THE Saturday Sports Betting Thread

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You know what People?

I Know I am only getting a handful of Views, and who knows if anyone has taken me serious enough yet to Bet/Play what I am Doing here, If you Are?

GOOD JOB! I wont disappoint!

I didnt come here to waste YOUR TIME, and I know you people dont come to a More SERIOUS BASED "Business" Type atmosphere to Waste anyone elses Time!

Business? Oh i got your business right here Boy!!

We dont play around, and some people ACT LIKE THEY CAN HANDICAP, and SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY MAKE MONEY!

And they say the "Sharps" or Real bettors of the Gambling community dont take time to post their action, because its not what people in that Life do?!?!

Oh, ok sorry ill just run now and say "Ahhh youre right, this is kid stuff"!

Kid Stuff?

Do you sell Stocks and Trade your life away to make money?

Basically FLIPPING COINS On This or That to get you on what you need to do today to make money?

And im not hopefully getting out of line here, I am Not trying to, so I Apologize if anyone thinks I'm Mocking anything that goes on here. And No Its not "Literally" A Coin Flip in the Stocks and Trade Industry ok.



Or did you come here to hope everyone here is Broke and Full of Sh!t and Has no life, sits around in a Dress and a wig and makes up stories about how manly they are?

Yeah ok, Good luck with that!

Ahh yes, getting to be the Etalia allready!

Hey Im An Italian New Yorker, pushing 41 and I MAKE MONEY!! HOW YA DOIN!! (In my best NY Joey Voice LoL)

SO what im going to do today is just start a Saturday Thread, consisting of WHATEVER GETS POSTED, in Numerous Leagues and Sports, and if its too much? Then Ill try to tone it down and atleast make it easier than this to go thru, no one wants to read all my thoughts on stuff, Im Sure, If i post in another area of the site of my life and what else goes on in my life? Then ill share it there, this is about sports, and Im about Sports for the most part and Im Here to hopefully give people a better perspective on what it takes to make Money in this industry, Lead ... Follow .... or get the Hell out of my way!!

If Anyone would like to add to this thread with any Money making Ventures you see in the world today? Post it here Please, Id Love to hear it, share it and work on what we can do to make it happen for everyone! We cant all agree on everything? But we can all atleast try to work in unison to "beat the man" today, as we say!

Get it Up and Posted if you like, and if not? Then Ill do what I do, and you do what you do!!

Next thread will be about Sports, Not Forum stuff!

Serie B Italia

What is tough about this? Is the Time Im Posting this.

Its about 3 AM in NY right now, and Serie B in Italy is one of those "If you dont get up early" You missed it, Type of Leagues

I mean they get going in almost a few hours if you break it down, so I might as well not bother getting all Into the Write up for My Serie B, obviously, even if 15 people see this Before the Games go? Would it matter? LoL

Who knows, as i said, Who knows anything about Me or Sports Betting, Or what I hope to do here at this site, and i even applied for the Mod Job in the Little spot to click on so if your Admin prefers? I can maybe one day help take care of this little area so youre all in the Know for years to come, so Back me up here! Need a little Love from the Gallery here, so if you Like what Im doing? Say So!!

Serie B Saturday, again, a Pleathura of games, ahhhh who doesnt love that word !! LoL

Now, what you need to also be is European! Because getting Serie B Lines in America? Little tough Id say, Not too many American Sportsbooks Offer Serie B, Usually its Serie A and be happy with that! (Which i am, grazie!)

What happens here is what we call a Combo, You know a Mini Parlay if you will, involving 2 plays to make the Payout Nicer, and Reduce what we call the Vig, a little more in our Favour, Granted needing two things to happen can be tough, but last i checked, if youre not noticing they call this "GAMBLING" Then youre on your own!

Ofcourse it all is risky, its Futbol in Italy, and Its hard earned Money we spend on it, atleast I do, and i have a combo worth the Payout, and its in decimal Odds because I Play these At a site called Bwin, Luckily I get Grants and Coupons from 2 other sites on the web that give me money to play at Bwin, so I DO, and I Love it, Although i still havent figured out HOW ILL CASH IT OUT since I ALSO Am In America LoL And since they normally dont allow US Users? I am Grandfathered in because i had an account Way before the US Laws got so nuts, so im sure I Can talk to someone about it when i get it to a point that I WANT THAT MONEY NOW!! But its still in the 4 digits, so until it gets to 5 digits? Ill just play with it and wait out the laws hopefully, who knows, Damn politicians Killin me! Im No Thug, Im no threat, but i guess Protected is what we are supposed to feel, so um, protect me then i guess!

