The Journey from the Basement

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I have an A List and a D List. Both lists are nearly complete. When they are complete and I am satisfied that they are complete, then I shall act, and not before, but I shall act the opposite to what is expected, and then, in contradistinction to others, I make up my mind quickly and that is it, then you will experience what will transpire, to the great advantage of some and the great disadvantage of others.
What happens is that those who stay give up trying and end up going with the flow. I am not interested in going with any flow. I am interested in helping poeple, that is the right people, to progress, because in my case, it is very easy for me to do, so I can afford to be very generous.

I am also deriving great benefit because I am having it confirmed to me that many individuals are not fit for this profession. I expect many more of these creatures will surface before I have finished. They think I am going on to finish. They are mistaken. I am not going on to finish. I am going to cut at a crucial moment and I am going to leave everyone hanging. Then I will act according to my A List and D List. That is it.
And, I am willing to expand on this further. What the great majority do not understand is that trading is the last bastion of personal independence, anonymity and financial freedom available within a structure of capitalism and democracy. Everyone who aspires to be free should behave correctly. To my horror this is not the case. As it is my prerogative to confer upon whoever whatever I have to act in accordance with my reason. The opposite is what is offered, in wholesale terms. Therefore it is for me to choose, and not for me to be chosen for, and I will act, I promise you.
What happens is that those who stay give up trying and end up going with the flow. I am not interested in going with any flow. I am interested in helping poeple, that is the right people, to progress, because in my case, it is very easy for me to do, so I can afford to be very generous.

I am also deriving great benefit because I am having it confirmed to me that many individuals are not fit for this profession. I expect many more of these creatures will surface before I have finished. They think I am going on to finish. They are mistaken. I am not going on to finish. I am going to cut at a crucial moment and I am going to leave everyone hanging. Then I will act according to my A List and D List. That is it.

I can understand - 'once bitten twice shy' and the thought 'why should I put myself in the firing line'. Rather like banging ones head against a brick wall, its nice when one stops.

As to your own strategy - those who want no part, will not and hopefully those who do, will.
A good solution, all are satisfied

A List & D List. We can all consider what they abbreviate.


No, since you ask, I will tell you:
The A List is for those chosen. "Admitted"
The D List is for those not chosen. "Deselected"
The A List will never be made known.
The D List is a different matter.

Furthermore, admittance to the A List will be by Invitation Only

My thoughts were a little more colourful than you own meanings. I will leave it at that.


Yes Brake, and I adore the English Language as it is the only language to my knowledge, in which it is possible, when appropriate, to be exceedingly rude politely.

This sounds like a sensible plan, Mr S, whichever list I'm on... I think some people have a problem, perhaps subconsciously, whereby they act as if they were addressing the PC. Perhaps some are physically timid in reality and BBS's provide an outlet for their frustrations, safer than picking a fight I'd imagine.
Perhaps this would provide a further business opportunity for Sharky? A 'virtual aggression' website?
I have a question, if that's okay, regarding the TP requirement - personally I've not experienced noticeable amounts of trouble in executing a stop, I accept I got it wrong quite readily (although I regret the loss I don't make grunting noises and try to will it back into profit). My feeling is that my TP is okay, but the actual analysis side is still poor.... am I deluding myself on the TP issue? I'm quite used to believing n impossible things before breakfast (Physics teacher - studying Quantum Mechanics quickly gets you used to accepting things that contradict long held beliefs and commonsense), and whilst I've observed myself (I'm imagining myself watching myself type for example) I don't find it disquieting, it's just another frame of reference.... is that okay, or am I a hopeless case?
Having tried to observe myself involved in something, it felt slightly unnerving and odd.
To observe oneself as one would another, wondering what that person is thinking and what their actions might be. Very different when you do it to yourself !
However it seems to suggest a habit which could be learnt of sitting outside or alongside of onself whilst trading and acting as a 'critical friend'. Perhaps the critical friend is part of (or is ?) the trading persona ?
"Your system say buy now - do it !" "Cut that position now !" "You know where it's going - trade it !" etc etc.
I say such things to myself consciously when trading, but to hand that responsibility to an 'outside agency' feels as though there are now two heads instead of one. Perhaps over time the outside agency becomes capable of running the show and the conscious bod becomes a subservient blob doing the bidding ?

