The Official Trade2win's Daytrading Contest Thread


Ok Guys and Gals Traders

The Eve of The Daytrading Contest is upon us! So let's see who's going to be TOP GUN? The UK's traders been saying come and get some, and my US's traders are saying NAS rules. So let's see who will be in the need for speed, and comes out the winner and get the monthly prize of a Trading Title book, and man, wait till we announce the Quarterly prize big enough to make me jealous!


1. All trades must be posted in the chat room #trade2win or #trade2win-us within 1min. of buying, selling, shorting or covering to qualify as a trade
2. The second part of your round trip must be completed on the same day before the market close. Meaning, if u bought a stock you must sell before market closes, if you shorted a stock you must cover before market close to qualify.
3. All real or paper trades will be allowed in the contest.
4. All mistakes on your posting must be correctedby notifying an OPs within ½ hr. of your post.
5. All trades qualification will be determine by Ops and the decision is final.
6. Your daily ranking will be posted in the trade2win BB and all decision are final.
7. Monthly prize will be awarded by us to the trader with #1 ranking at the close of the trading day on the last trading day of the month.
8. Quarterly prize will be awarded by us to the trader with the most points collected at the end of 3 months at the close of the trading day on the last of the trading day of 3 months starting March 1 2001.
8. All prizes will be selected by Trade2win and our decision is final.

Alias needed:
Please add this to your mIRC Alias
You must have this to operate our contest software!
Go to Tools/aliases then copy and paste each of these into the alias window

/b /me !trade buys $1 @ $2
/co /me !trade covers $1 @ $2 for $3
/sh /me !trade shorts $1 @ $2
/s /me !trade sells $1 @ $2 for $3
/score /me !trade league

Instruction to operate the trading softwere:

Then to buy for example type /b arm 80 ....and to sell /s arm 82 + or - 2 ….and to short /sh arm 82 …..and to cover /co arm 82 + or – 2 …….and to see your ranking type /score

You use these commands to activate the trading software in the chat room!

So now you know how it works, lets see if your can hold a candle to The TOP GUNs! and make it to the end of the month to claim your prize, or will you just crash and burn! Hold #1 with the most points at the end of the quarter and be Title TOP GUN and win the grand prize.
Welcome to My Danger Zone!

If need addtional help i'll be in the UK and US chat room to lend a hand.

hi Traders

On the round trip rule:
Please close your open position by the end of the market closing.
If not i will @ the closing prise and give you an additional -2points for making me work 🙂

Ok Traders,

After 4hrs of checking trades and correcting mistakes, here is the results of HEAT 1.

Drum Rolls Please!

Top Guns For March 1 2001 is:

UK & US League Table
Position ----- Name ---- --Trades-- --Points--
1. Tag.........2...........0
1. Hi5.........2...........0
2. ChartMan....20..........-2.5
3. Gold........6...........-8.75
4. bis.........7...........-15.7
5. Riz.........26..........-20.5
6. Jazz........4...........-32.5
7. Stoker......2...........-50

Here are your logged trades:

Unique Market Name Date Stock Type Price Profit
1 UK bis 01/03/01 08:16:01 blm buys 252.5 0
2 UK riz- 01/03/01 08:18:25 pon buys 126 0
3 UK riz- 01/03/01 08:21:52 pon sells 131.5 5.5
4 UK riz- 01/03/01 08:31:47 sco buys 50 0
5 UK riz- 01/03/01 08:32:30 moni buys 450.5 0
6 UK riz- 01/03/01 08:34:35 twt buys 129.25 0
7 UK riz- 01/03/01 08:38:56 ctm buys 1217 0
8 UK bis 01/03/01 08:40:07 moni shorts 447 0
9 UK riz- 01/03/01 09:01:18 BHM shorts 495 0
10 UK riz- 01/03/01 09:02:17 BHM covers 485 10
12 UK Stoker 01/03/01 09:15:12 azn shorts 3145 0
13 UK riz- 01/03/01 09:28:05 ARM buys 302 0
14 UK riz- 01/03/01 09:31:21 EGS buys 445 0
15 UK jazz 01/03/01 09:31:57 ISYS buys 158.75 0
16 UK riz- 01/03/01 09:32:56 MONI sells 455 4.5
17 UK jazz- 01/03/01 09:49:09 CMG buys 7.59 0
18 UK riz 01/03/01 10:36:10 ARM sells 315 13
19 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 10:52:41 barc buys 2135 0
20 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 10:55:28 blm buys 245 0
21 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 10:57:21 sctn buys 537.5 0
22 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 11:00:00 smwh buys 530 0
23 UK riz 01/03/01 11:02:19 CTM buys 1190 0
24 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 11:03:08 vlk buys 64.5 0
25 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 11:06:10 tni buys 485.5 0
27 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 12:18:43 barc buys 2173 0
29 UK riz- 01/03/01 12:19:05 SPT buys 376 0
30 UK GOLD- 01/03/01 12:25:18 bhm buys 492 0
32 UK riz- 01/03/01 12:26:36 CCM buys 521.5 0
33 UK bis 01/03/01 12:29:51 moni covers 444 3
35 UK riz- 01/03/01 12:31:19 LOG buys 1370 0
36 UK bis 01/03/01 12:31:24 moni buys 444 0
38 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 12:32:18 barc sells 2160 25
39 UK riz- 01/03/01 12:49:14 CTM sells 1211 18
40 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 12:51:33 barc sells 2182 9
41 UK GOLD 01/03/01 12:52:16 log shorts 1374 0
42 UK tag1 01/03/01 13:22:54 BHM buys 485 0
43 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 13:53:23 pon buys 120 0
44 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 13:55:06 blm sells 242 -2
45 UK riz 01/03/01 13:56:07 spt sells 376 0
46 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 14:00:44 pon sells 116 -4
47 UK GOLD 01/03/01 14:07:14 pon buys 112.5 0
48 UK riz- 01/03/01 14:13:18 pon buys 109.75 0
50 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 14:17:36 barc buys 2177 0
53 UK GOLD 01/03/01 14:23:48 log covers 1368 6
54 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 15:00:30 barc sells 2176 -1
55 US bis5 01/03/01 15:18:10 brcm buys 47.1 0
56 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 15:23:12 barc buys 2189 0
57 UK hi5 01/03/01 15:28:14 moni buys 446 0
58 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 15:29:53 smwh sells 529 -1
59 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 16:01:38 barc sells 2178 -11
60 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 16:03:19 sctn sells 528 -9.5
62 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 16:14:18 TNI sells 482 -3.5
63 UK jazz 01/03/01 16:16:12 CMG sells 7.27 -32
64 UK jazz 01/03/01 16:18:35 ISYS sells 158.25 -0.5
65 UK GOLD- 01/03/01 16:20:25 pon sells 113.75 1.25
66 UK Stoker 01/03/01 16:21:32 azn covers 3195 -50
67 UK riz- 01/03/01 16:21:39 pon sells 113.75 4
68 UK bis5 01/03/01 16:21:46 moni sells 444.5 0.5
69 UK bis5 01/03/01 16:22:43 blm sells 232 -20.5
70 UK riz- 01/03/01 16:22:53 twt sells 128.75 -0.5
71 UK riz- 01/03/01 16:23:25 sco sells 48 -2
72 UK riz- 01/03/01 16:24:25 ccm sells 520.5 -1
75 UK riz- 01/03/01 16:27:15 ctm sells 1193 -24
77 UK tag1 01/03/01 16:28:20 bhm sells 485 0
78 UK hi5 01/03/01 16:28:34 moni sells 446 0
79 UK riz- 01/03/01 16:29:06 log sells 1348 -22
80 UK GOLD- 01/03/01 16:29:20 bhm sells 476 -16
81 UK riz- 01/03/01 16:30:57 egs sells 429 -26
85 UK ChartMan 01/03/01 23:28:04 vlk sells 60 -4.5
86 UK bis5 01/03/01 23:29:03 brcm sells 48 1.3

