The Market Matrix

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I would like to participate in an active Market Matrix thread. I could wish there was one here! Does anyone know of an active thread somewhere or are there others willing to be involved here? I have subscribed to Copan's site in the past but longer wish to hand out loads of dosh to the told the bleeding obvious. Sadly, not subscribing divorces me from other Matrix users and I had hoped to find some here.

I use the Matrix but I don't rely on it as my sole indicator - I'd be a fool to - but I do find it useful and it suits my style of trading (daily - longer term).



You could start your own yahoo group.
I have been trading MM for a few years. Got the CD's, MM book, Nexus book, used to subscribe to the newsletters and actively contributed to the newsletter forum. I agree, the forum / newsletters were for me a waste of money once you had got the hang of the approach. I trade daily based swings on 10 currency pairs using the method.

To be honest, this is probably not the best forum to discuss the approach because you get too many "uninformed" comments. I'd be happy to contribute to a yahoo group or something similar - if someone else could face the hassle of setting one up. You would have to check that people had got the MM book before they get admitted to the group (eg being able to come up with the xth sentence on page y) - I wouldn't be interested in dealing with a load of dopey questions because time is precious....


I have been trading MM for a few years. Got the CD's, MM book, Nexus book, used to subscribe to the newsletters and actively contributed to the newsletter forum. I agree, the forum / newsletters were for me a waste of money once you had got the hang of the approach. I trade daily based swings on 10 currency pairs using the method.

To be honest, this is probably not the best forum to discuss the approach because you get too many "uninformed" comments. I'd be happy to contribute to a yahoo group or something similar - if someone else could face the hassle of setting one up. You would have to check that people had got the MM book before they get admitted to the group (eg being able to come up with the xth sentence on page y) - I wouldn't be interested in dealing with a load of dopey questions because time is precious....



Well John, I am sorry we at T2W post too many "uninformed" comments and I am so grateful you have taken your precious time to write your first post.
Hi All,
Based on my knowledge of Delta Phenomenon (DP) and the Market Matrix (MM) and having read all of the 60 plus pages of this thread, I have found some of the thoughts expressed here quite varying to say the least. Thus, I thought I’d simply add my two cents worth. Sorry, but please be aware this is a rather long post.
In 1997, based on the recommendation of several trading friends, I purchased Welles Wilder's (DP) kit for $175.00. At first, I must say that I was in awe of the way the others could forecast in advance turning points in the various markets. However, even with the aid of the accompanying VHS tape and as hard as I tried (literally months), I simply could not determine the "solutions" for the various stocks/groups that I wanted to trade/invest in. Was it Wilder’s fault? Was the DP theory flawed or worse yet “snake oil”? Absolutely not, it simply was that I was not correctly applying the theory. In short, I placed the DP in my book shelf where it stood until about 5 years ago when I again began to give it a second look-see.
On a whim, I searched you tube thinking that maybe another DP owner(s) might have produced a video on the DP. Luckily, one existed and it was there that I learned of Steve Copan for the first time. I spent the next several weeks researching Mr. Copan and soon discovered all of the many materials that he produced, which have already been referenced on this site and therefore I will not repeat. With that said, what finally sold me on purchasing these materials and believe me they were neither easily obtained nor inexpensive? It was an article by “Trader Tom” Houggard. Considering Mr. Houggard’s fine reputation and the fact that I had seen him many times on CNBC and witnessed his no nonsense approach to trading the markets, the number of successful real-time trades that Mr. Copan made in the presence, the large sum of money that Mr. Houggard had to put up to be taught the MM, I felt confident in purchasing the MM and I did.
Was it worth it? Absolutely, and much, much more! I have been trading/investing with Steve Copan's MM now for about 4 years and have been a subscriber to his newsletter, which I’m expecting as I write this, for nearly two years. In my view, all of the materials are worth their “weight in gold’. Let me say upfront that the only mistakes that I have made and I am making far fewer as time goes on are mine and only mine. What is the most important point that I have learned in the last four years? I can answer that in one sentence: The MM is never wrong, it is only my interpretation that can be wrong ….period. Do I trade/invest exactly like Mr. Copan? I do not. It does not fit my comfort level. Simply put, I only use the MM for the “time” portion of my system and use other tools for the “price” portion. I do not attempt to pick bottoms, I only ask for the “meat” of the move….that’s it. So what is the bottom line? It’s simple, MM may not work for others (DP did not for me and again, that was my fault) but, it works for me.
Good luck,
Hi Ned Kelly,

The MM "average time points" have been calculated/provided by Mr. Copan and thus, I feel obligated not to devulge them; however, I can and will my provide you with current position (Long TNA). Furthermore, if you are interested, when I my work generates future signals say over the next few weeks, I would be glad to post them. Then, you can be the best judge as to the profitabilty of the MM. Just as a reminder, please recall that I do not attempt to pick the exact bottom/top I leave that task for those who are a lot smarter than I. My goal is to simply garner as much of the move as I can.

