The Market Matrix

It would be good to see more posts coming from Rob , this is a MM thread and I for one follow
the S&P - keep it up
NedKelly said:
peterpr. You must have misread my post. I want more from Robster and less from some of the other posters.
I did not misread your post. But both you and Jumpoff clearly did not read (or understand) mine at all; which provides a neat, if ironic, illustration of the point I was making.

In haste to move on to the what you want to read, you miss what you need to read to fully understand its meaning. How can you expect to read markets when you appear to have such trouble with regular language?
peterpr said:
I did not misread your post. But both you and Jumpoff clearly did not read (or understand) mine at all; which provides a neat, if ironic, illustration of the point I was making.

In haste to move on to the what you want to read, you miss what you need to read to fully understand its meaning. How can you expect to read markets when you appear to have such trouble with regular language?

And this is just the sort of semantic garbage we don't need in this thread. Why don't you start a thread on regular language usage for those interested in the nuances of english grammer and leave this thread to those who are interested in MM.

Robster, keep posting and ignore the trolls.

Can i risk walking on the eggshells you've created and ask you why you are interested in Rob's posts and nothing else? My understanding was that this was a discussion board about the MM. Rob's posts are a useful and important part of that and i hope they continue, but I personally think its more useful if they're accompanied by general discussion about the MM itself and the principles on which its based to further peopl'e understanding of it, and provide better information to those considering buying it. Just because Rob is successful with it doesn't necessarily mean everyone would be.
well put Mofo.. i enitrely agree. i was trying to find the words, but you have summed it up in a more gentle fashion.

if Robster (and good on him) is willing to post the calls, warts and all, then that is a good basis. Not only is it clearly helping him work out the particular nuances of the system (which my initial impressions imply that it requires a fair degree of subjective interpretation).

also, a discussion of the principles based upon it might help those unhappy purchasers of the system (G-man for example) find a way to make it work for them.

dialectic is the way forward.
NedKelly said:
And this is just the sort of semantic garbage we don't need in this thread. Why don't you start a thread on regular language usage for those interested in the nuances of english grammer and leave this thread to those who are interested in MM.
Robster, keep posting and ignore the trolls.

Anything that doesn't accord with your view of what is appropriate on this thread is garbage eh? It's a word you appear fond of..

Nuances of English grammar? No. Of English (and by extension, Market) language and its precise meaning? - Yes.

Frankly I too welcome Robsters posts on MM as a genuine contribution to assisting others.

"Still", as that ageing duo Simon & Garfunkel once said, "a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest"
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And for what its worth, my shot at calling an eod swing trade based on my attempt to understand the MM entirely from posters on this board is still shaping up nicely. All eod indicators still pointing north with one divergence now from yesterday, suggesting a turn is imminent. I was looking for this around 16th so ideally would want to see more consolidation and a final push north before considering scaling in shorts. May have to review timing if 10400 is not breached soonish.

Sorry about that Ned. Please ignore this post.

G-Man are you still here ? Hope you're going to publish that review soon


NedKelly said:
And this is just the sort of semantic garbage we don't need in this thread. Why don't you start a thread on regular language usage for those interested in the nuances of english grammer and leave this thread to those who are interested in MM.

Robster, keep posting and ignore the trolls.

peterpr - i also don't understand what u r trying to say...when asked by someone, your reply became even more, i am reluctant to agree that this is the reason I haven't traded well to date, but i hope u are not reluctant to either explain more clearly what you are trying to say, or just leave it at that and let people make posts relevant to MM.... i think the latter would be fact, i would request all other posters to just stick to MM (have already done this before - and it did make difference - and am doing so again now)..pls refer

Hi mofo,

Yep, I'm still here. Just up to my a*** with stuff at the moment. I'll try and post a brief view of my opinions so far later this week. In depth will have to wait until I have had more time to analyse it.

ferrari1 said:

I have been reading this post with interest... I too am interested in MM but as of yet, im still undecided.

I heard of MM via Fleet Street Publications who are now also marketing the product. The thing that I like about FSP is that they are regulated by the FSA. All of their copy and their products have to be approved and regulated, so to have chosen to market MM there surely 'must' be something in it?? Id appreciate your opinions on this please...

I too am skeptical about the lack of 'predictions', and feel exactly the same as most people here... i.e. if it works, why not post predictions?

I would also be interested in hearing more form gman about how he is getting on, and also would like to ask Robster if he could email me personally so we could have a private discussion without some of the idiots on here ruining the post. If you could do that Robster/gman, I would appreciate it greatly.

Kind regards

Personally i would be a little cautious about FSP offerings, some of their previous stuff leaves a lot to be desired in my view. I certainly wouldn't base a £2K decision on the fact that they promote it
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G-Man said:
Hi mofo,

Yep, I'm still here. Just up to my a*** with stuff at the moment. I'll try and post a brief view of my opinions so far later this week. In depth will have to wait until I have had more time to analyse it.