Well Done, Tag and Hi5 for placing #1 you boys implemented STOP LOST, and came out ahead! Tuff day on the UK market today. Riz told me he's gunning for you two tomorrow. ChartMan got his Holy Grail fired up tonight so watchout boys. Gold said he got a secret weapon, what is a V O D?
bis even put up the extra hrs. in the US market so watch for surprise placing by him. Jazz said it wasn't her fault blame omnitrader. Stoker, commented did i really place that trade?

Well, Heat 2 starts tomorrow, and we havn't seen some of the best yet. MX told me he wanted to give the guys ahead start. Iceman is waiting and will frustrate the traders, then come in for the kill. NB is pulling out his check book to go for those block trades. Anyway it was very exciting today and tomorrow me think the boys will want to strut their stuff.

kev 🙂
Excellent stuff....did a few warm-up laps today and (subject to DR) made a few points 🙂

Roll on Monday!

[Edited by IceMan on 02-03-2001 at 06:11 PM]
Ok, Traders

Well, end of the week, and the end of HEAT 2, and talk about a fire fight. OMG

Here's Your TOP GUNS For March 2 2001:

UK & US League Table
Position ----- Name ---- --Trades-- --Points--
1. Maths.......26.........129
2. Riz.........52.........48
3. IceMan......10.........28
4. Robin.......7..........9
5. Jazz........18.........-6.5
6. Chachee.....10.........-9.5
7. Bis.........11.........-13.2
8. ChartMan....26.........-25.5
9. Stoker......2..........-50
10. Hi5.........8..........-93
11. Tag1........4..........-116
12. GOLD........14.........-159.75

Here's Your Logged Trades:

