Portland Ventures


Seems like a new boiler room operation - no mention on T2W boards and not known to FSA. Usual story.
First a cold call (number withheld) from someone claiming to be renewing a contact from some months previously - discussion about my general investment situation - description of their services and referral to their website - wish to form a relationship of mutual advantage.
Followup call asking if I'd be interested in a further call if he could put something useful my way.
Setup call describing a company shortly to make an IPO for which they were acting as principle, and were thus able to allocate me shares at a lower price than the likely flotation price, which would almost certainly soar after flotation. Referral to the company's website to check out the excellence of the company's prospects.
The "hit" call, offering to sell me the shares at the bargain price. I asked for a copy of the prospectus, which he said I would have to get from the company. However, he suggested that I did not waste time on that, because there was such a demand for the shares that I'd likely miss out, and he'd hate that. I said that I had rung the company concerned, who had denied any forthcoming IPO and had never heard of his company. He took their number, and said he'd ring me back. Not so far, though there were some number withheld calls later that day while I was out.
I had a call from PV yesterday, the guy was a dead ringer in voice and tone for 'Del Boy', I asked him if they were registered with the FSA, he said "No, the company was registered in Denmark, under something like the FSSA". I just simply replied this a 'BOILER ROOM , SCAM, YES? to which he just laughed, and so I put the phone down.

If I had the time I would have strung him along with all sorts of fanciful tales simply to waste his.

Seem to be getting these calls more frequently, but am now putting the phone down as soon as they start into their corny sales pitch.
roguetrader said:
Isn't that the script to a movie I saw a while back 😆
As a veteran member, are you able to shed any light as to why Trade2win have removed posts relating to a number of boiler rooms?

I have been called by no less than five so called brokers and have chosen to reveal their details so as to make others aware, yet all seem to be removed from the board?

Yet here is a an email received from the FSA regarding one of those companies....

I confirm that Citicap Equity Consultants ("Citicap") is not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. The FSA will look into the activities of the company. In the meantime, I should be grateful if you would let me know if Ryun Bailey or other employees of Citicap have provided you with details of a bank account to which they require you to remit payment for shares.

Thank you for drawing the activities of Citicap to the attention of the FSA.

Yours sincerely

Steve Kemp
Enforcement Division
I can't go into details as to why some posts have been removed, but please be assured that all moderation is done for a good reason.
jester999 said:
As a veteran member, are you able to shed any light as to why Trade2win have removed posts relating to a number of boiler rooms?

I have been called by no less than five so called brokers and have chosen to reveal their details so as to make others aware, yet all seem to be removed from the board?

Yet here is a an email received from the FSA regarding one of those companies....

I confirm that Citicap Equity Consultants ("Citicap") is not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. The FSA will look into the activities of the company. In the meantime, I should be grateful if you would let me know if Ryun Bailey or other employees of Citicap have provided you with details of a bank account to which they require you to remit payment for shares.

Thank you for drawing the activities of Citicap to the attention of the FSA.

Yours sincerely

Steve Kemp
Enforcement Division

This thread attempts to provide a list of Boiler room operators.....
