The Next US President

President Trump: The Inauguration

4pm, BBC One/ STV

After a long absence, The Twilight Zone returns with one of the most ambitious, expensive and controversial productions in broadcast history. Sci-fi writers have dabbled often with alternative history stories – among the most common is the “What If The Nazis Had Won The Second World War” setting – but this huge interactive virtual reality project, which will unfold on TV, in the press, and on Twitter over the next four years, sets out to build an ongoing alternative present. The story begins in a nightmarish version of 2017 in which huge sections of the US electorate have somehow been duped into voting to make Donald Trump president. It sounds far-fetched, and it is, but as it goes on it becomes more and more chillingly plausible. Today’s feature-length opener concentrates on the gaudy inauguration of President Trump, and the stirrings of protest and despair surrounding the ceremony, while pundits speculate gravely on what lies ahead. It’s a flawed piece, but a disturbing glimpse of the horrors we could stumble into, if we’re not careful.

--The Herald, Glasgow
Have you worked out your next holiday destination ?
No !
Well consider going to Moscow for a DT weekend courtesy of Uncle Vlad.
That's 3 nights in a luxury Moscow hotel, own room and en suite bathroom.
And if you are important enough an alnight entertainment from the gorgeous Ludmilla and her friends. The act starts after midnight with a discreet knock on your bedroom door and...................lo and behold there in tears is the gorgeous Ludmilla in a see through nightie.
You gotta be important though. Make sure you drop enough hints in the lobby in earshot of the desk.
Blimey O' Reilly you thinks. What a gal.
Can I come in she says...My boyfriend has locked me out of the bedroom.
Don't faint with excitement cos it's all part of the entertainment.
Can you stand the pace ?
Anyways hours later.

Free pics of your sexual prowess and hers can be expected in the post.
Don't let me keep you ya red bloodied boy - what are ya waiting for get phoning.
Have you worked out your next holiday destination ?
No !
Well consider going to Moscow for a DT weekend courtesy of Uncle Vlad.
That's 3 nights in a luxury Moscow hotel, own room and en suite bathroom.
And if you are important enough an alnight entertainment from the gorgeous Ludmilla and her friends. The act starts after midnight with a discreet knock on your bedroom door and...................lo and behold there in tears is the gorgeous Ludmilla in a see through nightie.
You gotta be important though. Make sure you drop enough hints in the lobby in earshot of the desk.
Blimey O' Reilly you thinks. What a gal.
Can I come in she says...My boyfriend has locked me out of the bedroom.
Don't faint with excitement cos it's all part of the entertainment.
Can you stand the pace ?
Anyways hours later.

Free pics of your sexual prowess and hers can be expected in the post.
Don't let me keep you ya red bloodied boy - what are ya waiting for get phoning.

Whoa - don't rush guys Luddy and the girls are very busy.
Geez the things I do to improve international relations !!

They're saying that it was them darned Ruskies who dished the dirt on Trump. Well, it's getting even more serious: they're now saying that it was them also who revealed the plot of the latest Sherlock episode, as a spoiler. What is the world coming to?🙄
They're saying that it was them darned Ruskies who dished the dirt on Trump. Well, it's getting even more serious: they're now saying that it was them also who revealed the plot of the latest Sherlock episode, as a spoiler. What is the world coming to?🙄

What do you believe and think then?

You good with judging experts with what's right and what's not?

Is the British intel officer in hiding from the Russians, MI6 or the CIA? Alternatively, he might just be trying to avoid the press.

What do you reckon? 🙂
They're saying that it was them darned Ruskies who dished the dirt on Trump. Well, it's getting even more serious: they're now saying that it was them also who revealed the plot of the latest Sherlock episode, as a spoiler. What is the world coming to?🙄


Cyber Security expert and founder of the anti-virus software McAfee, and MGT Capital Investments CEO John McAfee firmly believes Russia wasn’t involved in the Democratic National Committee, hereinafter DNC, hack.

According to the Joint Analysis Report released by the FBI, the group of cyber criminals that allegedly hacked the DNC used various locations apart from Russia to breach the DNC’s servers. In fact, the majority of IP addresses listed in the report were traced all over the world outside of Russia.

By the variety of IP address traces alone, McAfee states that the group of hackers faked their location and eliminated any branches of data that could have linked back to them. It is more likely that a third party organization or group initiated the attack to create controversy involving the Russian government.

McAfee said in an interview with Larry King:

“If I was the Chinese and I wanted to make it look like the Russians did it, I would use the Russian language within the code, I would use Russian techniques of breaking into the organization. There simply is no way to assign a source for any attack.”