Unique Market Name Date Stock Type Price Profit
91 UK jazz 02/03/01 08:06:47 ITX buys 130 0
92 UK riz 02/03/01 08:08:10 arm buys 310 0
93 UK jazz 02/03/01 08:10:39 LOG buys 1305 0
94 UK riz 02/03/01 08:17:14 moni buys 447.5 0
95 UK Robin 02/03/01 08:21:50 LOG buys 1315 0
96 UK riz 02/03/01 08:25:51 log buys 1315 0
97 UK riz 02/03/01 09:00:49 ctm buys 1164 0
98 UK hi5 02/03/01 09:14:24 aal shorts 4471 0
99 UK riz 02/03/01 09:24:06 au. shorts 1289 0
100 UK jazz 02/03/01 09:28:12 SHP buys 1120 0
101 UK bis 02/03/01 09:28:38 blz buys 335 0
102 UK Robin 02/03/01 09:28:58 log buys 13.01 0
103 UK jazz 02/03/01 09:29:40 ITX sells 1.35 5
104 UK bis 02/03/01 09:34:48 arm buys 312.5 0
107 UK Robin 02/03/01 09:36:55 log sells 1313 -2
108 UK jazz 02/03/01 09:38:04 RTR buys 999 0
109 UK hi5 02/03/01 09:44:35 aal covers 4505 -34
112 UK maths 02/03/01 09:48:13 rtr buys 1005 0
113 UK maths 02/03/01 09:52:46 au. buys 1305 0
114 UK maths 02/03/01 10:05:49 arm buys 316.5 0
116 UK tag1 02/03/01 10:07:56 au. buys 1304 0
117 UK maths 02/03/01 10:10:37 shp buys 1147 0
118 UK Chachee 02/03/01 10:14:21 pru shorts 941 0
119 UK maths 02/03/01 10:15:13 ctm buys 1170 0
120 UK riz 02/03/01 10:19:55 au. covers 1306 -17
121 UK riz 02/03/01 10:25:43 pon buys 115.5 0
122 UK riz 02/03/01 10:28:45 sge buys 282 0
123 UK hi5 02/03/01 10:29:51 moni buys 470 0
124 UK riz 02/03/01 10:30:10 egs buys 428 0
125 UK maths 02/03/01 10:31:54 log buys 1325 0
126 UK riz 02/03/01 10:41:48 moni sells 467 19.5
127 UK bis 02/03/01 10:54:35 arm sells 325 12.5
129 UK maths 02/03/01 11:01:55 log sells 1332 7
130 UK maths 02/03/01 11:19:15 ctm sells 1220 50
131 UK maths 02/03/01 11:25:30 shp sells 1168 21
133 UK maths 02/03/01 11:28:14 rtr sells 1019 14
134 UK GOLD 02/03/01 11:33:57 kwl buys 240 0
135 UK riz 02/03/01 11:36:37 ctm sells 1208 44
136 UK GOLD 02/03/01 11:37:42 barc buys 2168 0
137 UK Chachee 02/03/01 11:44:28 pon shorts 120 0
138 UK ChartMan 02/03/01 12:00:40 barc buys 2165 0
139 UK GOLD 02/03/01 12:03:02 azn buys 3234 0
140 UK riz 02/03/01 12:04:11 egs buys 417.5 0
141 UK Chachee 02/03/01 12:06:31 pru shorts 951 0
142 UK riz 02/03/01 12:12:25 ccm buys 509.5 0
144 UK riz 02/03/01 12:29:27 log sells 1378 63
145 UK maths 02/03/01 12:32:19 au. sells 1306 1
146 UK riz 02/03/01 12:43:30 arm sells 321.5 11.5
147 UK maths 02/03/01 12:48:43 pson shorts 1544 0
148 UK maths 02/03/01 12:50:30 cch shorts 1355 0
149 UK riz 02/03/01 12:51:44 spt shorts 423 0
150 UK Chachee 02/03/01 13:06:49 log shorts 1370 0
151 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 13:06:57 azn shorts 3230 0
152 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 13:07:13 log shorts 1366 0
153 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 13:07:49 iii shorts 1250 0
154 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 13:19:36 pson shorts 1541 0
155 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 13:19:55 boc shorts 1017 0
156 UK riz 02/03/01 13:22:33 ccm sells 508.5 -1
157 UK jazz 02/03/01 13:29:21 LOG sells 1370 65
158 UK hi5 02/03/01 13:32:35 moni sells 452 -18
159 UK jazz 02/03/01 13:34:26 RTR sells 1004 5
160 UK maths 02/03/01 13:36:24 spt shorts 421 0
161 UK jazz 02/03/01 13:37:10 SHP sells 1158 38
162 UK maths 02/03/01 13:38:26 cgnu buys 974 0
163 UK maths 02/03/01 13:55:42 stan buys 970 0
165 UK GOLD 02/03/01 14:00:15 au. buys 1284 0
166 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 14:03:17 iii covers 1249 1
167 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 14:06:06 pson covers 1529 12
168 UK maths 02/03/01 14:06:18 pson covers 1528 16
169 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 14:07:09 boc covers 1017 0
171 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 14:09:18 log covers 1349 17
172 UK maths 02/03/01 14:09:24 stan sells 978.5 8.5
175 UK jazz 02/03/01 14:13:58 LOG shorts 1347 0
176 UK maths 02/03/01 14:14:20 cch covers 1346 9
177 UK IceMan- 02/03/01 14:17:49 azn covers 3232 -2
178 UK Chachee 02/03/01 14:18:53 log covers 1353 17
179 UK jazz 02/03/01 14:20:02 LOG covers 1359 -12
180 UK riz 02/03/01 14:20:14 pson shorts 1535 0
182 UK GOLD- 02/03/01 14:21:03 kwl sells 240 0
183 UK riz 02/03/01 14:30:26 pson covers 1527 8
184 UK hi5 02/03/01 14:33:21 bhm shorts 459 0
185 UK maths 02/03/01 14:34:51 shp buys 1139 0
186 UK maths 02/03/01 14:36:24 cgnu sells 969 -5
187 UK Chachee 02/03/01 14:39:04 pru covers 933 8
188 UK riz 02/03/01 14:41:14 spt covers 416.5 6.5
189 UK Robin 02/03/01 14:43:10 BHM buys 471 0
190 UK Chachee 02/03/01 14:43:16 pru covers 930 21
191 UK maths 02/03/01 14:43:31 spt covers 419 2
192 UK riz 02/03/01 14:44:01 au. buys 1265 0
194 UK Chachee 02/03/01 14:46:30 pon covers 118.5 1.5
195 UK ChartMan 02/03/01 14:46:51 log buys 1370 0
196 UK ChartMan 02/03/01 14:50:35 moni buys 447 0
197 UK riz 02/03/01 14:52:07 sge sells 283.5 1.5
198 UK Robin 02/03/01 14:55:14 BHM sells 482 11
199 UK jazz 02/03/01 15:02:44 AU. buys 1270 0
200 UK Robin 02/03/01 15:15:14 ARM buys 3.04 0
201 UK riz 02/03/01 15:19:40 egs sells 417.5 0
202 UK maths 02/03/01 15:19:45 rtr buys 989 0
203 UK maths 02/03/01 15:25:42 rtr sells 995 6
204 UK Chachee 02/03/01 15:27:30 au. buys 1245 0
205 UK maths 02/03/01 15:35:52 shp sells 1152 13
206 UK Robin 02/03/01 15:37:20 ARM sells 3.04 0
208 UK ChartMan 02/03/01 16:11:41 moni sells 447 0
209 UK jazz 02/03/01 16:13:15 SHP buys 1160 0
210 UK ChartMan 02/03/01 16:13:47 log sells 1371 1
211 UK jazz 02/03/01 16:22:13 AU. sells 1192 -78
212 UK bis 02/03/01 16:24:46 blz sells 325 -10
213 UK GOLD 02/03/01 16:25:00 barc sells 2142 -26
214 UK ChartMan 02/03/01 16:25:45 barc sells 2141 -24
215 UK hi5 02/03/01 16:26:39 bhm covers 500 -41
216 UK GOLD 02/03/01 16:26:44 azn sells 3205 -29
217 UK jazz 02/03/01 16:28:10 SHP sells 1163 3
218 UK riz 02/03/01 16:30:48 pon sells 121 5.5
219 UK riz 02/03/01 16:31:16 egs sells 427 -1
220 UK riz 02/03/01 16:32:37 au. sells 193 -72
221 UK maths 03/03/01 00:16:20 arm sells 305 -13.5
222 UK tag1 03/03/01 00:18:11 au sells 1190 -116
223 UK GOLD 03/03/01 00:19:27 au sells 1190 -96
224 UK Chachee 03/03/01 00:21:12 au sells 1190 -57

Were did that young Meverick Maths come from? Came in with his guns blazing! Well Done Maths! Had a missile lock on Riz caught the tone and splash him, but Riz had his parachute on and was reported on deck checking over in his fighter for Monday. We also had a report of IceMan sighted and came in to engage on the fight. Young Robin had his first sortie, i would keep an eye on this guy. Jazz came out fighting today watchout boys for this high flying lady. Another new comer Chachee had some good missle locks but lost it on the tone (i'll explain in abit). Bis still lurking in the sky. ChartMan try robbing the bank again but the MP got him. Stoker took the day off. Our yesterday Top Gunner Hi5 got abit shoot up today but will be returning to the sky on Monday. Tag1, Tag1, left me to decide his faith (explain in abit). GOLD got hit by a bomb and then ask me to nuke him (explain in abit).

