping a hark back to the last 10 years and pre where most of the links/equipment weren't available to the retail user? I guess some people get bored at home too 🙂
Given that desk fees seem to be in the £1k to £2k range, what sort of sixe would you have to be trading to make that negligible per month. Say desk fees 5% of monthly profits?
Something around that sounds right
probably... I think you'd need to do more than that tbh....
Given that desk fees seem to be in the £1k to £2k range, what sort of sixe would you have to be trading to make that negligible per month. Say desk fees 5% of monthly profits?
I wouldn't say desk costs being negligible is really the issue - the big decider on whether it makes financial sense for most people will be whether they save enough on trades to cover it. £2000 might be a big hit to your monthly pnl, but if going prop saves you £3000 in commissions, it's well worthwhile.
Also, people aren't paying £2000 just to sit down - the figure includes costs like trading software, some of which you'd have to pay anyway.