The peace thread


Well-known member
With all the war and hating in the world happening in the news, I am dediciating this thread to peace.

All of us have bloods and bones and are desent people.

What gets in way of love between humanoids is religion and polticals.

So I ask all peoples of no faith or many to drop the hatings and despair, and form the bond of freindliness with a humanoid spirit.

This is wonderful.

People should stop hating and start loving. It's quite simple.
I don't wish to be argumentative, but movements towards world peace always sound like movements towards surrender and appeasement. Surely, the world needs freedom, something that has real benefits and which can be achieved through real-world means, rather than simply an absence of military action.

And if freedom can only be reached through conflict, so be it, it's the ultimate and possibly unique thing worth fighting for.