The UK Stock Market Almanac 2016 - 5 Free Review Copies

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We've teamed up with our friends at Harriman House to offer T2W members the chance to grab a free hardback copy for review of The UK Stock Market Almanac 2016 by Stephen Eckett.

If you like facts and figures, and enjoy learning about the curious seasonality trends that rule the markets. This Almanac in diary format, set over 52-weeks, is a valuable and informative companion to the financial year.

The first 5 T2W members (UK only I'm afraid)* to reply to this thread and private message me your name & address (if I don't have it already), will get a free copy. The only requirement is you agree to post your review** of the book here on this thread.

If you miss out on the review copy or aren't located in the UK, then T2W members can still buy a copy for the special promotional price of 25% off the retail price. That's £18.75 + P&P (RRP £25) for the hardback or £15 (RRP: £10) for the ebook. Order at Harriman House entering promotion code TRADEALM25%.

* In order to give as many members as possible the opportunity to review a book, we're excluding from this offer any member who has already agreed to review a book on T2W, but has yet to review it. Also any member that has been registered for less than a month or posted less than 10 posts, at the time of this posting, will only get a review copy if there are any remaining.

** Reviews should be posted within 30 days of receiving it and you agree to let Harriman House use the reviews to promote the book outside of T2W.

Full jacket text:

"The UK Stock Market Almanac 2016" by Stephen Eckett

The Almanac is a unique reference work providing traders and investors with the data to tackle the markets in the year ahead.

The main section consists of 52 weekly articles focusing on a range of strategies based on original seasonality analysis. These are supplemented with facts, figures and trivia unique to the Almanac. This is an extremely valuable and informative companion to the financial year, making the Almanac the one essential book for the serious trader or investor.

The Almanac consists of three main sections:

1. Day-to-day financial data

Data and statistics
Each page of this section includes key financial dates including: important economic releases, derivative contract expiries, exchange holidays, and company results expected that week. The pages also feature the results of a unique study of the historic performance of the market for each day and week of the year - the Sinclair Numbers.

Seasonality research
Each page of the diary is accompanied by an original, informative and entertaining article. These cover studies of trends and anomalies, seasonality analysis, momentum effects, sector performance, arbitrage opportunities, FTSE Index reviews, as well as the results of some more unusual and eye-opening research.

2. Statistics

A collection of articles featuring statistical analysis of UK stock market data and more wide-ranging topics than the Diary. Exclusive to the Almanac, sector, weekly and daily market performance analysis data is included.

3. Reference

The Reference section includes background information about UK and international stock indices. Topics covered include basic facts about the market, trade codes, a timetable of the trading day and a look at the original constituents of the FT 30 of 1935 and the FTSE 100 of 1984.

The UK Stock Market Almanac 2016. Published in October 2015 by Harriman House, ISBN: 9780857195050 (Hardback) RRP: £25.00


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The first 5 T2W members (UK only I'm afraid)*

Too bad, statistical studies make me happy. Might want to correct the author in the first post Sharky...I was starting to think this publisher had a love affair with Malcolm until I read further.
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Too bad, statistical studies make me happy. Might want to correct the author in the first post Sharky...I was starting to think this publisher had a love affair with Malcolm until I read further.

Eeek, that'll teach me to slow down when I'm copying and pasting from last month's book offer. Thanks for the heads-up, now fixed. Yeah, I'm afraid UK only, sorry Toad 🙁
I must say it is very surprising to me that more people don't jump on these. I see this forum as a place to learn and the opportunity is being handed to us on a golden platter with these offers. In a way it makes me happy a bit though since it makes it easy for me to get in the front of the line. Anyways...
Well this is a first, not a single taker for the almanac. At worst it would make a great stocking filler.
I have just discovered this thread and, unfortunately I have had a copy, author Jeffrey hirsch, on back order for several months from Amazon, at a price of £32, due to arrive on my doorstep this Thursday.
Pity, would have had one otherwise.
Last call on the Almanac, offer closes this Sunday. I've just had one reviewer come forward so far, so still 9 hardback copies left.
Sorry for the delay @f2calv and @malaguti in getting the review copies over to you.. my bad, will try to get these out to you next week. Thanks for your patience!
The UK Stock Market Almanac 2016
By Stephen Eckett

The word “almanac” conjures up in my mind the ludicrous Old Moores Almanac my parents bought when I was a child and since then the word has almost been synonymous for me with the end of the world. Having been brought up in the depths of the cold war and living close to a V bomber dispersal base it all seemed very real and likely. The base was top secret and the locals weren’t supposed to realise that the Vulcans coming in to land a couple of hundred feet above us had any military significance.....
All these years later I opened Stephen Eckett’s almanac half expecting to be at least bored if not regretful for deciding to review it. Instead I have enjoyed a thorough, comprehensive and enjoyable book which has told me a thousand things I didn’t know and stimulated all sorts of new and fresh ideas and thoughts.
Is it a nerdy, geeky sort of forbidden pleasure? No, it’s really fascinating.
The first section is a diary of market performances in different indices, sectors, main features, significant dates, company results due, which stocks do best when and lots of real patterns of behaviour. For this US election year it is particularly useful in presenting the history of market reactions.
Do you want to know about a day of the week strategy, a low-high price portfolio, monthly share momentum, Tuesdays reversing Mondays, the effect of MPC meetings and much more? This is the place to go and it’s all set out in an easy to understand format.
Of course, like in normal diaries, you can also discover information of earth shattering importance, for example, on Friday Sept 16th in 1956 Play-Doh was introduced to the world – and other priceless types of knowledge without which any life is unfulfilled.....
The second section is all about statistics, a subject normally guaranteed to rival counting sheep in usefulness. Not in this book.
Market indices includes intra-day volatility, day of the week, monthly performances, momentum analyses. There is similar information about sectors and the top ten company rankings in turnover, profits, ROCE, EPS growth and other data. There are sections on both up and down market momentum, the correlation between UK, US and world markets, buy and hold, death crosses (sounds a bit medieval) and day, week and month behaviour.
In the book’s own words, it celebrates the nonsense of the Efficient Market Theory.
Now it’s not really a beach page turner and few people would say that such an almanac was essential reading, but the more you read it, or dip into it, the more enjoyable, interesting and informative it becomes. It grows on you.
Buy it, it's worth every penny !