The UK's 2015 election

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Don't under-estimate Salmond's bid to be elected as Westminster MP. The 2 major parties are not having it all their own way these days. So a basket of little parties may well have a chance to fly when it comes to a likely coalition Govt. next Spring.
We have UKIP, the Greens, SNP, and Liberal/Democrats to fill the cracks in any new coalition. I doubt the Liberals will be keen for another 5 years with the Tories.
Labour looks near paralysed with a lack of leadership ! The 2 Eds are not giving the masses anything but waffle. The Mansion Tax hardly cuts the mustard. It should be on income not assets.
Screaming Lord Sutch must be clawing his way back with everything up for grabs and a bunch of ninnies to fight.
The Tories are determined to waste more billions on a military base in Dubai. It's pathetic Britain trying to be a major player in The Middle East and highly imho unproductive. But the Americans + Blair might " persuade " them differently.

It's a difficult choice who to vote for - they are all so unattractive !! So the ones raising pensions from the present peanuts gets my vote.
Don't under-estimate Salmond's bid to be elected as Westminster MP. The 2 major parties are not having it all their own way these days. So a basket of little parties may well have a chance to fly when it comes to a likely coalition Govt. next Spring.
We have UKIP, the Greens, SNP, and Liberal/Democrats to fill the cracks in any new coalition. I doubt the Liberals will be keen for another 5 years with the Tories.
Labour looks near paralysed with a lack of leadership ! The 2 Eds are not giving the masses anything but waffle. The Mansion Tax hardly cuts the mustard. It should be on income not assets.
Screaming Lord Sutch must be clawing his way back with everything up for grabs and a bunch of ninnies to fight.
The Tories are determined to waste more billions on a military base in Dubai. It's pathetic Britain trying to be a major player in The Middle East and highly imho unproductive. But the Americans + Blair might " persuade " them differently.

It's a difficult choice who to vote for - they are all so unattractive !! So the ones raising pensions from the present peanuts gets my vote.

Interesting thoughts. The Conservatives with Dave in charge can't win an outright majority – they've been stuffed by UKIP as will Labour be by Salmond. The Liberals will only appeal to oddballs, and the Greens only to those who don't have a firm grip on reality and used to vote Liberal. Dave – who always appears to me as being the slimy, untrustworthy and duplicitous facet of the Conservative party can only win if he does a deal with Nigel but Nigel has ruled out Dave but not anybody else. I suspect that Lady Teresa is quietly waiting in the background for someone to put Dave out of his misery (and could they please do the same for the 2 Eds while they're at it?) so that she and Nigel can cobble up something that might appeal to those who bother to go and vote. Interesting times to come eh?
They are usually too stooopid to do anything vaguely popular like cheaper booze etc.
So if the Greens or UKIP say were to offer popular things who knows what might happen ?

A new Populist party might even hove into sight. Most people are so tired of the 2 usual suspects and their self aggrandisement ( stuffing their own pockets )

Need a name I guess, anyone ?

AND some policies like...........

1. No tax on booze, fags or petrol.
Sod the masses ?

Does this describe the collective mentality of most of our political parties :

Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often with pretense of honest service.
Kleptocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elections are usually lost rather than won (ie: getting rid of the party in government) so the odd-balls won't feature unless people are generally content with the present lot. If there's a head of steam in wanting this lot out then it's the next biggest group that'll have to do (God help us 😆)
Ed Miliband as Prime MInister in coalition with Alex Salmond as his deputy PM ruling England seems very possible.

Time to emigrate.
Maybe in the next decade its time to change the normal election rules and split running Parliament into different sections - ie

Tories - run the money side - business / balancing the books / benefits / generating more GDP etc

Labour - They should be control of the Banks and the NHS and even maybe housing

Liberals - They can just keep challenging anything any other parties do and try and keep them in line

UKIP - Immigration and getting our Euro contributions down etc etc - and our Defence

Green party - control Earth and Air policies and reduce waste etc

SNP - local councils in Scotland - and thats it

Each gets says 2 years on each section and if they are no good they don't get reappointed for their area

Then as PayPal say - people rule - online voting and majority wins but only if over 50% of the working population from 18 to 75

Change the ball game - start all Politicians thinking out the box and don't give them 5 years - - 2 years max - change is good - as long as it in framework that as it improving the Country as its main objectives

I am sure it can all be improved - but we need to get into the 21st Century first
Need a name I guess, anyone ?

AND some policies like...........

1. No tax on booze, fags or petrol.

2. free condoms
3.legalised sex clubs ( brothels )
4. Put drugs on the same footing as alchohol.
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My heart tells me to vote UKIP. My head nudges me towards Conservative again. I'll probably end up voting Tory based upon their economic competence alone.

No doubt however I'll be utterly astounded at how many are willing to run the risk of shunting the country ever closer to the precipice by voting Labour (especially so given the massive shift to the left under Milliband).

More generally, I'd like to see drugs legalized and the foreign aid budget slashed to zero. We can help countries in desperate need as and when required. Oh, and of course withdraw from the EU.
All of this rather misses the point.

We live in a paradoxical age, where the more enlightened are sick and tired of govt of any flavour and yet the masses have never been so uninformed (as long as they get weekly dose of X factor, I'm a celeb and for the out and out morons...daily soaps, then they seem happy ! )

With the shrinking of the state currently under way, more and more are taking up the challenge of getting out there and doing it for themselves, and long may that continue....I think it's a move towards Libertarianism......not to be confused with Liberalism.

The tired old 2 party system will be smashed.....more power to the people !
The marvel of the internet could give everyone a vote on the issues, not just the talking heads in Parliament deciding. No kickbacks, sleeze at the top, foreign countries bribing our MPs etc.
In fact a bit like Switzerland.
No elections needed or expensive buildings, flunkeys, expense accounts etc. !!

uk political parties and the evolution of television in the last few years

increased choices but diluted content .......ring a bell ?

we are 100% heading for another coalition.........but who ?...........hmmmmmm