Closing Corrections:
Maths: You left your ARM trade open i closed it @ 305 for -11.5 + i added another -2 for making me close it. 🙁

Tag1: You left your AU trade open i closed it @ 1190 for -114 + i added another -2 for making me close it. 🙁

GOLD: You left your AU trade open i closed it @ 1190 for -94 + i added another -2 for making me close it. 🙁

Chachee: You left your AU trade open i closed it @ 1190 for -55 + i added another -2 for making me close it. 🙁

That's what i mean by (i'll explain in abit).

Well, Monday is a new week and the start of HEAT 3, and we still havn't seen MX yet, me think he's in a stealth fighter. Don't forget that heavy bomber NB is around to.
Any way have a great weekend guys!

kev 🙂

Hehe...only if it weren't for that au. is what most of us going to say...nice one so far Maths, only watch yourself on Monday...and don't forget that so far I was only part-time trading..hehe 🙂anndd I kept most my missiles for MX and NB who probably are aware of it and that's why delaying the fight...I'll see you all on monday..hehe 🙂

Ohh and nice referee...rules are fair and square...should find a way of unloading the extra work on DR however...


[Edited by rizgar on 03-03-2001 at 11:46 AM]
sorry dr...

Dayraider, I am so sorry I had an emergency here and had to rush to hospital, (all sorted nothing to worry) therefore couldn't close my comp. positions...sorry you had to close them yourself...

OK, Traders

At the end of Heat 3, Our Young Maths is still our TOP GUN!

Here's Your TOP GUNS For March 5 2001:

UK & US League Table
Position ----- Name ---- --Trades-- --Points--
1. Maths.......38.........157
2. riz.........80.........40
3. IceMan......12.........22
4. Jazz........28.........9.5
5. Robin.......9..........3
6. Strad.......2..........-1.75
7. Chachee.....10.........-9.5
8. bis.........11.........-13.2
9. ChartMan....32.........-32.5
10. Tag1........6..........-44
11. Stoker......2..........-50
12. hi5.........8..........-93
13. Gold........24.........-191.75

Here's Your Logged Trades:

Unique Market Name Date Stock Type Price Profit
225 UK riz 05/03/01 08:14:39 log buys 1353 0
226 UK riz 05/03/01 08:18:54 moni buys 457 0
227 UK riz 05/03/01 08:21:23 bay buys 360 0
228 UK riz 05/03/01 08:42:20 twt buys 130 0
229 UK riz 05/03/01 08:46:19 arm buys 311 0
230 UK GOLD 05/03/01 08:49:39 azn buys 3199 0
231 UK jazz 05/03/01 08:51:34 SHP buys 1138 0
232 UK riz 05/03/01 08:51:49 pon buys 125 0
233 UK riz 05/03/01 08:59:33 sco buys 45 0
234 UK maths 05/03/01 09:12:37 rio shorts 1302 0
235 UK maths 05/03/01 09:16:14 pson shorts 1560 0
236 UK GOLD 05/03/01 09:16:46 blm buys 224 0
238 UK Robin 05/03/01 09:18:55 ARM buys 3.1 0
239 UK maths 05/03/01 09:36:43 pson covers 1566 -6
240 UK riz 05/03/01 09:48:58 pon sells 130 5
241 UK GOLD 05/03/01 09:56:13 rtr buys 1017 0
242 UK maths 05/03/01 10:00:33 rbos buys 1654 0
243 UK Robin 05/03/01 10:06:55 ARM sells 3.04 -6
244 UK jazz- 05/03/01 10:13:29 LOG buys 1370 0
245 UK IceMan- 05/03/01 10:29:41 rio shorts 1309 0
246 UK jazz- 05/03/01 10:33:29 BLM buys 222 0
247 UK jazz- 05/03/01 10:33:59 ICE buys 170 0
248 UK maths 05/03/01 10:36:10 shp buys 1144 0
249 UK GOLD 05/03/01 10:45:04 sge buys 288.5 0
250 UK maths 05/03/01 10:59:28 rio covers 1314 -12
251 UK IceMan- 05/03/01 11:00:24 rio covers 1315 -6
252 UK maths 05/03/01 11:15:23 rbos sells 1672 18
253 UK riz 05/03/01 11:15:31 egs buys 423 0
254 UK GOLD 05/03/01 11:17:18 rtr sells 1010 -7
255 UK riz 05/03/01 11:17:37 log sells 1385 32
256 UK riz 05/03/01 11:18:22 sge buys 288.5 0
257 UK riz 05/03/01 11:36:27 au. buys 1150 0
258 UK ChartMan 05/03/01 11:43:54 barc shorts 2162 0
259 UK maths 05/03/01 11:48:06 shp sells 1147 3
260 UK tag1 05/03/01 11:49:18 au. buys 1153 0
261 UK riz 05/03/01 12:00:25 au. sells 1158 8
262 UK maths 05/03/01 12:04:20 rtr buys 1008 0
264 UK jazz 05/03/01 12:06:14 LOG sells 1381 11
265 UK riz 05/03/01 12:07:30 au. shorts 1180 0
266 UK strad 05/03/01 12:20:45 mks shorts 226 0
267 UK ChartMan 05/03/01 12:26:51 bsy buys 920 0
268 UK ChartMan 05/03/01 12:31:12 piz shorts 848 0
269 UK riz 05/03/01 12:43:23 egs sells 433 10
270 UK GOLD- 05/03/01 12:54:01 au. buys 1225 0
273 UK tag1 05/03/01 12:58:40 au. sells 1225 72
274 UK riz 05/03/01 13:01:07 au. shorts 1226 0
275 UK GOLD- 05/03/01 13:01:56 au. sells 1226 1
276 UK maths 05/03/01 13:49:25 cw. buys 674 0
277 UK riz 05/03/01 14:11:58 kcom buys 140 0
278 UK riz 05/03/01 14:13:16 blm buys 216.5 0
279 UK jazz- 05/03/01 14:17:23 PSON buys 1507 0
280 UK jazz- 05/03/01 14:20:14 ICE sells 168 -2
281 UK jazz- 05/03/01 14:49:03 SHP sells 1164 26
282 UK riz 05/03/01 14:49:11 moni sells 466 9
283 UK maths 05/03/01 14:52:28 rtr sells 1028 20
284 UK maths 05/03/01 14:53:31 cw. sells 679 5
285 UK riz 05/03/01 14:59:35 sge sells 297.25 8.75
286 UK ChartMan 05/03/01 15:18:34 barc covers 2174 -12
287 UK riz 05/03/01 15:28:04 sco sells 43 -2
288 UK riz 05/03/01 15:29:13 blm sells 219.75 3.25
289 UK ChartMan 05/03/01 15:38:59 bsy sells 925 5
290 UK ChartMan 05/03/01 16:07:24 piz covers 848 0
291 UK jazz 05/03/01 16:21:52 BLM sells 219 -3
292 UK GOLD- 05/03/01 16:25:06 sge sells 301 12.5
293 UK jazz 05/03/01 16:25:46 PSON sells 1491 -16
294 UK GOLD- 05/03/01 16:25:58 azn sells 3165 -34
297 UK GOLD- 05/03/01 16:29:39 blm sells 219.5 -4.5
298 UK riz 05/03/01 23:21:03 bay sells 358.75 -3.25
299 UK riz 05/03/01 23:22:29 twt sells 128 -4
300 UK riz 05/03/01 23:23:43 arm sells 334.5 21.5
301 UK riz 05/03/01 23:25:07 au covers 1252 -74
302 UK riz 05/03/01 23:26:08 au covers 1252 -28
303 UK riz 05/03/01 23:27:44 kcom sells 147.75 5.75
304 UK strad 05/03/01 23:29:18 mks covers 225.75 -1.75