But oddsmaker and another book i use also occasionally throw in Serie B so I get to use it when i can there too! Thats the Money I feel is More Ascertainable and is Mine to do with as i want at any moment, so Play it I Will!

Lets get to a combo, that Pays +168, which in betting terms? Is 168 For your 100 Investment, returning $268 for your Buck! Which is Value, especially when there are lines on things that Need a little boost from a combo, When you combo things you get a different value, and it really makes things like -160 to -200 worth chasing in a combo to reduce juice, some people like the COmbos that PAY BIG and Are like scratch cards, GET RICH RIGHT NOW IF I HIT!! And sportsbetting? Over the Long Haul of a Life and Season after season of league after league? There is no GET RICH NOW SCHEME! Its about MAKING MONEY TODAY, Waking up and DOING IT AGAIN! Youre only worth YOUR NEXT PLAY! Some people say atleast, and it makes sense, SO today? A +168 turns two lines of not so much value, into a commodity!

Cittadella / Cesena ~ Under 2.5 @ 1.58

Ancona / Albinoleffe ~ Albinoleffe +1 @ 1.70

Combo Price 2.68 (+168)
Bet: $100 To Take $268

Value At Almost the Same Price, actually a bit better, is the hope for an Upset on the road, which i cant believe I Am Actually calling an Upset, and this game so epitomizes how Betting Italian Futbol is so different from US Leagues, Usually theres a Fav and a -Line, and A Dog and a +Line.. Unless ofcourse they are both -110 which is common as well with basic plays often, youll see a College hoops game be -3 for one team at -110 and -110 for the other team and +3

Here in Serie B?

The Home team here? Which in this case is Crotone? Is +150!!! AT HOME!

You wont almost ever see a Favoured team in the US with no spread or line by +150, wont happen unless ofcourse maybe in Hockey if a road team is -200 or something, that makes sense, but to have a home team +150 and a road team +180? Glorious!

The trick is...... AVOIDING THE DREADED DRAW!! Which I Encountered Yesterday if you read my thread for Serie B on Friday!

EMPOLI? WILL UPSET THIS TEAM and find 3 points! NO DRAW! No Luck! No Other Option!

At +180? ALL DAY!!!

Crotone / Empoli ~ Empoli 3 Way Bet 2.80 (+180)
Bet: $100 to Take $280

And I guess ill keep it simple, I mean i could most likely toss a little action on almost the whole slate, 8 or 9 games wouldnt kill me, but It being Saturday? And wanting to leave room for Serie A, Ncaa and NHL? I wont go crazy!

One more!

Salernitana is on the road as well, and really what i usually try to do with my lines? Is Keep Plays with a decent payout for my buck, I dont usually play Lines of -140 or higher on their own unless i just love it to death, but usually as i did in the first play? I will just eliminate the Vig and combo it wiht something to get value out of it, Hey Listen, No One "Thinks dog" More than me, I keep my plays at a reasonable value on the return, because throwing away money on Vig? Pisses me Off! (Juice, Vig, High Lines, Whatever!)

And if you were to go thru one of, if not all of my trackers at any site i use? You will see every play at -115 or better, which is remarkable today, we see SOOOO many people just blatantly suggest plays to people who arent Line conscious, Like today? In The NHL? Whomever recommended Chicago @ -230? LOST 230 Bucks trying to Only gain $100, BRILLIANT YOU MENTAL MIDGET!! (Yes i have Phoenix ML at all my sites yesterday, i cant believe i didnt realize i didnt post NHL yesterday anywhere! Just tracked it, no words, dummy! Someone could have used the +210 I got there too!)

This **** is all about MONEY!! And if you dont have Balls? You dont have Brains in this industry because FAVORITES ARE JUST A SET UP!! Ask Nick Saban All about His view on what it means to be favoured!! What a great interview that was, "Being favoured is just a set up for an Underdog to shine" His words, and Ive lived by that for 17 years, so im glad he finally caught up!! LoL

Its no mystery man!! Dogs are where the money is too, and Im All about it!!

SO this is Barely a dog price on a road team that has a great shot to win outright tomorrow, or even draw, and we STILL GET PAID ANYWAY!!

Modena / Salernitana ~ Salernitana +1 @ 1.95 (-105) ~
Bet: $210 to Take $410

And its so easy to see the Standings and wonder "What the Hell are you doing man"? LoL Oh its not about standings its about KNOWING WHEN TO Catch someone who is playing well, despite where they sit in any standings or website reading material!


