The Next US President

Scary isn't it.

Can you imagine what a Trump presidency would look like !

As scary as Corbyn. I see a lot of glad-handing here, but no arguments (as in logical arguments, not disagreements, as it appears as though few have made any. A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others).

What would do you think a Trump presidency would look like @counter_violent? Be specific if you can.
It always surprises me election after election how a nation like the US can only offer up a bunch of ignoramuses for the Presidency.

Mind you, look what we have here as leader of the opposition, of very own version of Uncle Joe (Stalin) with Tom (Cardinal Richelieu) Watson pulling the strings.

Costs a lot to run for the top,spot MC....unless self funded the sponsors must ensure they don't have a candidate prepared to think for themselves...

God forbid
As scary as Corbyn. I see a lot of glad-handing here, but no arguments (as in logical arguments, not disagreements, as it appears as though few have made any. A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others).

What would do you think a Trump presidency would look like @counter_violent? Be specific if you can.

To me Corbin and co are very scary.......but that's just my view

Clearly many find his approach refreshingly honest with none of the phoney sound bite /deal making politics that pervade most western countries these days ,,,,and in truth of course I find all that media / PR based politics a waste if time and money as well....but that's life comes sadly with the modern political territory

I just want to protect and enhance any wealth I've generated over the years and ensure that some form of capitalism is still allowed to,exist in the uk ...I also,wish to retain some uk military presence to deter people,invading us and our allies in 1939 when a Corbyn lead government would have seen the end of Great Britain as a race ...

Clearly many people do,not share those views......but in truth Corbin has got to soften some of his ideas to have any chance of consolidating the Labour Party and then think about governing the uk 😉
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To me Corbin and co are very scary.......but that's just my view

Clearly many find his approach refreshingly honest with none of the phoney sound bite /deal making politics that pervade most western countries these days ,,,,and in truth of course I find all that media / PR based politics a waste if time and money as well....but that's life comes sadly with the modern political territory

I just want to protect and enhance any wealth I've generated over the years and ensure that some form of capitalism is still allowed to,exist in the uk ...I also,wish to retain some uk military presence to deter people,invading us and our allies in 1939 when a Corbyn lead government would have seen the end of Great Britain as a race ...

Clearly many people do,not share those views......but in truth Corbin has got to soften some of his ideas to have any chance of consolidating the Labour Party and then think about governing the uk 😉

Tha still does not answer much. What would do you think a Trump presidency would look like? Be specific!
Tha still does not answer much. What would do you think a Trump presidency would look like? Be specific!

He is such a spontaneous whacko, he is more like a dictator than a well thought out politician, as evidenced by his insulting comments. Plus the Republican party is the more warlike party, I dread to think what would happen. I am not surprised that some uncaring people like cowboy are attracted to his outrageous comments and ideas.

Uncaring people with some talent are definitely not good candidates to run a country. He appeals to the baser human emotions just like Adolph did. I hope that's specific enough. Can the American people see through his BS to know what he is remains to be seen.
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To me Corbin and co are very scary.......but that's just my view

Clearly many find his approach refreshingly honest with none of the phoney sound bite /deal making politics that pervade most western countries these days ,,,,and in truth of course I find all that media / PR based politics a waste if time and money as well....but that's life comes sadly with the modern political territory

I just want to protect and enhance any wealth I've generated over the years and ensure that some form of capitalism is still allowed to,exist in the uk ...I also,wish to retain some uk military presence to deter people,invading us and our allies in 1939 when a Corbyn lead government would have seen the end of Great Britain as a race ...

Clearly many people do,not share those views......but in truth Corbin has got to soften some of his ideas to have any chance of consolidating the Labour Party and then think about governing the uk 😉

His appeal seems more towards the lower end of society where the lay abouts now somehow feel entitled getting free handouts.

Spitting at Tories in Manchester party conference is an indication of his support base.😡

No matter what, he needs to learn to deal with all classes of people if he is to become a leader.
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He is such a spontaneous whacko, he is more like a dictator than a well thought out politician, as evidenced by his insulting comments. Plus the Republican party is the more warlike party, I dread to think what would happen. I am not surprised that some uncaring people like cowboy are attracted to his outrageous comments and ideas.

Uncaring people with some talent are definitely not good candidates to run a country. He appeals to the baser human emotions just like Adolph did. I hope that's specific enough. Can the American people see through his BS to know what he is remains to be seen.

Let's be specific Pat, some people are about dense as two plank woods.

Masters of debate indeed. 😉
As scary as Corbyn. I see a lot of glad-handing here, but no arguments (as in logical arguments, not disagreements, as it appears as though few have made any. A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others).

What would do you think a Trump presidency would look like @counter_violent? Be specific if you can.

Corbyn and his outdated ideals make him unelectable, therefore no point even debating all the what if's. As long as he remains leader of the Labour party then they are simply unelectable and the tories will remain in power, provided they stay firmly in the middle ground. The SNP purge of Labour in Scotland, should it be repeated in future, actually ensures the tories remain in power. The reasons are twofold
1) less Labour MP's in total.
2) In England it's an easy sell to gain votes for the tories by playing the extremist SNP little Scotlander card.

Trump is as far right as it's possible to be in public. Gawd only knows what his views are off camera. The only thing Trump is interested in is Trump and there are possibly enough daft Americans that would buy into his celebrity rhetoric to nudge him over the line.
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I suppose to see 2 such radical front runners in such historically powerful parties in the western world is an interesting reflection of the current times we live in......

And coalition was going so well......😉
Lets face it that in the US it mostly comes down to who has the biggest war chest. On this basis Jeb Bush is way out in front !


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Only Trump could be worse than Obama.
Come to think of it, Putin would be better...
For their own sakes, I would suggest, they just have to stop JFK's legacy in foreign policy. That is intervening and meddling in other countrys' affairs. Putting in troops and coming unstuck and having to withdraw ignominiously. It might be a big game changer to stop having a foreign policy modelled on the mafia. That is all stick if the bribe isn't swallowed whole.
Democracy just can't be parachuted into many 3rd world areas like the Middle East. Another 200 years or so is needed. Jaw law not war war.
A piece I saw on the TV puts Carson and Trump as the 2 front runners. However the bookie's odds sees it differently.


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One policy for the next President is to have a national crime clean up, Singapore style.
Over 2 million currently in prison in the USA proves something is badly wrong for so many to be so crooked and that's the ones that are caught. Puts decent tourists off.

I wonder what the re-habilitation rate is ?
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One policy for the next President is to have a national crime clean up, Singapore style.
Over 2 million currently in prison proves something is badly wrong for so many to be so crooked and that's the ones that are caught. Puts decent tourists off.

I wonder what the re-habilitation rate is ?

The vast majority are doing time related to drugs offences.....Whilst drugs is a serious issue, we would be far better informed if we had a figures breakdown for all different categories of crime.
Only Trump could be worse than Obama.
Come to think of it, Putin would be better...

I don't dislike Obama. Congress has not allowed him to push his laws through. I have always thought that the US system is flawed in that regard. It is the same as France, which has the same flaw. The UK and Spanish governmernts, to name two of several, are more able to get things done.Is it because these latter countries have monarchs as heads of state?
I don't dislike Obama. Congress has not allowed him to push his laws through. I have always thought that the US system is flawed in that regard. It is the same as France, which has the same flaw. The UK and Spanish governmernts, to name two of several, are more able to get things done.Is it because these latter countries have monarchs as heads of state?

I perceive House of Lord's to be equivalent to the Senate.

Don't know if they have something similar to the Lord's in Spain?