Closing Corrections:
riz: bay @358.75 for -3.25 including my -2
au @1252 for -74 including my -2
au @1252 for -28 including my -2
twt @128 for -4 including my -2
arm @334.5 for +21.5 including my -2
kcom @147.75 for +5.75 including my -2
strad: mks @ 225.75 for -1.75 including my -2

Our maths is still going strong is there anyone going to stop him?

OK, Traders

At the end of Heat 4, Our Young Maths been shot down in flame! Our new TOP GUN is RIZ!

Here's Your TOP GUNS For March 6 2001

UK & US League Table
Position ----- Name ---- --Trades-- --Points--
1. riz.........124........414.25
2. Maths.......60.........190
3. Tag1........8..........42
4. IceMan......14.........7
5. Jazz........40.........5
6. Robin.......11.........-1.5
7. Strad.......2..........-1.75
8. Chachee.....10.........-9.5
9. bis.........11.........-13.2
10. MX..........4..........-16
11. ChartMan....36.........-28.5
12. Stoker......4..........-50
13. hi5.........12.........-99.5
14. GOLD........32.........-128.5

Here's Your Logged Trades:
Unique Market Name Date Stock Type Price Profit
305 UK maths 06/03/01 08:40:24 arm shorts 362.5 0
306 UK maths 06/03/01 08:43:51 egs buys 428 0
307 UK maths 06/03/01 08:55:24 bba buys 682 0
308 UK hi5 06/03/01 08:57:57 egs buys 434 0
309 UK maths 06/03/01 09:02:11 bba sells 678 -4
310 UK hi5 06/03/01 09:06:04 moni buys 505 0
311 UK GOLD 06/03/01 09:14:16 sge buys 314.75 0
312 UK hi5 06/03/01 09:20:49 moni sells 505 0
313 UK riz 06/03/01 09:25:20 sge buys 314.75 0
314 UK jazz 06/03/01 09:27:14 PSON buys 1425 0
315 UK riz 06/03/01 09:34:32 pson buys 1419 0
316 UK riz 06/03/01 09:35:49 au. buys 1281 0
317 UK riz 06/03/01 09:37:52 egs buys 431.5 0
318 UK riz 06/03/01 09:40:57 kcom buys 150 0
319 UK riz 06/03/01 09:52:29 twt buys 135.75 0
320 UK maths 06/03/01 09:54:52 pson buys 1420 0
321 UK maths 06/03/01 10:01:04 cw. buys 731.5 0
322 UK riz 06/03/01 10:02:18 cw. buys 731.5 0
323 UK maths 06/03/01 10:04:09 arm covers 368 -5.5
324 UK maths 06/03/01 10:05:01 egs sells 427 -1
325 UK hi5 06/03/01 10:08:09 egs sells 427.5 -6.5
326 UK maths 06/03/01 10:11:47 cw. sells 733 1.5
327 UK riz 06/03/01 10:20:30 bhm buys 545 0
328 UK ChartMan 06/03/01 10:22:44 bba buys 288 0
329 UK GOLD 06/03/01 10:28:34 azn buys 3140 0
330 UK tag1 06/03/01 10:29:02 au. buys 1285 0
331 UK riz 06/03/01 10:30:01 au. buys 1285 0
332 UK jazz 06/03/01 10:30:16 CCH buys 1394 0
333 UK maths 06/03/01 10:54:10 pson sells 1435 15
334 UK IceMan- 06/03/01 11:00:20 log shorts 1500 0
335 UK jazz 06/03/01 11:04:13 PSON sells 1434 9
336 UK GOLD 06/03/01 11:10:52 log buys 1499 0
337 UK maths 06/03/01 11:17:10 avz buys 1240 0
338 UK jazz 06/03/01 11:22:28 RTR shorts 1080 0
339 UK jazz 06/03/01 11:34:36 RTR covers 1077 -3
340 UK jazz 06/03/01 11:37:07 DGE buys 698.5 0
341 UK maths 06/03/01 11:40:06 egs buys 423 0
342 UK maths 06/03/01 11:46:57 au buys 1339 0
343 UK riz 06/03/01 11:53:53 egs buys 423.5 0
344 UK maths 06/03/01 11:57:21 avz sells 1228 -12
345 UK IceMan- 06/03/01 11:59:12 log covers 1515 -15
346 UK jazz- 06/03/01 12:02:58 LOG buys 1518 0
349 UK MX 06/03/01 12:20:54 log shorts 1505 0
350 UK riz 06/03/01 12:28:18 thus buys 71 0
351 UK riz 06/03/01 12:30:48 pson buys 1445 0
352 UK riz 06/03/01 12:34:48 spt buys 451 0
353 UK GOLDbull 06/03/01 12:35:47 barc buys 2164 0
354 UK maths 06/03/01 12:42:54 au sells 1363 24
355 UK riz 06/03/01 12:56:31 pson sells 1455 36
356 UK riz 06/03/01 12:57:11 pson sells 1455 10