They find a way to either Draw or win and we get paid, And even if they Lose by a goal? NO BET, VOID, STAKE RETURNED!! And Modena to beat someone by two? Out of your Mind!! All im saying! LoL

Thatll do, like i said, if any one noticed, i could write up till the games start on each game, why? Im just getting back into posting in Public, SO either enjoy it, get paid and laugh with me! Or Wait until i reply with Big ass Green Check Marks saying "BAM" And My Bam Blows away Anything Emeril can do ill tell ya what!! LoL

Buona Fortuna ofcourse, oh wait i just updated my Signature, so i dont have to do that anymore!! Nice! Old Habits die hard i suppose! Ciao!!
Ok then, Now we can work with that! LoL

Serie A Next? Man, good thing im on the West Coast Now or else id be all Pied eyed going "Really? More?"

Well there are only two matches on Saturday in Serie A, so let me see what Palermo V Parma, and Livorno V Juve do to me when i look up a bit more info, I Mean i have seen almost every Juve game this year, and GiGi is back from Suspension for the Red Card V Roma when he tackled Riise coming clean to the goal, he sat out Lazio and should be back today, and if i can sneak in a play from there as well, then ill get it out to you! I just wanted to make sure the Shiny New Signature was up and running, I Like it, Hope its acceptable! (And No I am not a Juve Fan, AS ROMA is my team, The Magica if you will! And I WILL!! NO TOTTI! NO PARTY!! Forza Roma!! 1983 Kids, sorry, no Fly by fan here!! Id say 27 years is capable of me calling them MY TEAM!)

Anyway, If i get a vibe from the two Serie A Games Saturday, ill post a thought or two.

Ciao Ciao!!
You're a maniac...And I mean that in a positive way, because who else handicaps as many sports as you do and who else dissects the games like you do?...

GL on ALL your action today...

Fairly big card in the NBA and it's a trend day, so I may have my first bet here at this forum, or maybe a couple, we'll see what the board looks like...
Hey Brew, Thanks, Good Fortune to you today as well, Get whats your today, i hope you post some of it here!

Which is my dilemma, as i Actually Emailed Brew again today about an Hour and a half ago before all the games started today, and I have ONE ISSUE HERE!!

23 Leans (Just Ncaa Hoops,I have 8 NHL Plays on my mind too), and I have Bet actually 7 of these leans that turned into a block party for the Ncaa, so do i post all 23 Leans and my 7 plays? Isnt that a bit much for a site which so far hasnt really shown they are here yet, meaning No one other than Brew and I have really posted in this Area since i Got here, and im even wondering if ANY NORMAL USER on this site is even acknowledging this section is being posted in!

Well shoot, what do i do here? Suggest 2 plays and go 5 - 2? And post the wrong ones, see what Brew knows about me, and anyone who has ever posted around me before knows as well, I am the WORST at GIVING ONE PLAY! So many people ask me, GIMME YOUR BEST PLAY TODAY ! NOOOOOO Please No, I break down my board, and i really dont consider ANYTHING Stronger than others, theyre all what i feel will happen, there is no LOCK OF THE DAY or PLAY OF THE WEEK! Those are the people YOU NEED TO AVOID at the Big forums relating only to sports, The People who love to "I HAVE A 25 STAR LOCK OF THE CENTURY!"

Yeah sure you do!

No Such thing, and who shows up today is something NO ONE KNOWS, ofcourse sports betting is RISKY! Its Emotions in Humans' personal Life that can/could/will effect EVERY GAME!!

If someones mother died last weekend? He can effect the whole team, with support and distraction, as it can also LIFT a team, so its tough, you really need to know alot about what goes on in locker rooms, Off The Game Stuff matters so much as well, there are about really 10-50 Different things that can effect sports betting, Weather, Injuries, Streaks, History, Emotions, Stats... The Cappers opinion, the Coachs Strategy, The Teams...... I mean i can go on (I Think we know this allready LoL)

SO much goes into this, and if you dont have info that is relevant to most of it? You are FLIPPING COINS! Literally Heads or tails to know what youre talking about if you dont know all that is going on, Every teams season Tells a story!!

The story is the how the season plays out, when teams are hitting the ball, when teams are playing great defense, when teams are scoring Goals, when teams are Shooting Poor, and they last about 2 weeks usually, and then coaches and teams address those issues, then trends change again, so its also noticing when the trends will change, which is why i like to strictly follow teams , not because i like or dislike them, its to KNOW THEM, SEE THEM and Get a read on what i see and feel as it will be used in the next game i will pick theyre involved with!!