What the government should really be concerned about

Whether it was the Russians or independent hacking groups from all over the world that hacked the DNC isn’t necessarily important. In actuality, it is more urgent to evaluate the vulnerability of the IT infrastructure and the poor security measures of government-owned platforms.

As of late, the United States government and its investigators are allocating their resources solely to unraveling the faces behind the hacking. Less time has been spent on analyzing how the DNC was hacked in the first place and if the government can develop resilience towards similar types of attacks in the future.

Cases like the DNC hack are pushing the demand for non-backdoorable and decentralized technologies, wherein information is securely kept, transferred in a decentralized ecosystem and processed efficiently.

The reliance and dependence on central servers to store any type of data can easily expose important information to sophisticated hacking attacks or data breaches.

As a response to various controversial cases stemming from manipulation of data banks and financial institutions are increasingly testing Blockchain technology to process transactions securely.
What do you believe and think then?

You good with judging experts with what's right and what's not?

Is the British intel officer in hiding from the Russians, MI6 or the CIA? Alternatively, he might just be trying to avoid the press.

What do you reckon? 🙂

Wish I knew!😕

I suspect that the bloke in hiding, if he did indeed author the report, thought that it was destined for just one office and that he had been "guaranteed" anonymity. But the sort of waters he was swimming in are highly polluted and involve big money – presumably that's why his business is located in an expensive part of London and how his house is a lot posher than mine – never mind the multitude of external video monitors. I would be surprised if a bloke like that would go into hiding just to avoid the press – he would know how to deal with them and anyway would probably feed them loads of duff info in return for suitable payment. With the world's politics descending upon him I reckon he's probably crapping himself.

There is enough uncorroborated evidence floating around to enable belief in any theory you care to name. You can't trust any of them who are involved.

I thought there was an interesting comment by Tim Marshall (the ex-Sky journalist) who related the tale of how when he was aged 30 (quite a few years ago) and a cub reporter staying at a hotel in Soviet land, he had the usual knock on his hotel room door late at night with all the offers that go with a delicious young lady inviting herself in. He said that even with his level of inexperience he wasn't going to fall for that; his point now is that Trump, at twice that age and having been round the block a bit, and being very rich and able to acquire just about anything he wants in the way of female services, would be unlikely to fall for one of the standard tricks.

But in the past there have been lots of upstanding, trustworthy and well briefed government officials who have fallen for it. I suppose it just depends on what proportion of your brains are in your Y-fronts. 😆
I'm warming to this guy now. He's not very bright (which could be an advantage for a president wanting to get things done) but I admit I appear to have been presumptuous in thinking he was a modern Hitler, I'm no liberal by any stretch but alas that's what I thought he could be at one point, I definitely bought into the hype too much.

If he's a modern day anybody, he's a modern day Henry VIII.

I'm optimistic about what he can do, with caution. With Hilary, I'd be bored with certainty.
Les secrets d'un couple infernal

This cover is a bit melodramatic. "Secrets of a diabolical couple" L'Obs est manifestement très très "gauchiste".
Well today is The Big Day for Mr. Trump.
Will he be a total disaster or what ?

All change is positive by virtue of change.

Change is the only constant in life.

To embrace change is to embrace life.

Therefore, I'd like to embrace Trump and give him a big hug, big slap on his back and I sincerely wish him all the best. :clap::clap::clap:
All change is positive by virtue of change.

Change is the only constant in life.

To embrace change is to embrace life.

Therefore, I'd like to embrace Trump and give him a big hug, big slap on his back and I sincerely wish him all the best. :clap::clap::clap:

Aren't you being a bit generous in your expectations after all he has said ?

The USA expects great things just like in the early Obama days.
Aren't you being a bit generous in your expectations after all he has said ?

The USA expects great things just like in the early Obama days.

Election is over. He is president.

He deserves the chance to deliver what his preached.

Pressure is on him. He needs all the luck he can get.

It is Trump's day and I hope it goes well and markets boom for my and all US citizens' interests.

I voted for Donald Trump, and I already regret it

My peers who voted for Trump still don’t get it. They tell me to give the man a chance, that it’s still too early to tell and that I shouldn’t listen to the media. They aren’t willing to let go the hope they have that he will keep their best interest in mind. They tell me, what were they going to do, vote for Hillary, of all people?

I wish I had. I wish I had done anything else but vote for him. I know my one small vote doesn’t make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things, but this one feels so personal. The decision haunts me every day. And I’ll do whatever I can to help reverse it.
I honestly cannot see Trump doing anything other than increasing US debt. Trying to cut corporate tax means less income in, and spending on defense (nukes) etc and infrastructure. In the short term, he could cause lots of problems.!