The World needs peace and balance.
On another story, listening to our fabulous BBC Radio 4, they were talking about green energies and debating China v USA. Apparently, China has come heaps and bounds and has some very tough targets to reach by 2050, when they hope to be carbon neutral.
In contrast US talking about dirtying the world with their greed and desperation for global domination.
Big factor here is that there is a massive PR factor here where citizens of the World will start substituting US goods with Chinese.
Effectively, US is willingly giving up global leader role to China.
So big arguments and BIG stakes at play here. For the red knecks out there, that's not the kind you eat but the kind they'll get further stuffed with.
Wake up and open your eyes and ears America as you're not playing this green eco warrior game right and will end up losing.
Just saying like, pulse form a citizen of the World, yours trully. 🙂