bracke said:
Very well described and if anyone reading the above has not experienced it I think that they are not being honest with themselves but.......... When we gain more experience and knowledge we ( if we have any sense ) apply rules to our trading to prevent the above scenario occuring.
We apply mental and/or physical stops and exit points and these are determined before we enter the trade and in my own case written down and once hit - finish. No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes - finish.
I don't think what I have described above is TP, it is more E (Enlightened)HP. HP has been bitten more than once and he dosen't like it so he seeks ways of preventing re-occurance, I suppose he is armouring himself.
SOCRATES I need your help to state the differences between EHP and TP please.
Hello Bracke, what you are doing is forcing the HP to conform to a series of rules you have set, for mechanical execution. By this I mean placing stops and not wavering from them or removing them altogether but accepting if they are hit so be it, This is much more already than many traders can do. They set a stop, then see the trade going marginally against them and then decide to alter the stop. This is important to note, because at this stage the HP is finding an excuse to do so. Why is this ? Simple the HP considers itself to be right . It is right .It has been succesful in preserving life, your life. That is why you are alive and not dead.
Built into this mechanism is also an emotional factor. The HP does not like to be thwarted, contradicted, but not in terms of what is tangible thwarting or contradiction. It is much more subtle than that. What it does not want is its Authority removed. It therefore seeks the weak point in the whole sequence in order to preserve its authority. It sees an opportunity when an opinion appears. The opinion has an emotion attached to it. As we know the emotion has the ability to disable reason. The opinion causes the trader to alter or remove the stop. Additionally, the original intent of the TP is now thwarted and also the TP mode is shut down.
The trader is now left to struggle with emotions, totally disabled. He is unaware that his ability to act is disabled. He can see that what is developing is wrong. But he freezes. He is frozen because the TP is out of action, because the HP has slammed the gate shut on it, as this is another spring loaded booby trap that finalises the sequence of sabotage the HP carries out.
In order to return to trading mode the TP has to be recalled. It is too late. The level of emotion is so great that the trader is completely disempowered from acting according to his reason,or from logically deducing. The TP remains disabled. As the HP's role is to preserve life, when the "pain" becomes very great, unbearable the HP now consents, and allows the trader to take steps to stop the pain. The trader exits, in a terrible emotional state, and it may take a few hours or even days for him to cool down. This is because all the HP trapdoors are not completely shut. Once they are completely shut, the trader is calm again and reflects on the stupidity that he does again and again.
The HP is so clever, and has so many mechanisms in place to preserve life, that in addition it does everything it can to prevent the trader from even being able to benefit from what the HP allows him to view as "errors", which are not errors at all but the consequence of being a prisoner.
Thus what you do is remarkable, excellent. Never cbange your policy. Do not change the way you operate stops, because this is exactly what the HP wants you to, even against your own best judgement.
An EHP we call an enhanced human persona, denoting an individual whose level of awareness is above average. I will add that EHP has nothing to do with book learning or qualifications, but everything to do with self determination and the excercise of will, th will to progress that is.
And no, Pablo Montenegro is not my psydonym, sorry.