357 UK riz 06/03/01 13:18:02 au. sells 1365 84
358 UK riz 06/03/01 13:18:22 au. sells 1365 80
360 UK EvilMXXXXX 06/03/01 13:32:10 log covers 1525 -20
361 UK maths 06/03/01 13:34:57 ctm buys 1270 0
362 UK riz 06/03/01 13:37:07 ctm buys 1275 0
363 UK riz 06/03/01 13:47:50 log buys 1525 0
364 UK EvilMXXXXX 06/03/01 13:48:38 RTR shorts 1080 0
365 UK riz 06/03/01 13:52:41 moni buys 511 0
367 UK Robin 06/03/01 13:53:05 BLM buys 2.3 0
368 UK ChartMan 06/03/01 13:55:31 barc buys 2168 0
369 UK riz 06/03/01 13:56:19 blm buys 230 0
370 UK maths 06/03/01 13:56:37 iii buys 1325 0
371 UK riz 06/03/01 13:59:27 bhm buys 545 0
372 UK riz 06/03/01 14:04:55 au. buys 1378 0
373 UK maths 06/03/01 14:10:16 ctm sells 1290 20
374 UK maths 06/03/01 14:12:24 rtr shorts 1080 0
375 UK riz 06/03/01 14:35:55 pon buys 137 0
376 UK maths 06/03/01 14:37:19 egs sells 426 3
377 UK Stokerman 06/03/01 14:37:48 arm shorts 382 0
378 UK maths 06/03/01 14:40:11 iii sells 1327 2
379 UK riz 06/03/01 14:45:55 ctm sells 1290 15
380 UK riz 06/03/01 14:46:45 log sells 1541 16
381 UK riz 06/03/01 14:49:53 moni sells 519 8
383 UK jazz 06/03/01 14:50:25 BSY shorts 952 0
385 UK riz 06/03/01 14:55:30 au. sells 1372 -6
386 UK tag1 06/03/01 14:56:31 au. sells 1371 86
387 UK riz 06/03/01 15:00:35 bhm sells 545 0
388 UK riz 06/03/01 15:00:46 bhm sells 545 0
389 UK maths 06/03/01 15:06:09 rtr covers 1190 -10
390 UK Stokerman 06/03/01 15:09:35 arm covers 382 0
391 UK jazz 06/03/01 15:10:00 BSY covers 956 -4
392 UK riz 06/03/01 15:13:05 ctm shorts 1300 0
393 UK jazz 06/03/01 15:13:16 DGE sells 697 -1.5
394 UK riz 06/03/01 15:14:45 log buys 1535 0
395 UK jazz 06/03/01 15:17:03 LOG sells 1534 16
396 UK jazz 06/03/01 15:19:04 CCH sells 1373 -21
397 UK GOLDlunch 06/03/01 15:21:17 azn sells 3143 3
398 UK GOLDlunch 06/03/01 15:21:58 log sells 1530 31
400 UK GOLDlunch 06/03/01 15:23:34 sge sells 324 9.25
402 UK riz 06/03/01 15:26:03 spt sells 451 0
403 UK riz 06/03/01 15:52:26 ctm covers 1300 0
404 UK riz 06/03/01 15:58:04 kcom sells 160 10
405 UK ChartMan 06/03/01 16:02:59 bba sells 285 -3
406 UK ChartMan 06/03/01 16:04:33 barc sells 2175 7
407 UK GOLD 06/03/01 16:16:40 barc sells 2184 20
408 UK riz 06/03/01 16:18:11 log sells 1547 12
409 UK riz 06/03/01 16:19:43 egs sells 468 36.5
410 UK riz 06/03/01 16:20:11 egs sells 468 44.5
411 UK riz 06/03/01 16:20:47 sge sells 324.25 9.5
412 UK riz 06/03/01 16:22:05 twt sells 142.5 6.75
413 UK riz 06/03/01 16:24:36 cw. sells 748 16.5
414 UK riz 06/03/01 16:27:00 thus sells 72 1
415 UK riz 06/03/01 16:38:58 blm sells 227.5 -2.5
416 UK riz 06/03/01 16:39:24 pon sells 134 -3
417 UK EvilMXXXXX 07/03/01 00:00:53 rtr covers 1074 4
418 UK Robin 07/03/01 00:02:20 blm sells 227.5 -4.5

Closing Corrections:
EvilMXXXXX aka MX: had to closed your RTR short for you @ 1074 for 4 including my -2.

Robin had to closed your BLM long for you @ 227.5 for -4.5 including my -2.

Our Riz went for an all out attack today and came up with the victory. Congratulation Riz! Maths got splash but told me he'll go gunning tomorrow so watchout Riz. Tag had a great missle lock today on au. Gold had a great day to collecting +63.25 for the day to clean up some of his negative scores. Great Job Gold, He told me, I shall have the last laugh! I think that was for IceMan. We saw the other half of MX, his Evil Twin today hope MX put him in check!

OK, Traders

The end of HEAT 5, Our TOP Gun Is Riz.