Kind regards,

Mr. Ned Kelly,

I have the SPX bottoming tomorrow, rallying into the first of next week and then a larger decline will follow to retest the low of Oct 4th. I believe the SPX 1075 will hold and then I'm expecting a larger rally that will last 6-8 weeks.

King regards,

Hi Nancy123,

Thanks for your post. Good the feel your enthusiasm for Delta Phenomenon and the Market Matrix.

On the FTSE I have the low of Oct 4th marked as IDT3 (MC1-3) but I feel uncomfortable marking the low as the same on the SPX as it is so close to where IDT2 (MC1-2) is due. Tuesday's high works well on the FTSE and SPX as IDT4 (MC1-4) but that leads me back to marking the low on the SPX as IDT3 (MC-3).

Can I ask how you have it marked?

Hi Andy,

I have Oct 4 as MC1-2, Oct 12 as MC1-3, Oct 13 as MC1-4 and therefore, we are presently on our way up to MC1-5 for the SPX. Regarding the DP equivalents (i.e.IDT2, etc.) you may be correct; however, I personally only follow one and that's the LTD for the DJIA.

Kind regards,


Hi Nancy123,

Thanks for your post. Good the feel your enthusiasm for Delta Phenomenon and the Market Matrix.

On the FTSE I have the low of Oct 4th marked as IDT3 (MC1-3) but I feel uncomfortable marking the low as the same on the SPX as it is so close to where IDT2 (MC1-2) is due. Tuesday's high works well on the FTSE and SPX as IDT4 (MC1-4) but that leads me back to marking the low on the SPX as IDT3 (MC-3).

Can I ask how you have it marked?

Thank you, Nancy123,

As I suspected, I might have to run different counts for the FTSE and the SPX. It happens from time to time.

For your information (and forgive me if I am telling Grandma how to suck eggs), there is no intrinsic difference between DP and MM. They are both derived from the same source. Welles Wilder has, of course, long since retired but Steve Copan seems to have built upon Welles' work, brought it up-to-date and added tremendous enhancements. He is entitled to regard MM as his own.

The labels are, I believe, interchangeable; ITD = MC1; MTD=MC2; LTD=MC3; SLTD=MC4. The average dates change over time - not by much, of course - but they do and will change. However, the number of points don't and that's the important thing.

Anyway, good to find a MM enthusiast here.

Kind regards,

Hi Andy,

You are welcome. I agree with your observations with but one exception. Namely, that I believe LTD is equal to MC4 and not MC3. Of course, again, you may be right.

Kind regards,

You're right, Nancy123. I went back to my DP book and had another read of it. The DP and MM counts are different but LTD and MC4 appear to be built upon the same idea and similarly SLTD and MC5 have the same idea behind them.

Thanks for putting me straight.

Mr. Ned Kelly,

I received a sell signal today. Thus, I sold TNA and bought TZA. Tentative near future trades will be the puchase of GLL, TBT and UUP once signals are rendered.

Good luck,

Mr. Ned Kelly,

I received a sell signal today. Thus, I sold TNA and bought TZA. Tentative near future trades will be the puchase of GLL, TBT and UUP once signals are rendered.

Good luck,


It will be interesting to see how that pans out.
Mr. Ned Kelly,

I received a sell signal today. Thus, I sold TNA and bought TZA. Tentative near future trades will be the puchase of GLL, TBT and UUP once signals are rendered.

Good luck,


I hope you are not still long of TZA, it is down about 20% since you bought it.
Mr. Ned Kelly,

Indeed, I have added to my position and will remain until I receive a sell signal later this week or early next at the earliest.

Kind regards,

Mr. Ned Kelly,

Today, I received a go long signal. Therefore, I'm out of TZA and in TNA. TZA loss was 9%.

Kind regards,
