Sports Betting Arbitrage

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Are there any sports betting arbitrage traders here? I have been trading for almost three months in this now, but I am still very small time and still learning a lot as I go. I have made my own website trying to pass on all of the information I have been learning along the way, but this is largely a result of having lots of time in between trades with not much else to I work on the website.

So does anyone else here do it? How long have you done it for, and are you seeing reasonable percentage profits? I am only making aorund 1-2% a week, but I am still so new to it, that I really am hoping that experience and time will help me bring this up to a more consistent 4% or so per week. I figure that if I can keep that up, then I will be able to grow my initial investment to a large enough sum to make some real useful money out of...

There is definitely a lot to learn in the sports arb area, and I certainly hope it has ben worth all of this consistent effort! At least it has been fun so far anyway!

Hi there. I tried SA a few months ago. It works - technically! The draw back is that you just can't grt enough money on to make it worthwhile. For example I had a trade on a Turkish football match. I needed to place 600GBP on one leg and 400GBP on the other to make 50GBP(approx figs). I could get on to one leg but the other was limmited to 8GBP!! It may be that if you only invested in high profile events the liquidity may be there but the oportunities then become thin on the ground. I wish you better success than me. ATB
Yeah, that can be a problem. I have had a couple of similar experiences, but as I persist I am learning how bookmakers work and learning which bookmaker needs to be placed first etc so that I don't end up finding one side is short.. Some bookmakers don't tell you the betting limit before you try to place the bet, so I always try to bet with them first..find out what I am betting, then go to the second more reliable bookmaker to meet the first bet.
alanbaxter said:
Hi there. I tried SA a few months ago. It works - technically! The draw back is that you just can't grt enough money on to make it worthwhile. For example I had a trade on a Turkish football match. I needed to place 600GBP on one leg and 400GBP on the other to make 50GBP(approx figs). I could get on to one leg but the other was limmited to 8GBP!! It may be that if you only invested in high profile events the liquidity may be there but the oportunities then become thin on the ground. I wish you better success than me. ATB

Some of the information on this site may be helpful.

Apologies if you already have the link.
Yeah, unfortunately I originally found the information at Alan Seymours page helpful too. but as I have had a chance to review much of the software that he reviewed on his page myself, I quickly came to realise that his information was more a case of mis-information and really quite bad bias.

I can't be certain about anything, but people at Arb Forum say that Alan Seymour is a ficticious person created as a marketting ploy by ZRA to attract new members. Jason Thompson at ZRA denies that this is true. I am trying to figure out the truth of the matter because clearly someone is lying.

Whatever the truth behind the situation is though, the information that Alan Seymour presents in this alert services section is simply wrong. I can show much evidence for this too if you would like to see.

Aegist said:
Yeah, that can be a problem. I have had a couple of similar experiences, but as I persist I am learning how bookmakers work and learning which bookmaker needs to be placed first etc so that I don't end up finding one side is short.. Some bookmakers don't tell you the betting limit before you try to place the bet, so I always try to bet with them first..find out what I am betting, then go to the second more reliable bookmaker to meet the first bet.

Sounds like the Ab world may have it's own collection of sharks.

There was me thinking it was only the trading world, that was full of people trying to extract shekels by fair means or foul.

To be honest I did have a cursory look at arbitrage, but didn't pursue it.

My two main concerns were the amount of accounts need to be open, some funded, and as alenbaxter alluded to, the ability to cover all bets, at a reasonable level.

Good luck with your endeavours Sir.
Thanks. I will be continuing as long as I can and until it either seems to be entirely a waste of time, or I will keep going until I have neough money LOL...

I am keeping track of all of my weekly trade profits in my blog on my website. If you are interested in following its progress, just hceck back in each monday.....
Aegist said:
Are there any sports betting arbitrage traders here? I have been trading for almost three months in this now, but I am still very small time and still learning a lot as I go. I have made my own website trying to pass on all of the information I have been learning along the way, but this is largely a result of having lots of time in between trades with not much else to I work on the website.

So does anyone else here do it? How long have you done it for, and are you seeing reasonable percentage profits? I am only making aorund 1-2% a week, but I am still so new to it, that I really am hoping that experience and time will help me bring this up to a more consistent 4% or so per week. I figure that if I can keep that up, then I will be able to grow my initial investment to a large enough sum to make some real useful money out of...

There is definitely a lot to learn in the sports arb area, and I certainly hope it has ben worth all of this consistent effort! At least it has been fun so far anyway!


Instead of going thru the learning curve the hard way, you can take the easy way out by investing in an arbs fund. I got my knowledge fron Check it out and see if you like their package.

I started my learning curve with a video course from Alan Seymour (UK). which was a complete waste of time and money. It's a course for those who already know how to get around the arbitrage world, certainly not suitable for beginners.

Then I bought the Mazu course and invested in the pros. The subcscription to "SureBetPro" arbs alert service is $150pm, but you can buy a few shares from them which yield several thousand a year to cover the subs. When you become a Nazu affiliate, you can make residual income. Here's a Warning: Never ever get sucked into any HYIPs.
You really think the Mazu pack is worth paying for? I have seen it around (You can't miss it) but I can't imagine what Mazu can tell me which isn't findable through Google searches, the RFP live training and so on.

My experience of paying for E-books has always been that they are not worth it...but of course Mazu offers a lot more than just ebooks, but is it worth the $300 or whatever it is that he charges?

Aegist said:
You really think the Mazu pack is worth paying for? I have seen it around (You can't miss it) but I can't imagine what Mazu can tell me which isn't findable through Google searches, the RFP live training and so on.

My experience of paying for E-books has always been that they are not worth it...but of course Mazu offers a lot more than just ebooks, but is it worth the $300 or whatever it is that he charges?


