The HP and the Inabilities.
Now let us return and put our attention of the dilemma of the HP.
Let me illustrate how the HP struggles with that which it is not constructed to cope with.
Here are three quotes from Jesse Livermore, who struggled with these problems all his trading life, he even went to the extreme of attending evening classes on psychology to try to get to the root of what it is I am going to unravel and explain here as this thread unflolds over the days, weeks and months that follow.
The speculator's chief enemies are always boring from within. It is INSEPARABLE from HUMAN NATURE to HOPE and to FEAR. In speculation, when the market goes against you, you HOPE that every day will be the last day ~ and you lose more than you should HAD YOU NOT LISTENED TO HOPE ~ to the same PIONEERS, BIG AND LITTLE.
And when the market goes your way you BECOME FEARFUL that the next day WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR PROFIT, and YOU GET OUT ~ TOO SOON . FEAR keeps you from making as much MONEY as you ought to. (EM, see the trigger ?). The successful trader has to FIGHT these two deep seated instincts (EM, external view) He has to REVERSE what you might call his NATURAL IMPULSES. Instead of HOPING he must FEAR ; instead of FEARING he must HOPE. He must FEAR that his losses may develop into a bigger loss, and HOPE that his profits become a bigger profit. It is absolutely WRONG to gamble in stocks the way the average man does.........
"The unsuccesful investor, is best friends with HOPE ~ And HOPE skips along life's path hand ~in ~hand with GREED when it comes to the Stock Market. Once a stock trade is entered, HOPE springs to life. It is man's NATURE to be HOPEFUL, to be POSITIVE, to HOPE for the best.HOPE is an IMPORTANT SURVIVAL TECHNIQUE FOR THE RACE. But HOPE, like its Stock Market Cousins: IGNORANCE, GREED and FEAR all distort REASON".
The last paragraph is dedicated to my friend to whom last night I predicted the Dax Sept. would open and fall to the 3680 level this morning,and it has done just that , ( actually, it touched 3673), now to trickle up again. For everybody else these three quotations illustrate more clearly what I mean when I talk of the inabilities.
As we progress with this thread all this will become clearer, very clear indeed, to your benefit, and my satisfaction.