Ok, Handicapping101 Over, man im sorry, i know it seems i may ramble, but im new here and i dont leave much to guess about me, i am real, I am here, and I am a decent capper and have years of experience helping people, hosting sports forums Etc, so take it for what its worth I Suppose!!

Anyway, lets do this

S Carolina today in Tennessee? +9.5?

Listen, In MY OPINION? S Carolina doesnt show up today? NO MARCH MADNESS FOR YOU!! This is a huge swing game for them, because the Comittee will see a Beat down in Tenn Late in the Conf Schedule as a HUGE OUT, and A BIG GAME IN TENNEESSEE? From a 4- 3 Conf record S Carolina team that can either Make a statement or Just go about the rest of the year hoping for the NIT, so I see +9.5 as an opportunity not just for us, but as S Carolinas Seasons' Hopes of making the Comittee Notice they are for real, and if theyre not for real? Well then I lose, they lose and thats that! LoL

S Carolina / Tenn Vols ~ S Carolina +9.5 -110 ~ $110 to Take $210

Now, in a post i made previous at my personal site with just a few friends involved, i posted that i think PITT IS ABOUT TO FALL APART, and look at me now, 4 L of 5 Games now, and what you dont know about me is I Have a crystal Ball, Meaning I DO IT ALL THE TIME, See in Advance who will struggle the next few days/weeks/Games

DO it all the time, as Brew will attest, Im sure he will say "Ive seen him call 8 game win streaks 5 days before they happened, and he went 7 - 1 and I knew he would"

Its just something we do i suppose, atleast i do, again relating to how a teams season tells a story, and Pitts Story right now? IS A SAD ONE!! They dont have the team to make it happen this year and Seton Hall allready took advantage of it a few games ago upsetting them, so today Pitt got better ? And S Hall got worse? Oh yeah?
Prove it !!

S Hall / Pittsburgh ~ S Hall +4 -110 ~ $110 to Take $210

Ok i have 9 Dogs out of 10 sides of my leans/ideas for plays today, I Wasnt kidding about Thinking Dog kids! No ONE YOU KNOW!! ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, Thinks Dog like me, I Dont care who youve met, who you know, or what county you live in LoL I THINK DOG!! And i Findthem all day, and My DOGS WIN!! OUTRIGHT, KEEP YOUR DAMN POINTS!! My Last 12 Dogs ive taken? 8 of them HAVE ALL WON OUTRIGHT, NO POINTS NEEDED, GRAZIE!!

So Now i need to pick ONE TO POST?

Ahh man, killin me see, What makes any dog more LIVE than the other ?

San Fran Getting +16.5 playing the best ball theyve played all year upsetting Gonzaga and San Diego the last 2 games and today JUST CANT HANG?

Boise St at home is my only consideration for A Chalked team, meaning the Line of -4.5 is on them at home, we call that Chalk! Favoured with a spread, whatever!

I dont think Idaho has the chops to hang with Boise at home, Too Small and shoot too many jump shots because they dont have the interior presence to play in the paint, but the problem is its Idaho/Boise St, Rivalries, and rivalries are much better spots to think dog in my opinion, because they usually know they arent going to be given respect by line setters on the road especially, so San Diego St? +7?

Maybe the play worth noting here, N Mexico is obviously always solid at The Pit, but I think San Diego St can keep it within 10 points, and obviously i said its +7 points, so they dont HAVE TO WIN by 10 or more, but um, If you dont think theyll cover 7? You must thing N Mexico will pound them, and i dont think That will happen, even in The Pit, SD St is a valid play, ill play it small then!

San Diego St / N Mexico ~ SD St +7 -110 ~ $55 to Take $105

Oh boy, see, this also is why recommending 23 plays? Ive made 3 plays so far, write up much??!?!

I cant do this to you guys this early LoL

If at all you care to see my leans on the whole day, let me know in a priv message, i will share it with anyone who atleast would wantto know where i track my Ncaa

And um, I am 184 - 150 this season At my tracking site, betting 5 units at a time on the season basically, Up +116 Units on the year so if you have been around me so far this year, youre shooting 55.1 % with my action, an Making Money! Period!!!!

If Brew reads this, he can show it to you if you need Confirmation, because I Allready mentioned, I am not here to promote any sites, or do anything but post some action here, so i dont want to be taken as if i came here to Get attention and drag people to a Site of mine, I have like 5 people at my site, and weve been together for years, so Why would i want anyone i dont know there?

