Election 2005


Experienced member
This has to be the worst election since the last one 🙂 I don't like any of the 3 major parties. They all seem to promise everything but are capable of delivering very little. At least I can get to vote for a Monster Raving Loony candidate this time.

I did have a bit of fun with this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/vote2005/swingometer/html/labcon.stm

Just a 21% swing to Labour would eliminate all Tories!!!!!!!!!!!


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I see the Monster Raving Loonies are pledged to introduce a 99p coin to save change. It's a winner for me 😆
It seems to me not only that tactical voting has become "de rigueur", but that you can't even really avoid it if you want to.

For a continuation of our present, very conservative government, you need to vote Labour. To let the Conservatives in, apparently you need to vote Liberal Democrat, and voting Tory will certainly do Labour no harm at all.

Meanwhile, I've never held so many matched positions on the betting exchanges as I do for this election. Who's going to come and visit me in the poor-house? ...