The Little Circle:Moderation

CYOF and Associates don't go we would miss you terribly - despite the complications ..............

trendie said:
I too am familiar with this excellent program.

Its about a worldly-wise priest, who is seen as the pillar of the community, and thought to possess an insight in matters metaphysical, but in truth is a self-serving hustler with an eye to the main chance - Father The-money-was-just-resting-in-my-account Ted. he can be quite philosophical when he wants to be.

Then there is Father Dougal. He is a dim-witted acolyte, who takes as gospel anything he is told by Father Ted, since he is now a member of an elite group, a man of the cloth. 😱
It is not difficult to see how Father Dougal is easily led, and has a tendency to re-iterate the same old simplistic garbage Father Ted tells him.

Remind you of anyone?

Actually, Scraggy Island is sort of like T2W :cheesy:
barjon said:

Yes, I did. Since I edited the original post your image showed a post that no longer exists. I would have merely edited it if you had quoted it but I couldn't edit an image so it went.

As for bias, most pms I get complain that I am being too lenient with you. You can't win at moderating.

I think people are right to say that talking about all this has taken your thread wildly off-topic - preferably it should all be deleted, but I'm happy to split it off into T2W Feedback if you would prefer.


Good morning Jon,

The whole point is that some members are getting preferential treatment over others, and this is just not on for a public forum.

I have a right to state my opinion, and if that opinion just happens to not agree with T2W, and some of its so called rules, then so be it, and I have been banned twice now, once in the wrong, and the second time by my own decision, even though you came along and made it look like it was your decision, but I can tell you now that it was all my own, for when I want to prove a point I will do what I say - guaranteed.

But, it appears that those who get the preferential treatment can continue on and say things like GFY, which we still have not got the meaning of, as we still do not know conclusively, as the person that said it, Mr Profitaker, will not come out and defend himself, as usual.

It is a pity that those who run a site like this can not see how wrong this is, for this infuriates a lot of people, and drives people away.

Some one mentioned earlier that a lot of T2W members get fed up and move on - all can now see why.

From a business point of view, T2W is not very good at customer relations, and is quite the opposite.

I am not sure if the mods are been paid for their services, but form the way they go about their business it appears that they are not, so maybe Mr Sharky should consider paying people for making money for him, and this site just may start to improve, but in order for that to happen, you will also have to look at the usual suspects, and how they carry on, all of the time, and whether you realise it or not, it sticks out like a Sore Thumb.

I respond when attacked to show how these usual suspects are allowed to continue uninterrupted, and always persist until they have wrecked anything that they do not agree with -what a mentality, the sure sign of ignorance.

In relation to the thread, you can do what you like with it, for I will only now post as I see fit, and if no changes are forthcoming here, I may just move on like the many more who have also done so.

At present this site is not capable of holding, for any length of time, any real discussions in relation to Trading, as the usual suspects are just waiting for the first opportunity to take it down.

You might as well listen to Dbphoenix, again, and move it to the Foyer, like Rossored done with the "How To think Correctly" thread - you guys can be read like a book.

And please do remove my green dots, as I think this is the fourth time I have requested it, and it is still not done - for I have tried, but I can't find the means by which I can remove them.

I like to be on a level playing field with all, especially the new comers, who sometimes feel that these silly little things mean something, when in Fact, they mean nothing, the only thing that matters is what people post - and the only things that should matter in a persons post is the Facts in relation to the subject under discussion - and this is not me preaching, this is for the benefit of the readers, it is for Their Own Best Interests, not anyone else's. But then again, the majority here, been the 95%, are only concerned with themselves, and do not care about anyone else, and this shows in the many posts, and especially in the posts from the usual suspects.

Have a nice day.
CYOF said:
............................The whole point is that some members are getting preferential treatment over others, and this is just not on for a public forum..........................


You are entitled to hold that view, of course, but we do try to be fair. Not always easy when things get a bit heated and, as I said, comments have been made to me that it's you who has been given preferential treatment.

I cannot, as a mod, remove the green dots but I'll get someone to do it.

I'll split off this moderation discussion into a T2W feedback thread later on - bit busy with trading atm.


The Usual Suspects

Now jiggly,

Let us see how we are progressing with our discussions:

#1 > #25 Fine

Lo and behold, how did we get away with 24 posts uninterrupted 😱

Some Of The Usual Suspects

#25 trendie
#26 neil
#31 wasp
#43 zupcon
#45 ian
#47 dpphoenix
#48 duccati998

Guess who is missing??

I will give you a little hint - Mr Post#411 😆
CYOF said:
It is called Democracy - just in case you still have the blinkers on.

Why should some members be banned for using CAPITALS, and others commended for using such vulgar words - if that is what they are, but the person who wrote them seems to have gone all quiet - I wonder why 🙄

It says a lot about your way of thinking my friend, and shows that you have no interest in the rights of the ordinary man in the street, which I just so happen to have, and a BIG interest at

I am not a "Follow The Crowd" man, as I am able to think for myself :idea:

The trouble is, you make too much noise about God knows what. It is tragic seeing you killing yourself to get the GFY guy banned. It is even more tragic when you are in such a twist about some issue no body seems to know. You really need help, buddy, because you are too busy telling yourself how you don't follow crowds, think for yourself and all that stuff. You know what? People who are always too busy telling everybody what they are usually have serious problems. This is particularly true when the audience is a bunch of forum readers and posters who don't know you from Adam. Really, think about it.
trendie said:
I too am familiar with this excellent program.

Its about a worldly-wise priest, who is seen as the pillar of the community, and thought to possess an insight in matters metaphysical, but in truth is a self-serving hustler with an eye to the main chance - Father The-money-was-just-resting-in-my-account Ted. he can be quite philosophical when he wants to be.

Then there is Father Dougal. He is a dim-witted acolyte, who takes as gospel anything he is told by Father Ted, since he is now a member of an elite group, a man of the cloth. 😱
It is not difficult to see how Father Dougal is easily led, and has a tendency to re-iterate the same old simplistic garbage Father Ted tells him.

Remind you of anyone?

You are very good, Trendie! lol.