No need for that, Im here and ill post if its welcomed!

If you want to talk Ncaa with me? Than Talk, Ill give you what i have, and then some!! About anyone! And ill pick your nose off!! Because..... I CAN!!

184 - 150, Imagine?!?! 34 Games OVER .500!!


Oh thatd be me, if you find a nice big forum with people posting Ncaa hoops? LOOK AT THEIR RECORD, If you find someone doing that? THEN GET THEM HERE TO POST WITH ME because WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN THEN!! Big sports, Big Bets and GOOD ACTION!!??!!


SO lets leave it at three posted, and beg to the gods that i dont hit a shell with 3 plays on a board of which i have more action than a roadhouse Bar Fight LoL
Last edited:
Ahh man, sorry, links came up in that post, ill edit it and repost

I was trying to post my Tracker for Italian Futbal, but it gives links back to that site, and i dont want to do that

I went 8 - 2 In Overall Serie A and B today, and wanted to post how it went and what i took at a competition site i love to beat everyone down in LoL

If i can figure out how to post it without back links in it? Ill show it to you, I Love when competition sites offer money to users for doing well, I was in the top 5 In January, and my 8 - 2 today, might start me off right about there for Feb early!

Pucks Version

Goodness, NHL Too?

It doesnt End, and if i write this stuff up? Oh boy this thread has alot of stuff in it, scrolling down this low to see all that ive said today, Yowza!!

So Its getting to the Evening now, and Pucks will be dropping all over the Continent today, and in the Country above Us? You know Eh, Canadadia! LoL

The Leafs Get to host the Hottest team around and Vegas slaps a -125 on the Sens?

Sucking in everyone and their mother, thats a scary line, a team playing this wel should be atleast -140 the way theyre playing (Sens) and that can only make me think one thing, and it sucks because I wont take Toronto at any Juncture of this season, so Ofcourse today i would come here, Slap up the Leafs and EAT UP that -125, but thats one of those "Ill bet we can get over Half the country on theSens if we keep it that Low" SUCK YOU IN LINE!! As i said!

I wont touch it then Punks! I see what youre doing and i am not falling for it, SO for some? I can understand the Logic in Fading the Sens today, but i dont have it in me to put the Leafs on the Board ~~ (Play the Leafs will Ya, im trying to say I wont play them so you can ok!! LOL) Ahh man, thats so tough, can i honestly suggest that to you ? Ugh, In My opinion then, The Leafs are the play due to the line and the streak having to come to an end at some point, and Maybe vegas thinks its today, ok, so lets go with that, Damnit, i hate to write up that much about a game i probably wont play now, so what was that for? TO say you can dangerously take the Sens who are hotter than hell but the line suggests otherwise? The Leafs arent doing anything worth being on for me, so i guess thats why i say id rather see, or atleast Understand the Logic on being on the Leafs at home tonight

But when headed to St Lou? A Home Dog? HOLD IT!! So the Hawks have lost 3 straight, in OT-SHO last night to boot, and have to come to St Louis who is alternating W's and L's for weeks now! And its due for a W if you see it that way!

But obviously theres so much more to it than that, St Louis is Scrappy, then dont play around with you, and if youre struggling, Why wouldvegas say CHICAGO CAN FIGURE IT OUT TODAY WITH -145? Man, No Respect?

Yeah ok, Said it about 5 times today, so Think Dog it is!

Chicago / St Louis ~ St L Blues ML +128 ~ $100 to Take $228

oh boy, getting all colorized now, here we go LoL

My Surprise Line of the day actually goes to the Sharks, Regarding botht he Side and the Total actually

So we can have San Jose at a Buck and a Quarter? Thats -125 Genious, sorry!

whats $25 going to do to anyone toget them off the Sharks? Im sorry, but thats insane of a line, and the Total 5.5 is +115, Lovely, tasty, and im lickin em both up because thats too nice and i hope to thank Vegas later!!

San Jose / Nashville ~ Le Shark ML -125 ~ $250 to Take $450

San Jose / Nashville ~ Total Over 5.5 @ +115 ~ $100 to Take $215

Another Total i think has all the rights to hit is in Colorado, 5.5 ? Just a 'Gimme Line' If you ask me, and its not like they can do much with it, and its fairly priced @ -110 so thats fine with me, plain and Simple, Goals NOT coming here? Are harder to say will happen than Seeing Twine all night, so id rather taste some net and see if they can skate to a 4 - 3 Game-ish!

