The Next US President

Is anyone running for president harmless ?


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Is anyone running for president harmless ?

2 candidates running this election cycle, you might not prefer either..

but this time its different. one of the 2 two are not just NOT qualified but dangerous.

i'll leave it up to you to say which is which. but i am not too confident in your opinion 😆

drumpf has never run a cit council
johnson has said, each week i plan another great adventure, now that i'm a millionaire.(he's bored?)
whether its climbing a mountain, or the ironman 50+

is this another product of his weekly great adventure seeking?

i would say this is about it for his run on libertarian party platform 🙂

ps he was a ****ty governor too
Analysis and defence of Trump...

These guys can talk the hind legs off a donkey!
Do we really want or need a Putin clone to be the next President ?
Chump admires his forthright behaviour.
His real KGB character comes to the fore in dealing with rebellious factions. He slaughters them in any way possible whether in Chechnya or Syria. Not a nice man. I guess the USA has all but lost the old moral high ground though as they stoop ever lower, in desperation it seems.
Electing Trump is on the downward slope. Hillary is not as bad even if she can't tell the truth surely.
Is anyone running for president harmless ?

Trump is far from perfect but at least he has personal achievements behind him.
Hillary Clinton has achieved nothing on her own. She achieved nothing as Secretary of State and did nothing as a Senator from New York.

The deer must have been a witness Hillary's visit to the emergency room.


What has been running around for some time is the “Clinton Body Count” naming a comprehensive list of 53 mysterious deaths connected to the Clintons. While some of this are questionable, others are real concerns. The story circulating is that Hillary Clinton has long been known to have serious health issues ever since she collapsed in December, 2012. That incident led to her first operation to remove a blood clot from her brain, which Bill Clinton said took her 6 months to recover from.

But something much more secretive took place on recently on June 30th, 2016. According to the rumors behind the curtain, Hillary Clinton collapsed on her private plane while in route to her Washington D.C. home.

An unconscious Hillary landed at the Andrews Airbase that normally handles American officials, including the President. Upon landing, Hillary Clinton was rushed by ambulance to the Malcolm Grow Medical Facility located on the airbase. Apparently, the unconscious Hillary Clinton reached the Malcolm Grow Medical Facility which remains to highly classified that may be a cover-up. Hillary’s security guards refused to allow her to be treated there perhaps afraid that news might leak out. The Air Force doctors objected to removing her and her security detail drew their weapons to forcibly remove her while she was still unconscious. The doctors alerted Joint Base Andrews security police who put the entire base on lockdown. This then made the news under the assumption there was some terrorist incident. US Air Force Colonel Brad Hoagland had to address the media that day explaining it had been a “miscommunicated”.

Upon leaving Andrews Airbase, her security staff took her to a private MedStar Montgomery Medical Center hospital in Olney, Maryland. That is where she was rushed into emergency surgery. The story is that they transferred her because this hospital having advanced non-invasive technology able to find blood clots in the brain. The doctor who performed the surgery on June 30th was the Islamic neurosurgeon Amjad Anaizi. This was her private brain doctor whom she frequently visited, and is the cousin of Hillary Clinton’s top aid Huma Abedin. That way it is all hush hush.

Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar was the on call anesthesiologist at MedStar Montgomery Medical Center. This is the doctor has has been found dead on September 30th, 2016, not the operating doctor. Interestingly, Doctor Sherlekar, filed a lawsuit against the Chief Executive Officer, Muhammad Ahmad Khan, and Chief Financial Officer, Vic Wadhwa, accusing them of financial crimes at the medical practice where he worked called the American Spine Center. He worked with agents of the FBI assisting them in getting a guilty plea against CFO Vic Wadhwa for receiving $459,000 in “kickbacks”. Then, the FBI charged Doctor Sherlekar on September 22nd filing charges against him accusing him of the same crimes he had reported to them in 2012. Then 8 days later at about 7:15 a.m. Friday on September 30th, Doctor Sandeep Sherlekar was found dead at the entrance to the American Spine Center. The local police stated that it was suicide.

That is it. This one does not appear to be related to Hillary. There may be other motives involved in this incident.

Trump might be flamboyant, but he is not corrupt.


Hillary Clinton has refused to release her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts for which she earned millions of dollars giving paid speeches. Besides the $945,744.00 Goldman donated to the Clinton Foundation (making sure it was under $1 million), they also paid Hillary $675,000 for just speaking at Goldman Sachs, which was clearly a pay-off for there is nothing strategic that one would pay for in these transcripts that would further the profitability of the firm in the future other than buying a seat in the White House to soften regulation. Tim O’Neill was the co-head of investment management at Goldman Sachs and he conducted the questioning. The full transcript is available at NPR, while the paid media tend to spin it claiming they are “stolen” and not “verified” as they naturally defend Hillary.

MR. O’NEILL: By the way, we really did appreciate when you were the senator from New York and your continued involvement in the issues (inaudible) to be courageous in some respects to associated with Wall Street and this environment. Thank you very much.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I don’t feel particularly courageous. I mean, if we’re going to be an effective, efficient economy, we need to have all part of that engine running well, and that includes Wall Street and Main Street.

I think this this small portion says it all. It was pay-back time, nothing more. Anytime I’ve been paid to give a speech inside a major firm, it has never been warm and fussy. It’s always been – so what do you do now! But then again, I was typically paid $100,000 to speak internally and field whatever questions came my way from what country to set up in or leave to restructuring companies for the future and how to set up internal hedging departments. I was not paid $675,000. I suppose if you get the real big bucks, it’s just for the show – no substance or preparation required. Guess I gave too much info. Perhaps less is more?

Trump might be flamboyant, but he is not corrupt.


