The Journey from the Basement

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MysticalTrader said:
is an explanation required? Just enjoying a master at work. Lost in admiration... :-D


just another appreciative member of the world wide audience
Your post had no reason.
I presumed you were alluding to something and wondered if I could be let in on the secret.
my post had no reason that you discerned...

No secret, just admiring a master at work. Did I offend?


oatman said:
Your post had no reason.
I presumed you were alluding to something and wondered if I could be let in on the secret.
windlesham1's dilemma

Socrates-many thanks for your eloquent response,I really do appreciate it. Yet again today I placed a trade which potentially was worth 20+ ticks.I closed that trade at the first wobble and made half a tick.Throughout the day I have seen trades,and my finger has hovered over the trigger,only to have the rightness of the trade confirmed,with me not on it. I'm used to being deep underwater with options-and I do mean deep,but options I can handle as they are so forgiving,.Futures are the harsh reality,and the philosophical side of me says cut my trades,take a hit and move on.The difference this time is that several traders and brokers who I contact daily, are now going through the same thing as me,and we all have emotional demands outside trading. I like to think I'm not an emotional trader,but this time it's different as all around me confusion and doubt abound,and I feel a huge burden to kickstart the 'group' of fellow sufferers back on the road to profitable trading.

PS It's not all doom-had a good little options trade on HBOS.
Hi Windle, This may be stating the obvious but if you make a good living trading options and have been doing so for some time why change and trade futures?
Surely its best to stick to what you are good at,its like Beckham taking up rugby,he specialises at football and makes a very good living so why should he diversify?
schoe-when everyone realises how good options are,I'll need another additional source of income-it's already got much harder with options as volatility has dropped to nothing,but futures are a zero sum game -there will always be players on the other side of the trade.Thanks for the thought.

If you're concerned about volatility dropping does that mean you are a seller of premium ?
I thought so. What caught my eye was your comment "when everyone realises how good options are.......... "

Are you trading indices or equities ?
harryp said:
I thought so. What caught my eye was your comment "when everyone realises how good options are.......... "

Are you trading indices or equities ?
it's not that simple-some of each,some buying,some selling DYOR.Happy trading

Someone said that a rising stockmarket makes every investor a financial genius. Do'nt you think that your success at selling premium over the last eighteen months has got a lot to do with collapsing vols ?
Darkside language equivalent of civilian MYOB.
This time I will let you off ~ means DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH !
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