Edmonton / Colorado ~ Over 5.5 -110 ~ $110 to Take $210

Ugh that Game might be tough, Watching Edmonton games and hoping for goals can be like having a root canal sometimes lol

Hmm, i see a combo spot i will chance, it involves a juiced line, and a decent line to payout +175 for the two together, so i think ill take this chance with the Double!

Phoenix +1.5 is -250, WAY JUICED and Ugly, if you take it alone? i mean Why?!?! listen, I have no problem even thinking the Yotes are still worthy of a ML play, so to see this hot team lose? Ok, in the case of +1.5 LOSE AWAY FOR ALL ICARE, just dont get beat up tonight and try to stay hot feeling GREAT off the COmeback and Shootout Win last night, and i dont normally tag teams on BTB's (Back to Back nights) But +1.5? Isnt tagging anything, Give me a 1 goal, tight game please and dont give up the streak easily! ALL that is!

SO to put it with the Canes and Isles Over 5.5 @ -105?

I am getting +175 and hope my keys to combo city still work, in case you dont know, and we know you dont, Ive been the Mayor of Combo City for 5 years Now, Its tough to kick out the Best Mayor the City has had in 50 years LOL

Phoenix +1.5 -250
Canes / Isles Over 5.5 -105

Combo Bet (Double)
Bet: $55 To Take $150

Yowza, 3 sports here today, and i didnt even post Palermo and the Over that Hit in Serie A, which is where i really wanted to get info out, ITALY!! ETALIA!! HAND IN HAND!! Imagine those write ups? SO damnit, could have had even more posted today, imagine? I think Big Jack said it best in Batman!!

Wait Till they Get a Load A Me!! LoL

Buona...... Oh right, Signature! I Like it! Dont even need to say it now, but just in case?

Buona Fortuna, On the Ice Anyway, Just for some more Boost! LoL
Just a few games i like today, taken Ottawa and Maple Loops Over 5.5 @ Evens. Took the Oregon Ducks to beat rivals Oregon State. Took the Over in the Clippers game and think they cover and beat the Spurs. Cavs and the Knicks over 200 looks tempting, Milwaukee just put 114 on them and why can't Lebron and company? I am so tempted to take the Rangers to beat NJ Deils at +115.
Um, now thats weird, i just mentioned a Jack quote from Batman, and there you go with the Avatar and the ID? This is creepin me out now, Good thing youre A World away from me on another continent LoL, How is the Sunny side of the Aussie world Treating you These days Mate?!?!
Speaking of Avatar, Much Better, thanks for reminding me i needed to represent My Italian American Ass!
Weather over here is pooring down with rain which is what wee need. Its been stinkin hot for sometime now and its great to have some cool weather. Have you moved or planning to still move to Arizona?
It is in my sights Lad! Yes!

If it doesnt snow again for the rest of my life? I may be ok with that!

Another 5-6 Inches today here in the good Ole Montana Mountains, just another day!

Ugh, Just another Shovel, Just another Ice Scraper, Just another Cold Night, I mean thats enough!

I know I Came here to get away from the Hustle of New York, But the Compromise of Cold this often and this much? Is pushing me out of here

Sun, Give me Sun, all im saying, and i know its too hot in Arizona too often, but thats again, a trade Ill take! Much less i have good friends in Scottsdale and Phoenix that will help me adjust, So im ready, Leaving by the end of the month, so Im sure you will hear more about it, thanks for asking my friend!

Enjoy the rain, Its not accumulating enough to flood you out so youll muddle thru i hope LoL
A little info about myself:

I have been handicapping the NBA for 25+ years now and consider myself one of the top NBA cappers around...It's a passion of mine...I have daily paper charts that I keep and have a monster NBA handicapping database that I created myself, that has 19 seasons worth of data and I am overhauling it right now, adding tons of data to it, which is why I have posted less plays, because I am busy adding info to my database...There is no other database in the world like this one that I know of...

I post at another forum and am carrying my year-to-date record over here...I have not posted a play in about 2 weeks...

I came here because a friend of mine told me Etalia was going to post here and this guy is a MONSTER, a MANIAC and one of the top cappers around (anywhere) when it comes to Italian Serie A Futbol...I like to look at his sh^t and want to know what he is on just so I know NOT to be on the opposite...He is also Very strong in the NHL...


Here we go for tonight...


Day 103:

36-27-2, +$3047

investment plays:
2-0, +$2000

action plays:
34-27-1, +$1047

Been super-busy and not seeing a lot of game plays I like, but I have been betting a ton of 2H plays the last 2 weeks and doing well, but I am not sure how much that helps the Board with that short time-frame to see my plays, but I may start posting 2H plays, we'll see...