That's coz his a business man. He corrupts other people. He is the bully kicking other people into court with threats of legal actions to shut them up. Read somewhere he has more to his name than any other and may even be a record breaker.

You think he won't milk the system because his a decent man??? :-0

You think HC used government property for personal gain and Trump will not do that?

The guy is simply running for him self!!! IS THAT NOT CLEAR TO EVERYONE???

He is selling it as an independent self financed and not accountable to anyone but his only spent $40m. He'll get 10x that with his celebrity status selling TV adds and programs to 40% of the US. Just business and mathematics.

However, all his other businesses are suffering. People just avoiding the Trump brand unless they happen to be less well educated.

fwiw just my tuppence, be careful what you wish for?
The guy is simply running for him self!!! IS THAT NOT CLEAR TO EVERYONE???

What is crystal clear is Clinton is in it for herself. She will do nothing for American citizens but she will gain substantially from her PayToPlay clinton foundation as she already has by selling America to the highest donors.
That's coz his a business man. He corrupts other people. He is the bully kicking other people into court with threats of legal actions to shut them up. Read somewhere he has more to his name than any other and may even be a record breaker.

You think he won't milk the system because his a decent man??? :-0

You think HC used government property for personal gain and Trump will not do that?

The guy is simply running for him self!!! IS THAT NOT CLEAR TO EVERYONE???

He is selling it as an independent self financed and not accountable to anyone but his only spent $40m. He'll get 10x that with his celebrity status selling TV adds and programs to 40% of the US. Just business and mathematics.

However, all his other businesses are suffering. People just avoiding the Trump brand unless they happen to be less well educated.

fwiw just my tuppence, be careful what you wish for?

Don't forget that He has been declared bankrupt. I think as many as 4 times. The bum pays top accountants to run rings around the US crappy system. It is full of holes to exploit and he has. He laughs at the IRS. The 2nd rate idiots.
Watched Paxman on the US elections talking to people on their views etc. Always good watching Paxman ask probing questions.

Saw this condom advert which is pretty spot on as it goes...

Just to labour the point that re:Trump really is a disgusting vile creature. Hilary is a close second power hungry demon too. Really is all about picking the lesser evil sad to say.
why say HRC is power hungry any more than usual career politiion? she has over 30yrs of public service. her bad rep comes solely from repubs endless 30 yr (unsuccessful & unmerited) witch hunt for clinton scalp. she is a wonk, yes and tends focus on issue rather than pander. and, yes she's manurvered herself while under relentless repub scrutiny and allegation (who wouldn't or shouldn't defend oneself?), but NEVER lied out of whole cloth. unlike many other of those political hacks she's had to deal with🙄🙄🙄
His response to these charges has been surprisingly — and perhaps, revealingly — callow. He has mocked, whined, chided, bemoaned and belittled. It’s as if the man is on a mission to demonstrate to voters the staggering magnitude of his social vulgarity and emotional ineptitude. He has dispensed with all semblances of wanting to appear presidential and embraced what seems to be most natural to him: acting like a pig.

Furthermore, everything is rigged against him, from the media to the election itself. He’s threatening to sue The New York Times. He says he and Clinton should take a drug test before the next debate.

These are the ravings of a lunatic.

Trump is in fact the logical extension of toxic masculinity and ambient misogyny. He is the logical extension of rampant racism. He is the logical extension of wealth worship. He is the logical extension of pervasive anti-intellectualism.

Trump is the logical extension of the worst of America.

With him you get a man who believes himself superior in every way: through the gift of fortune and the happenstance of chromosomes. He believes the rules simply don’t apply. Not rules that govern the sovereignty of another’s body, not rules that dictate decorousness.

And the Republican Party was just the right place for him to park himself.
His response to these charges has been surprisingly — and perhaps, revealingly — callow. He has mocked, whined, chided, bemoaned and belittled. It’s as if the man is on a mission to demonstrate to voters the staggering magnitude of his social vulgarity and emotional ineptitude. He has dispensed with all semblances of wanting to appear presidential and embraced what seems to be most natural to him: acting like a pig.

Furthermore, everything is rigged against him, from the media to the election itself. He’s threatening to sue The New York Times. He says he and Clinton should take a drug test before the next debate.

These are the ravings of a lunatic.

Trump is in fact the logical extension of toxic masculinity and ambient misogyny. He is the logical extension of rampant racism. He is the logical extension of wealth worship. He is the logical extension of pervasive anti-intellectualism.

Trump is the logical extension of the worst of America.

With him you get a man who believes himself superior in every way: through the gift of fortune and the happenstance of chromosomes. He believes the rules simply don’t apply. Not rules that govern the sovereignty of another’s body, not rules that dictate decorousness.

And the Republican Party was just the right place for him to park himself.

Super post and right on the nail imo.

There is no defending this guy and only merit he seems to have is feeding the hate other people have against Clinton.

As Paxman said, it is an absolute crying shame that the leading nation on Earth is reduced to campaigning on hate and loathing against personalities, dynasties as some call it rather than the government of managing collective interests of the masses.

Anything is possible if enough decent people step up against the establishment.

Thats what people see in trump. Anti Clinton = anti establishment.

By the way for everyone getting their news from the ny times, it's major shareholder is a mexican billionaire who has donated millions to the clinton campaign so the news reporting from them is not exactly unbiased.

Thats what people see in trump. Anti Clinton = anti establishment.

By the way for everyone getting their news from the ny times, it's major shareholder is a mexican billionaire who has donated millions to the clinton campaign so the news reporting from them is not exactly unbiased.


What about 10s and 20s of other media publications writing similar reports? Are they all in HC's payroll or subscribers list?