I don't know if this is within context, but there does appear to be merit in it.
In any event, it certainly puts a different perspective on things.
Yes indeed, I agree entirely, and I think my pros/retail reference was a little out of context. The taxi analogy is good too, especially in London - where those black cabs can get themselves out of a tricky mess due to sheer size, momentum, and induced fear! 😆

What I perhaps should have said is that the ability to act on these motor skills that produce the perceived future direction, is what sorts out the successful traders from the vast majority. They know the potential future outcome, they know the balance of probabilities, and they certainly know that it is now simply a numbers game to make a profit! The black cabs are the big boys, who can get where they want by sheer size and bullying, with possibly a lot less skill than the professional successful traders. (Perhaps this is why some find it difficult to cross the fence?)

I thought this comment here was absolutely spot on, and puts thoughts into words very well. I'm sure I've said something similar but far less succinctly. 😆
"What the great majority do not understand is that trading is the last bastion of personal independence, anonymity and financial freedom available within a structure of capitalism and democracy. Everyone who aspires to be free should behave correctly."
I also believe that self-reliance achieved through self-employment whatever that might entail, engenders a true sense of worth and contentment available to all who pursue it! Most of us were born free - it is perhaps the success of the free market economy and capitalism which has taken away this freedom from the common man. Nothing irks me more than the abuse of human resource to make a profit!
Hello Quercus, with reference to your last post, above, I am willing to expand further on this. In general terms, people are not free. They believe themselves to be free but in reality they are not. This is because they are on treadmills of diffeent sorts, some of their own making, others not. Within a structure of what we call a free society there are some individual and collective freedoms but not complete freedoms in the true sense of the word.

This is because people have what we call obligations. In large measure this means holding down a job, pursuing a career, having a practice, or a clinic,or an office, or a workshop, or a shop, or a factory, or a boutique, or a salon, or a cash and carry or a duty of some sort that is systematic, governed by the calendar and the clock. In many cases there are added restrictions, such as being governed by a set of rules and regulations, operating according to duty rosters, timtables, work shifts.

Additionally they may be doing something they dislike, even hate, in an environment that clashes with their dispositions, they may feel unfulfilled, undervalued, taken for granted, overworked and underpaid.
All this without bringing into consideration the human element which is having to work for a boss, who they might even resent or dislike. And, in all of this misery there is a pecking order with its unspoken bully rules, unfairness, abuse of priviledge, ageism, sexism, and other subcurrents of corrosive cruelty.

This is because the membership fee of a democratic and capitalist system is often viewed in this way by its participants who are on these treadmills. These treadmills are the dynamos that keep the engine of growth going. People have to subscribe, and sometimes even compete for a place on these treadmills.
They are not free, they may erroneously percieve themselves in part to be free, but they are not totally free in the true sense of the word as they are not allowed to be in complete control of their time, effort and rewards, and what is more important choice and use of free time at will.

I find it amazing that when given the opportunity to progress, some elements turn disruptive when this is the opposite of what it is they should be doing, they become impatient when they should be patient and diligent, and they are pointedly rude when in fact they should be extremely grateful and polite. I could carry on at length on the inabilities of the herd, who are their own worst enemies, but my interest lies with those who are able to recognise what it is they do not want and consequently arrive at what they do want and are prepared to be constructive, that is, to adopt a constructivist attitude towards attaining their own independence and freedom and not a destructivist attitude towards enslaving others not only to the treadmill but to their own low targets of low self esteem, bad behaviour, and ignorance.
Glenn said:
Having tried to observe myself involved in something, it felt slightly unnerving and odd.
To observe oneself as one would another, wondering what that person is thinking and what their actions might be. Very different when you do it to yourself !
However it seems to suggest a habit which could be learnt of sitting outside or alongside of onself whilst trading and acting as a 'critical friend'. Perhaps the critical friend is part of (or is ?) the trading persona ?
"Your system say buy now - do it !" "Cut that position now !" "You know where it's going - trade it !" etc etc.
I say such things to myself consciously when trading, but to hand that responsibility to an 'outside agency' feels as though there are now two heads instead of one. Perhaps over time the outside agency becomes capable of running the show and the conscious bod becomes a subservient blob doing the bidding ?