There are a ton of trends and situations hitting today, so this is a day, well, hell, I am just going to bet every game that got my attention and well, let the chips fall where they may:

New Jersey Nets +3.5, 1H, laying $220 to win $200 -- This is the game that I am betting that I like the least, but I am simply playing the "automatic" play for me, which is taking the Away team playing their 4th game in 5 nights...I don't do this all the time, but DET is flat-out TERRIBLE...They don't deserve to be 7-point chalk over anyone, even the hapless Nets...This to me though, is a better play on the 1H line the more I think about this one as the Nets have covered six 1H lines in a row...Their problem has been closing games as they fall apart in the 4Q as witnessed last night where they led after three quarters at Boston and then got trounced in the 4Q to lose by 9, still covering the game line...I still like the 7 points here, but I figure if NJ doesn't cover the 1H line, they won't cover the game line...Hope I am not wrong there as I will be p^ssed if they lose by 4 in the 1H and then cover the 7...

Miami Heat Pick, laying $330 to win $300 -- This is the game where another automatic play of mine is being used, where I fade the Home team playing their 4th game in 5 nights...Again, there are other reasons...Dwayne Wade returns to his hometown with plenty of motivation to get his Heat out of a funk that has seen them lose 4 in a row and 6 of 7...Beasley is back a few games now, so the Heat should have some more cohesion on their rotations and they are rested here (ok, 1 days rest, but they were already in their hotel rooms a day in advance while CHI had to fly in LATE from ATL last night), while CHI is on a back-ender...Looks like Noah won't play for CHI, and that is big and the Bulls did lose and not cover their only other 4-in-5-nights-with-the-4th-game-at-home game back in Week 7, exactly 2 months ago to the day (and they were already Home the night before)...

Memphis Grizzlies -2.5, laying $330 to win $300 -- Simple NBA Handicapping 101 game here where I am taking the Good team off a tought loss, in bounce-back mode against the Bad team, off a big upset win, in let-down mode...Memphis has beaten Minny all 3 games this season...Minny off a BIG upset win at Dallas last night as 10-point Dogs at Dallas...And Memphis players aren't happy about there terrible showing at Home last night in their hunbling 101-83 loss to Houston...“We played soft,” Zach Randolph said. “They did what they wanted to. It was very disappointing. They treated us like little girls.”...“They out-toughed us,” Rudy Gay said. “Every statistical category they beat us in, and you’re not going to win like that.”...Look for a hungry Memphis team to win this one tonight as travel isn't a factor as both teams had to fly in to Minny from distance...I like the Over here, too...

Philadelphia/Houston over 195, laying $220 to win $220 -- I don't understand this total...It's going up and to me, it's already about 3 or 4 points too high...But this is a chart-play for me...Philly had 12 straight Unders (in regulation time, there were 2 OT-aided Overs during that streak) before having their first legit Over last night at New Orleans...HOU had a decent pace going last night at MEMP despite the stone Under, but the chart-play is too strong here, so I have to take the Over despite believing this total is set too damn high...

Utah Jazz -8, laying $330 to win $300 -- This is a simple "don't make sense" play for the John Q. Public bettors, who must be asking what the hell is going on here, as Denver just demolished the Lakers last night on National TV at Staples (giving the Lake-Show their worst loss of the season)...And now they are getting 8 points at Utah, a team they have beaten by 7-to-10 points in ALL 3 games this season??...Denver is 3-0 vs. Utah this year, the Nuggets just killed the Lakers on National TV and now the Jazz are favored by 8?...Well, of course they are...Jump ALL OVER Utah here...Let-down spot...Late start for Denver last night and they got in Utah late and now have to deal with the altitude on a back-ender...And oh-by-the-way, Utah is 9-1 ATS this season when they have rest and their opponent is on a back-ender, so yeah, THAT IS WHY the line is 8...Take the Jazz...

L.A. Lakers/Portland under 194, laying $330 to win $330 -- I got this "rule of thumb" from another capper at another forum, and it works out well in certain situations and this guy has tracked the progress over the past several years...Basically, when you have a game where 230+ points are scored, you take the 2 teams who played under in their next game...Now there are exceptions as he has a list of teasm that you ignore (like Phoenix, Golden State and others), but the Lakers certainly don't fit...And Denver put up the most points ANY team has put up against LAL this season last night on National TV...Think Phil Jackson is a little p^ssed at their defensive effort?...Think guys like Kobe and Artest aren't going to pick up the defensive intensity tonight and DEMAND that their teammates do, too?...Uh, yeah, you might want to think about taking this one Under as all other trend go out the window here...Also, the Blazers OWN the Lakers at Home, beating them straight up 8 or 9 times in a row at Home now, but I will lay off after that Lakers debacle last night...This will be (or should be) a motivated Lakers team tonight...