Here's Your TOP GUNS For March 7 2001

UK & US League Table
Position ----- Name ---- --Trades-- --Points--
1. Riz.........160........+641.5
2. Maths.......22.........+187
3. Gusto.......8..........+130.5
4. Tag.........16.........+110
5. DanT........14.........+20
6. IceMan......18.........+17
7. ChartMan....46.........+6.5
8. Jazz........42.........+3
9. Strad.......2..........-1.75
10. Robin.......13.........-3.5
11. Bis.........11.........-13.2
12. MX..........6..........-19
13. Stoker......8..........-72
14. Gold........38.........-98.5
15. Hi5.........18.........-100
16. Chachee.....44.........-303

Here's Your Logged Trades:
Unique Market Name Date Stock Type Price Profit
419 UK IceMan- 07/03/01 08:08:04 arm shorts 360 0
420 UK jazz 07/03/01 08:11:45 PSON shorts 1486 0
421 UK IceMan- 07/03/01 08:12:02 arm covers 350 10
423 UK riz 07/03/01 08:16:01 egs buys 463 0
424 UK Stoker 07/03/01 08:24:00 AZN buys 3139 0
425 UK Stoker 07/03/01 08:41:25 pson shorts 1483 0
426 UK tag1 07/03/01 08:41:41 egs buys 460 0
427 UK riz 07/03/01 08:47:56 bhm buys 510 0
428 UK tag1 07/03/01 08:49:45 bhm buys 510 0
429 UK riz 07/03/01 08:50:45 ctm buys 1281 0
430 UK riz 07/03/01 08:59:02 log buys 1523 0
431 UK riz 07/03/01 08:59:36 arm buys 362 0
433 UK jazz 07/03/01 09:17:08 PSON covers 1487 -1
434 UK tag1 07/03/01 09:19:55 au. buys 1370 0
435 UK riz 07/03/01 09:23:54 cw. buys 740 0
436 UK riz 07/03/01 09:25:42 moni buys 492 0
437 UK riz 07/03/01 09:29:48 blm buys 230 0
439 UK riz 07/03/01 09:42:24 spt buys 454.5 0
440 UK maths 07/03/01 09:47:47 hbsa buys 898 0
441 UK Chachee 07/03/01 09:53:50 log shorts 1535 0
442 UK maths 07/03/01 09:56:47 moni shorts 496 0
443 UK Robin 07/03/01 09:57:51 BLM sells 2.27 -2
444 UK maths 07/03/01 10:01:48 ctm shorts 1280 0
445 UK GOLD 07/03/01 10:03:00 barc buys 2215 0
446 UK hi5 07/03/01 10:04:23 moni shorts 492 0
447 UK riz 07/03/01 10:04:43 barc buys 2216 0
448 UK riz 07/03/01 10:10:56 msy buys 605.5 0
449 UK Chachee 07/03/01 10:12:58 log covers 1525 10
450 UK maths 07/03/01 10:16:38 bt shorts 562 0
451 UK DanT 07/03/01 10:18:22 barc shorts 2211 0
452 UK hi5 07/03/01 10:20:53 moni covers 490 2
454 UK maths 07/03/01 10:22:03 moni covers 490 6
455 UK GOLD 07/03/01 10:24:09 azn buys 3119 0
456 UK Chachee 07/03/01 10:30:59 log buys 1517 0
457 UK maths 07/03/01 10:34:18 bt covers 567 -5
458 UK GOLD 07/03/01 10:34:34 log buys 1517 0
459 UK maths 07/03/01 10:35:11 ctm covers 1285 -5
460 UK IceMan 07/03/01 10:38:26 hsba buys 900 0
461 UK Chachee 07/03/01 10:43:47 pru covers 923 10
462 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 10:53:34 msy buys 623 0
463 UK DanT 07/03/01 10:55:15 barc covers 2210 1
464 UK maths 07/03/01 10:58:47 msy buys 621 0
465 UK Chachee 07/03/01 11:00:08 pru shorts 927 0
466 UK DanT 07/03/01 11:00:59 GSK buys 1846 0
467 UK Chachee 07/03/01 11:01:30 au shorts 1399 0
469 UK riz 07/03/01 11:03:01 au. shorts 1399 0
470 UK Chachee 07/03/01 11:08:46 log shorts 1505 0
471 UK tag1 07/03/01 11:08:54 au. sells 1395 25
472 UK Chachee 07/03/01 11:09:06 log shorts 1505 0
473 UK Chachee 07/03/01 11:10:30 log shorts 1501 0
474 UK maths 07/03/01 11:11:26 gsk buys 1846 0
475 UK Chachee 07/03/01 11:11:36 log sells 1500 -17
476 UK DanT 07/03/01 11:15:16 au. shorts 1395 0
477 UK Chachee 07/03/01 11:19:10 log shorts 1511 0
478 UK IceMan 07/03/01 11:23:06 hsba sells 900 0
479 UK DanT 07/03/01 11:24:59 rbos buys 1674 0
480 UK maths 07/03/01 11:34:00 hsba sells 898 0
481 UK maths 07/03/01 11:34:49 msy sells 614.5 -6.5
482 UK Chachee 07/03/01 11:36:36 pru covers 921 6
483 UK Chachee 07/03/01 11:37:06 pru buys 921 0
484 UK riz 07/03/01 11:40:43 sge buys 308 0
485 UK riz 07/03/01 11:43:43 kcom buys 145.5 0
486 UK DanT 07/03/01 11:46:55 dge buys 698.5 0
487 UK maths 07/03/01 11:57:10 sbry shorts 366 0
488 UK DanT 07/03/01 12:01:38 gsk sells 1849 3
489 UK Chachee 07/03/01 12:04:25 log shorts 1512 0
490 UK Chachee 07/03/01 12:11:24 pru buys 915 0
491 UK DanT 07/03/01 12:11:42 dge sells 697.5 -1
492 UK Chachee 07/03/01 12:14:31 moni shorts 496 0
493 UK Chachee 07/03/01 12:19:16 log shorts 1516 0
494 UK Stoker 07/03/01 12:19:40 azn sells 3119 -20
495 UK Stoker 07/03/01 12:20:10 pson covers 1485 -2
496 UK riz 07/03/01 12:34:22 au. covers 1396 3
497 UK hi5 07/03/01 12:34:46 moni buys 503 0
498 UK hi5 07/03/01 12:41:39 moni sells 500.5 -2.5
499 UK riz 07/03/01 12:50:05 ctm buys 1278 0
500 UK riz 07/03/01 12:59:39 pson buys 1485 0
501 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 13:01:25 arm buys 363 0
502 UK riz 07/03/01 13:04:39 au. buys 1400 0
503 UK maths 07/03/01 13:05:56 pru buys 921 0
504 UK tag1 07/03/01 13:06:12 log buys 1528 0
505 UK maths 07/03/01 13:17:41 egs buys 463 0
