The londonforexrush

Yes, and the method has not shown a profit since the beginning of the credit crunch.
sounds like my kinda system, I'll pump more money into it and make it work !
By the way, for all the newbies if you want to find 80% of these system being sold as pdf's, you can find a majority of them via google using the file type attrib filetype pdf.
so for example with the mentioned system here I did a: (just copy n paste this)
Big Ben Forex filetype:pdf
in google and look what came top ... works with a whole lot of others too if you look hard enough. Some people save their files on webservers as backups not knowing they then become available to others for download.

Just a thought before you spend to much money. I spent a whole Sunday afternoon doing this and found about 20 systems. All rubbish, but saved be an arm 🙂
I have traded LFR from 4 jan to 10 March.Took all trades exactly as listed,using aggresive stop and conservative target.The results were CHF 220 points EUR 121 points AUD minus 114 points CAD 158 points JPY 159 points USD 432 points. It seems to work if you follow it without question.