Oklahoma City/Golden State over 109, 1H, laying $220 to win $220
Oklahoma City/Golden State over 214.5 laying $220 to win $220
-- The last 3 games these 2 teams played at Oracle FLEW Over...These 2 teams just played at OKC 6 days ago and went Over at an arena GS had never gone Over at...And GS doesn't go Over much on the Road...So this tells me we will have a frenetic, fast-paced game here tonight...Anthony Morrow is back for GS, and that means more offense and less defense for GS and I just look for a ton of shots to go up and I see this game in the 225-to-230 range with the 1st half being around 115-to-120...Over me...

Well Shoot, you came here from that pretty big forum to come post with me huh?

Now thats something, Thanks for the Words Brew, You have seen before the efforts and investment I have made to be where I Am today, not meaning here at this site lol i mean as a capper, And you also know it takes a cut above from the norm to be able to Actually MAKE MONEY, and I also consider you a SHARP! And there are very few id put near that Comment!


Impressive write ups again today my friend!! And what a Place this might be now? Youre going to post here with me from time to time?
I Mean thats a bit much, Two powerhouses of info waiting to be read every day or as often as possible atleast?

Does anyone deserve this? I havent gotten one reply from the Field here yet other than an old friend who pegged me out from my ID, so its strange, but i see we get page views a bit, and that means someone cares!! Id assume atleast!

Well this little section on the site might just get some recognition beyond!

Is there any life out here?!?! LoL Thats the question, And i allready said i know this site is more about the Markets, Trading, Wall Street Etc and all that this site is REALLY ABOUT, so they threw a sports betting Option Area Here and Here we come? Is that Lucky for Us? Or lucky for them???? We're Talking almost 200,000 People, Impressive !!

Time will tell!!

Anyway, THANKS FOR HAVING US!! To the site!!

I do hope you find that investing in either of Us, is also an opportunity to gain ground in a Different Market, And whether YOU feel comfortable about it or not?



Enjoy it!! While The Market is Good and Options are UP!!! Now youve got Two options, and about 6 leagues covered between Brew and I, and My Aussie Friend who CAN Hold Candles to alot of Cappers out here too, SO ill just let the plays do the talking, the Words do the walking, and The Bets do the Work for everyone around here! With a Bonus Handicapper or two In the Mix Now! Again, I say Yowza!!

Grazie! Ciao!
My god, Oregon and Oregon State, by golly, the worst game i have ever watched in my life. Clank City all day. Oregon can't hit an open basket, team is a living joke.
Re: Pucks Version

The Leafs Get to host the Hottest team around and Vegas slaps a -125 on the Sens?

that can only make me think one thing, and it sucks because I wont take Toronto at any Juncture of this season, so Ofcourse today i would come here, Slap up the Leafs and EAT UP that -125, but thats one of those "Ill bet we can get over Half the country on the Sens if we keep it that Low" SUCK YOU IN LINE!! As i said!

I see what youre doing and i am not falling for it, SO (Play the Leafs will Ya, im trying to say I wont play them so you can ok!! LOL)


My Surprise Line of the day actually goes to the Sharks, Regarding both the Side and the Total actually

So we can have San Jose at a Buck and a Quarter?

whats $25 going to do to anyone toget them off the Sharks? Im sorry, but thats insane of a line, and the Total 5.5 is +115, Lovely, tasty, and im lickin em both up because thats too nice and i hope to thank Vegas later!!

San Jose / Nashville ~ Le Shark ML -125 ~ $250 to Take $450

San Jose / Nashville ~ Total Over 5.5 @ +115 ~ $100 to Take $215

Damn Blue Notes came close, and My Combo atleast both crashed, but these plays in the quote were something i hope someone caught today, 4 -3 Sharks and the "I cant play the leafs so you can" ; I like that comment alot lol, 5 - 0 Leafs, Ya think!! "Suck You in line", YOU GOTS TO KNOW WHEN TO HOLD EM!! But i gave you the play, hope it mattered!!

Didnt break out for Gold today, But didnt look stupid doing it atleast!