506 UK maths 07/03/01 13:20:08 cch buys 1364 0
507 UK riz 07/03/01 13:30:08 msy sells 650 44.5
508 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 13:35:23 arm sells 369 6
509 UK Chachee 07/03/01 13:37:17 log shorts 1527 0
510 UK Chachee 07/03/01 13:40:57 moni shorts 512 0
511 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 13:42:23 arm buys 372 0
512 UK riz 07/03/01 13:43:31 arm sells 369 7
514 UK riz 07/03/01 13:49:20 ctm sells 1325 44
515 UK DanT 07/03/01 13:50:03 ctm shorts 1320 0
516 UK riz 07/03/01 13:52:50 ctm sells 1322 44
517 UK hi5 07/03/01 13:56:46 moni buys 517 0
518 UK riz 07/03/01 14:01:03 bhm sells 540 30
519 UK hi5 07/03/01 14:08:21 moni sells 518 1
520 UK Chachee 07/03/01 14:08:37 log shorts 1577 0
521 UK maths 07/03/01 14:10:55 iii buys 1327 0
522 UK maths 07/03/01 14:39:50 iii sells 1337 10
523 UK maths 07/03/01 14:40:37 egs sells 463.5 0.5
524 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 14:40:45 arm sells 371 -1
526 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 14:41:51 msy sells 649 26
527 UK maths 07/03/01 14:42:06 cch sells 1367 3
528 UK riz 07/03/01 14:42:51 moni sells 517 25
529 UK riz 07/03/01 14:43:31 au. sells 1410 10
530 UK riz 07/03/01 14:45:25 sge sells 324.5 16.5
531 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 14:53:14 msy shorts 640 0
532 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 14:55:03 arm shorts 368 0
533 UK riz 07/03/01 15:01:17 spt sells 458 3.5
534 UK Chachee 07/03/01 15:02:34 log covers 1543 34
535 UK MX 07/03/01 15:04:43 RTR shorts 1067 0
536 UK riz 07/03/01 15:05:18 kcom sells 150 0.5
537 UK DanT 07/03/01 15:07:02 moni shorts 509 0
538 UK mth 07/03/01 15:08:25 pru sells 909 -12
539 UK mth 07/03/01 15:10:42 gsk sells 1855 9
540 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 15:11:32 arm covers 364 4
541 UK riz 07/03/01 15:13:09 log sells 1543 20
542 UK Chachee 07/03/01 15:13:28 log buys 1544 0
543 UK riz 07/03/01 15:14:18 pson sells 1475 -10
544 UK DanT 07/03/01 15:18:29 au. covers 1390 5
545 UK Chachee 07/03/01 15:21:39 log sells 1555 11
546 UK riz 07/03/01 15:22:23 egs sells 460 -3
547 UK Chachee 07/03/01 15:22:32 log shorts 1555 0
548 UK Chachee 07/03/01 15:23:56 log shorts 1560 0
549 UK ChartMan 07/03/01 15:27:52 msy covers 640 0
550 UK riz 07/03/01 15:33:34 barc sells 2199 -17
551 UK Chachee 07/03/01 15:38:04 log shorts 1572 0
552 UK riz 07/03/01 15:42:51 sge buys 313.25 0
553 UK maths 07/03/01 15:45:10 sbry covers 369 -3
554 UK tag1 07/03/01 15:45:51 log sells 1568 40
555 UK Chachee 07/03/01 15:48:29 pru sells 923 8
556 UK Chachee 07/03/01 15:49:43 pru sells 923 2
557 UK Chachee 07/03/01 15:55:59 log shorts 1583 0
558 UK riz 07/03/01 16:06:36 cw. sells 740 0
559 UK riz 07/03/01 16:08:22 blm sells 229.5 -0.5
560 UK tag1 07/03/01 16:11:22 egs sells 465 5
561 UK riz 07/03/01 16:16:25 sge sells 323 9.75
562 UK Chachee 07/03/01 16:17:48 moni covers 507.5 -9.5
563 UK DanT 07/03/01 16:18:02 moni covers 507 2
564 UK DanT 07/03/01 16:18:49 ctm covers 1309 11
565 UK Chachee 07/03/01 16:20:05 moni covers 507 5
566 UK Chachee 07/03/01 16:25:02 au. covers 1384 15
567 UK tag1 07/03/01 16:29:53 bhm sells 508 -2
568 UK Chachee 07/03/01 16:31:25 log covers 1568 0
569 US Gusto 07/03/01 17:28:45 sebl buys 30.75 0
570 US Gusto 07/03/01 17:49:24 jnpr shorts 62.5 0
571 US Gusto 07/03/01 17:53:34 jnpr covers 61.88 0.62
572 US Gusto 07/03/01 17:57:44 sebl sells 31.375 0.625
573 US Gusto 07/03/01 18:07:31 jnpr buys 61.94 0
574 US Gusto 07/03/01 18:12:39 jnpr sells 62 0.06
575 US Gusto 07/03/01 20:17:19 cien shorts 76 0
576 US Gusto 07/03/01 20:42:45 cien covers 76 0
579 UK Chachee 08/03/01 01:17:55 log covers 1568 -368
580 UK DanT 08/03/01 01:22:43 rbos sells 1675 -1
581 UK GOLD 08/03/01 01:23:21 log sells 1571 54
582 UK GOLD 08/03/01 01:23:40 azn sells 3113 -6
583 UK GOLD 08/03/01 01:23:56 barc sells 2197 -18
584 UK MX 08/03/01 01:24:48 rtr covers 1068 -3
585 UK Robin 08/03/01 01:25:30 BLM buys 229 0

Closing Corrections:
Chachee: Closed all your shorts on Log @ 1568 for -368
DanT: Closed your long on rbos 1675 for -1
GOLD: Closed all your longs
MX: Closed your RTR short @ 1068 for -3

Is Riz stopable? Young Maths told me he's giving the old guy a head start. Tag is rolling along. New comer DanT is worth watching. ChartMan is breaking out. IceMan is just chilling. Jazz is looking to melt that Ice. Gold is going for Gold. Chachee sometime short is not the way.

kev. 🙂

Blimey! Kev, you want us to wait till 3.37am for the results... 🙂

I hope you didn't stay awake that late just for the results..if so, I think you should just post them in the morning...we don't want your health deteriorate, do we? 🙂

Have a nice rest...