I don't know if this is within context, but there does appear to be merit in it.
In any event, it certainly puts a different perspective on things.
Hello Glenn, you have begun to put your finger on it. You are able to notice the discomfort of self examination. This is the HP defending itself from intrusion and risk of modification, manifested as a sort of unease. You are now at least aware that a TP is able to disconnect from the HP and run the show impartially. What we hve to do is to build the TP "independently" of the HP so that the HP does not realise that the TP is under construction until it is too late for it to interfere. This is because the HP is protective and smothers all attempts at progress, as it views these as a possible threat to life, more later. When the TP is fully operational the HP can no longer interfere. The TP now carries out its tasks and is able to act according to its reason without problems, such as interference from emotion, opinion, ego, fear, greed, hope, impatience, and so on, completely independently and insulated from the HP,
DaveJB said:
This sounds like a sensible plan, Mr S, whichever list I'm on... I think some people have a problem, perhaps subconsciously, whereby they act as if they were addressing the PC. Perhaps some are physically timid in reality and BBS's provide an outlet for their frustrations, safer than picking a fight I'd imagine.
Perhaps this would provide a further business opportunity for Sharky? A 'virtual aggression' website?
I have a question, if that's okay, regarding the TP requirement - personally I've not experienced noticeable amounts of trouble in executing a stop, I accept I got it wrong quite readily (although I regret the loss I don't make grunting noises and try to will it back into profit). My feeling is that my TP is okay, but the actual analysis side is still poor.... am I deluding myself on the TP issue? I'm quite used to believing n impossible things before breakfast (Physics teacher - studying Quantum Mechanics quickly gets you used to accepting things that contradict long held beliefs and commonsense), and whilst I've observed myself (I'm imagining myself watching myself type for example) I don't find it disquieting, it's just another frame of reference.... is that okay, or am I a hopeless case?
Hello DaveJB, first of all with regard to the detractors, I promise you if they were in this room they would not be detracting, they would be grovelling instead. The problem has to do with the way they view themselves, not necessarily the way they view me. All of their behaviour, which is aberrated behaviour relates to their HP, not mine as I am doing my best to help people progress. As we go deeper into this topic, I will explain how the HP sees itself as the guardian of self, whether the self is right or wrong because that is immaterial to it.

But I digress, because it is impressive that you are developing the TP so early BEFORE having even evolved an efficient trading method (by your own admission) so that you are able to operate with stops that you rigidly adhere to. This is already huge progress, though you may not realise it. It will stop you being wiped out. Even if at this stage of your development as a trader if you rigidly stick to your stoploss policy and providing these stops are reasonably tight ones, if you only run profits and trail the stops behind if necessary, at least even if you only get it right on balance half the time you will progress.

You are very far from being a hopeless case ~ quite the opposite ! It is unusual to come across self imposed discipline to start with from an early start. Well done ! I am truly impressed. I am not kidding you, I am !
Glenn said:
Having tried to observe myself involved in something, it felt slightly unnerving and odd.
To observe oneself as one would another, wondering what that person is thinking and what their actions might be. Very different when you do it to yourself !
However it seems to suggest a habit which could be learnt of sitting outside or alongside of onself whilst trading and acting as a 'critical friend'. Perhaps the critical friend is part of (or is ?) the trading persona ?
"Your system say buy now - do it !" "Cut that position now !" "You know where it's going - trade it !" etc etc.
I say such things to myself consciously when trading, but to hand that responsibility to an 'outside agency' feels as though there are now two heads instead of one. Perhaps over time the outside agency becomes capable of running the show and the conscious bod becomes a subservient blob doing the bidding ?

I don't know if this is within context, but there does appear to be merit in it.
In any event, it certainly puts a different perspective on things.

I tried this as well and had a similiar experience to you Glen. I have tried a few times over the day and I find it is quite difficult to hold the TP for a long time. I guess this takes practice. The TP seems to just cut off and im back to me in a flash. However, i was doing it today watching the horse racing. I felt like there was no emotion at all and i could think just on the facts and reason properly. ...and faster..! but then it jsut switches even when i try and hold it.
This problem we call Holding the Attitude, or <HTA > More later, as we progress with this.
china white said:
Q - may i raise one point here?

I think it is actually quite a good analogy - the development of am MP (Motoring Persona 😆 ) as compared to the PP (Pedestrian persona).

