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You know what People?
I Know I am only getting a handful of Views, and who knows if anyone has taken me serious enough yet to Bet/Play what I am Doing here, If you Are?
GOOD JOB! I wont disappoint!
I didnt come here to waste YOUR TIME, and I know you people dont come to a More SERIOUS BASED "Business" Type atmosphere to Waste anyone elses Time!
Business? Oh i got your business right here Boy!!
We dont play around, and some people ACT LIKE THEY CAN HANDICAP, and SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY MAKE MONEY!
And they say the "Sharps" or Real bettors of the Gambling community dont take time to post their action, because its not what people in that Life do?!?!
Oh, ok sorry ill just run now and say "Ahhh youre right, this is kid stuff"!
Kid Stuff?
Do you sell Stocks and Trade your life away to make money?
Basically FLIPPING COINS On This or That to get you on what you need to do today to make money?
And im not hopefully getting out of line here, I am Not trying to, so I Apologize if anyone thinks I'm Mocking anything that goes on here. And No Its not "Literally" A Coin Flip in the Stocks and Trade Industry ok.
Or did you come here to hope everyone here is Broke and Full of Sh!t and Has no life, sits around in a Dress and a wig and makes up stories about how manly they are?
Yeah ok, Good luck with that!
Ahh yes, getting to be the Etalia allready!
Hey Im An Italian New Yorker, pushing 41 and I MAKE MONEY!! HOW YA DOIN!! (In my best NY Joey Voice LoL)
SO what im going to do today is just start a Saturday Thread, consisting of WHATEVER GETS POSTED, in Numerous Leagues and Sports, and if its too much? Then Ill try to tone it down and atleast make it easier than this to go thru, no one wants to read all my thoughts on stuff, Im Sure, If i post in another area of the site of my life and what else goes on in my life? Then ill share it there, this is about sports, and Im about Sports for the most part and Im Here to hopefully give people a better perspective on what it takes to make Money in this industry, Lead ... Follow .... or get the Hell out of my way!!
If Anyone would like to add to this thread with any Money making Ventures you see in the world today? Post it here Please, Id Love to hear it, share it and work on what we can do to make it happen for everyone! We cant all agree on everything? But we can all atleast try to work in unison to "beat the man" today, as we say!
Get it Up and Posted if you like, and if not? Then Ill do what I do, and you do what you do!!
Next thread will be about Sports, Not Forum stuff!
I Know I am only getting a handful of Views, and who knows if anyone has taken me serious enough yet to Bet/Play what I am Doing here, If you Are?
GOOD JOB! I wont disappoint!
I didnt come here to waste YOUR TIME, and I know you people dont come to a More SERIOUS BASED "Business" Type atmosphere to Waste anyone elses Time!
Business? Oh i got your business right here Boy!!
We dont play around, and some people ACT LIKE THEY CAN HANDICAP, and SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY MAKE MONEY!
And they say the "Sharps" or Real bettors of the Gambling community dont take time to post their action, because its not what people in that Life do?!?!
Oh, ok sorry ill just run now and say "Ahhh youre right, this is kid stuff"!
Kid Stuff?
Do you sell Stocks and Trade your life away to make money?
Basically FLIPPING COINS On This or That to get you on what you need to do today to make money?
And im not hopefully getting out of line here, I am Not trying to, so I Apologize if anyone thinks I'm Mocking anything that goes on here. And No Its not "Literally" A Coin Flip in the Stocks and Trade Industry ok.
Or did you come here to hope everyone here is Broke and Full of Sh!t and Has no life, sits around in a Dress and a wig and makes up stories about how manly they are?
Yeah ok, Good luck with that!
Ahh yes, getting to be the Etalia allready!
Hey Im An Italian New Yorker, pushing 41 and I MAKE MONEY!! HOW YA DOIN!! (In my best NY Joey Voice LoL)
SO what im going to do today is just start a Saturday Thread, consisting of WHATEVER GETS POSTED, in Numerous Leagues and Sports, and if its too much? Then Ill try to tone it down and atleast make it easier than this to go thru, no one wants to read all my thoughts on stuff, Im Sure, If i post in another area of the site of my life and what else goes on in my life? Then ill share it there, this is about sports, and Im about Sports for the most part and Im Here to hopefully give people a better perspective on what it takes to make Money in this industry, Lead ... Follow .... or get the Hell out of my way!!
If Anyone would like to add to this thread with any Money making Ventures you see in the world today? Post it here Please, Id Love to hear it, share it and work on what we can do to make it happen for everyone! We cant all agree on everything? But we can all atleast try to work in unison to "beat the man" today, as we say!
Get it Up and Posted if you like, and if not? Then Ill do what I do, and you do what you do!!
Next thread will be about Sports, Not Forum stuff!