Compared to the 100 sterling pounds I paid for the Seymour course, the $300 Mazu package was "cheap" . I got a lot of useful and profitable info. Remember, we both started with zero knowledge. After the Seymour course I was none the wiser, wasted my money and wasted my time; but a month after the Mazu package, I knew exactly what I had to do to make money, although I chose the easy way by investing in the RFP fund rather than arbitraging actively..

Of course, you can get the same knowledge searching the Internet and by all means do that if you have the time and disposition to do so. In fact, Mazu is a reseller for RFP and gets referral fees when we sign up. I was quite happy to let them get a commission because my objective was to gather knowledge on sports arbitrage. I needed the guidance and was willing to pay for it. I didn't get it from Seymour; I got it from Mazu. By the way, RFP themselves resell the SureBetPro services; so if you like, you can go directly to them as well.
lynx said:
By the way, RFP themselves resell the SureBetPro services; so if you like, you can go directly to them as well.
PLEASE tell me more information on this. I have been chasing this up for months now and RFP stopped replying to me when I started asking about it. What do you know about where SBP comes from?

Aegist said:
PLEASE tell me more information on this. I have been chasing this up for months now and RFP stopped replying to me when I started asking about it. What do you know about where SBP comes from?


I know what yopu mean. I too found that the RFP people do have an attitude when I first dealt with them. Just keep your cool and back off a bit. Anyway, I hope they have not blacklisted your IP and shut off your emails. Th RFP fund pays pretty good, more than enough to offset the cost of the SBP services which you subscribe thru them. The more you can resell their services (optional), the more shares you can buy from them and increase your payout, plus residual income.

I vaguely remember reading something about a Scandivian guy who wrote the SBP software. I am not sure. But that's not an issue. If you want to go direct, I think you can check out this website:

My advice to arbitrage beginners is that they should pay their dues when trying to acquire knowledge. Don't try to go it alone. There are lots of unseen obstacles and pitfalls in this business. For example, do you realise that to successfully pursue this business, you need to open accounts with at least 30 bookmakers, some of whom are downright frauds? And that's only the beginning. Many pros end up dealing with 50 and more inorder to have the flexibility to place or lay off their bets. This will pose an accounting nightmare, believe me. That's why I preferred to invest in the fund. No hassel=peaceful sleep.

Mazu also introduced me to a fund (now turned private) which pays really well, not just sports arbitraging. But that's privileged info which I am not at liberty to divulge. I think their package is worth the money if you want to get into this kind of business. I am not a reseller and have nothing to do with Mazu, RFP or SBP. Good luck
Oh, no they weren't rude or anything, in fact at first I got special service because I was the admin of Sports Arbitrage Guide....but I wanted to know everything. So I asked lots of questions. I got decent answers for a while, but then one day my contact stopped replying. Because I had to make contact through the 'support ticket' system I dont know how to make contact with him again, and everytime I submit a ticket now, the person replying has no context for my questions and they can't answer it properly. It is a real pain in the bum.

The story that RFP tell about SBP is that James Trond (I think) from norway contracted some programmers from India to make SBP for him....SO SBP was made for (by) RFP according to them. Paying someone to program somerthing for you makes it yours, so they own SBP according to their story. I thought you were saying that someone else owns it, and they pay for a licensing right to resell it or something.

I have had issues trying to get to the bottom of this because there are two other 'competitors' out there who offer virtually identical software to RFP, and I am trying to figure out who is ripping off who, or if all three of them are legitimately licensing the software off an independent third party. and have neither replied to me at all even though I know they have recieved my emails. RFP at least replied to me...for a while. Last I heard on this matter was that it was being taken to the top (James Trond and ..the other guy, forget his name for the moment) to see what they know about them. I was awaiting more information on that when I stopped getting replies from that contact...

As for going it alone, I am working very hard on providing all of the information people need on my website for free. Since it is a work in progress and since I am learning as I am going, I know that it is not the absolutely best information you can get, but it is honest and it is accurate. I think that in combination with a good forum you can learn most of what you need to know. you have spiked my curiosity though, and I might have to look into Mazu a bit closer. I need to find a copy which doesn't include an SBP subscription though, because I already have one of them 🙂

Kind regards,
Hi all

I tend to use oddsexplorer for all my sure bets they give quite good returns with alot of options, but you will need to open the usual accounts with book makers and exchanges.
hope this help 😎
This is a bit of an old thread but I thought I would attempt to revive it. There is a cool tool here which I have been playing with. Am putting together some dutching code to exploit small underound anomalies on BetFair if/when they occur.

I am not convinced that it will yield anything but won't know until it has been running for a bit. Betfair is a wonderful platform and it does have potential for this kind of thing. I expect that it is all wrapped up already though.

Anyone else have any experience of this?

be careful when you up the size.

i used to do arbs with Sporting Index, but then they started cancelling the odd bet here and there, and it stopped being profitable.

They used the usual "palpable error" excuse.

Regarding the fund, it's a blatant scam. Why would anyone start a fund in true risk free arbitrage? A friend invested in a fund a couple of years ago. It went up to begin with. But once they'd got enough cash they just disappeared with it all.
NotQuiteRandom said:
This is a bit of an old thread but I thought I would attempt to revive it. There is a cool tool here which I have been playing with. Am putting together some dutching code to exploit small underound anomalies on BetFair if/when they occur.

I am not convinced that it will yield anything but won't know until it has been running for a bit. Betfair is a wonderful platform and it does have potential for this kind of thing. I expect that it is all wrapped up already though.

Anyone else have any experience of this?
I haven't heard of it before. Keep us informed of how it goes for you. I might need to write up something about it on SAG...