There is time for MP and time for PP - exactly as in the case of TP and HP.

One thing that I feel uneasy about though. Did u notice that often the so called pros who r supposed to be the best drivers (taxi drivers e.g.) r actually the most awkward thing on the road? It probably boils down to the question that was raised here - what sorts Maradona from other technically brilliant footy players? I think the answer is being able to seize on the "window of opportunity". A taxi driver (like an average pro OTC trader) DOES NOT NEED to be that sharp - he will get there and will get paid. WE DO NEED TO BE THAT SHARP THOUGH -
I am still struggling with the proper wording for my thought - but do u see what I mean?

Instantaneous conditional response <ICR> = extension of Futurological flash or <FF>.
The Futorological Flash occurs as a consequence of being able to intangibly "see" through the pipe of time, by warping the use of time to make it go more slowly. The Instantaenous Conditional Response is the Ability to act upon it in real (current or actual) time, at once, when the anticipated desired price or <ADP>manifests itself, ready for execution, whether to open or close, either long or short, in a nano. (a nanosecond). But this is very advanced, more later, probalbly by PM so as not to stimulate the dunces. I am advised to do this in order to protect our interest.
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The Futorological Flash occurs as a consequence of being able to intangibly "see" through the pipe of time, by warping the use of time to make it go more slowly. The Instantaenous Conditional Response is the Ability to act upon it in real (current or actual) time, at once, when the anticipated desired price or <ADP>manifests itself, ready for execution, whether to open or close, either long or short, in a nano. (a nanosecond). But this is very advanced, more later, probalbly by PM so as not to stimulate the dunces.

As one of your critics in the past, but also someone who knows where you are coming from and going to, it would be a shame if you decide to PM now.

There is a LOT of nonesense written on these boards about trading, but I would not put this thread in that category.

However, it remains your perogative.

PS I doubt dunces can be stimulated- merely prodded
I find it amazing that when given the opportunity to progress, some elements turn disruptive when this is the opposite of what it is they should be doing, they become impatient when they should be patient and diligent, and they are pointedly rude when in fact they should be extremely grateful and polite. I could carry on at length on the inabilities of the herd, who are their own worst enemies....

Ah BUT that's the whole point, isn't it? A small percentage might naturally have the TP habits ingrained, either as a result of prior conditioning - perhaps a childhood where a mentor taught them how to see through the distortion, or experience in another field where what I'll describe as dispassionate and accurate observation is the norm (bomb disposal expert anyone?) The majority of the population have a comfort zone they operate in, there are people who spend hours of every day discussing what soap opera characters are doing as if they're real people who have free will...and many a new investor sees trading as a difficult sum that they can be taught how to solve, preferably in exchange for £30 and an evening reading through the notes.

Suggest that the path is difficult, and that discomfort will be felt enroute and howling is bound to follow. As far as I can see people are objecting to the guru style approach as it so often turns out to be a scam perpetrated by somebody with no significant ability - as far as I can tell Socrates has demonstrated he is able to do as claimed, which makes detractors look a bit silly... fulminating against Snake oil salesmen only makes sense if there's a decent chance the guy really is a con artist.

I have no idea at all if I'll be able to follow this all, a doubt I suspect many have here, but if I can't then so be it - I've had a guitar for almost 20 years and I still can't play that worth a hoot.
jimbo57 said:
As one of your critics in the past, but also someone who knows where you are coming from and going to, it would be a shame if you decide to PM now.

There is a LOT of nonesense written on these boards about trading, but I would not put this thread in that category.

However, it remains your perogative.

PS I doubt dunces can be stimulated- merely prodded
No, my mind is made up as a consequence of my experience in having to struggle with dunces, the disrespectful, the corrosive and the destructive.

Some knowledge is too powerful and valuable to let just anyone have it.

In the beginning my posture was one of unconditional generosity. Elements within the membership of T2W have proved to me to have a posture of unconditional generosity is a grave error.

Therefore in contradistinction to most people who dither and muck about and who think I am the same as them ~ I am not, I am very different indeed.

I have given ample warnings which have gone unheeded, now the perpetrators will inherit their just deserts. I am able to punish, punish severely, by remaining silent. We are not very far from cutoff.
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