Cheers G

lets hope you can stop this board going over beechy head. This would be a shame as its an interesting subject.
Ok...this is shaping up very nicely if you read my last few posts. After yesterday there was a nagging suspicion that we could poke up to 1185, but I kept my nerve (and a very loose stop way above 1185) and have been rewarded handsomely today so far. There should be more downside to follow in the next few days, barring the inevitable retracement here and there.

It's true that MM will suit some more than others. It's basically depends on hard work and patience. I'm really surprised about G-Man's negative comments because the CDs are very professional and show exactly what the guy does starting from a blank chart.

I have some short and long term ideas for where we'll go from here but need to observe before announcing on this public forum. I think by and large I've done what I set out to do here, ie to demonstrate that an ordinary, inexperienced bloke can use MM and make it work pretty well. I'm still raw, but I'm discovering more every day and, with experience, it's going to get even better.

Sorry robster,

I wasn't aware that I have posted any negative comments. If I have or there is anything that can be interpreted that way, please let me know and I will review it.


First of all, apologies for adding to the wealth of off-topic posts. I will clean the thread up in a day or two.

Peterpr, one of the essential qualities of the pedant is deadly accuracy.

Although it was obvious what NK meant to say, I agree with you that the inclusion of "other" in the final clause implies that at least some of Robster's posts are garbage. Insults notwithstanding (for the sake of argument) NK should perhaps have written something like:

"I am interested in Robster's trading, not yours, and as he has kindly agreed to post his trades and calls here, he should be given the space and courtesy to do so without your cluttering up the thread with garbage."

Although you made a game stab at pedantic wit that is technically almost correct, I note you misspelled "acquire" and "omitted" in the process, and also failed to add the vital "your" as above, which rather defeats your object.

Without the "your", I believe your revised version would read "he should be given the space and courtesy to do so without cluttering up the thread with garbage" which in my view suggests Robster should be given space and courtesy to not post garbage, which is not what NK meant at all. :)

Anyway, enough. Accusations of posting "crap" and "garbage", regardless of to whom they might be directed, are, as ever, unwelcome. Regardless of the nuances in question, JumpOff's effort to point the thread back on track has my full support. Back on topic now, I hope ... over to you, Robster ... :)
I think the problem with the lack of development of a real discussion about the MM here is that those people with the most knowlege about the subject matter and its component elements feel unable to to elaborate on it here for a variety of different reasons.

Rob, can i ask whether you consider 1170 an important area in your calculations?

It was this post of yours that I thought was negative. I respect your opinion and everyone has a different perspective - but it did surprise me!


G-Man said:
No you are spot on a320.

I have had the material for about a week now, and my initial impression is dissappointment. However, I have not been able to dedicate much time to it as yet, and will post a full review in due course.

mofo has been. i think i already mentioned it in one of my earlier posts.


mofo said:
Rob, can i ask whether you consider 1170 an important area in your calculations?
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robster4 said:

It was this post of yours that I thought was negative. I respect your opinion and everyone has a different perspective - but it did surprise me!


Fair enough robster, I had forgotten I wrote that. Apologies.

What I was really trying to express was that it didn't contain anything new, and I had expected this after speaking to Kevin and him saying 'The MM contains things that you will not have seen or appreciated before.' It also has a large emphasis on Elliot wave, which I have never really been able to get to grips with or analyse with any consistancy.

At this stage I am impressed if you are able to gather anything 'tradeable' from MM.

Fuller comments will come on due course.

Hi ferrari

I'm not saying they're dodgy, but they're an information publisher, therefore so long as something is legal and it sells, they're happy. I've seen stuff come into our offices here from them ranging from sports betting, thro property to all manner of things, incuding health, "the things the revenue dont want you to know", a variety of subscriptions to spreadbetting tip services and top secret investment clubs.

IMO they would stand behind their guarantee tho if you're right about that, so i guess you've nothing to lose ?

I hope you're seeing from my posts that I have indeed gathered something "tradeable" from MM. I'd never have been able to spot these turning points without it and I'd done a fair bit of Fib before. So for me, this has been a wonderful thing - the main price has been the work and effort I've put into it, but I've found it's definitely worth it. And for sure, there are many aspects I'd never seen anywhere else before.



G-Man said:
Fair enough robster, I had forgotten I wrote that. Apologies.

What I was really trying to express was that it didn't contain anything new, and I had expected this after speaking to Kevin and him saying 'The MM contains things that you will not have seen or appreciated before.' It also has a large emphasis on Elliot wave, which I have never really been able to get to grips with or analyse with any consistancy.

At this stage I am impressed if you are able to gather anything 'tradeable' from MM.

Fuller comments will come on due course.
