The Journey from the Basement

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All good things come in three's.
You don't need all those WMD's to overcome your foe.
But I can't figure out how the Rhino is enclosed in a rectangular space with three blankets...unless his back is against the wall....
There are several things that spring to mind initially and I will think about it more but there are some obvious clues here:

The farmer is engaged in an activity in an environment he doesnt understand
The Headman and his sons totally understand the environment in which they operate so they know which tools to use to effect a desired outcome from any circumstance they have to deal with.
They are also wrongly seen by the likes of the Farmer as people who have special weapons which are always used to address any situation. Further more the Farmer cannot comprehend how they can use tools he has never even thought of to address what seems an impossible situation.
The Rhino for the most part is left to do what he wants by the Headman and his sons unless the Rhino's behaviour becomes so disruptive that the Headman believes some action should be taken.

The Headman and his sons whilst able to listen to the concerns of the Farmer are only able to commiuncate in limited ways with him.

The three blankets may have been positioned to allow only one exit for the Rhino who now cannot see any other areas to disrupt. Also we have not been told what action the fourth son is taking.

These are the immediate thoughts that have come from my first reading and I can already relate it to the world of trading.

I will post more as I get a bit deeper into it.

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The tribesman have always been able to moderate the behaviour of wild animals through stealth and superior skills rather than through brute force and a frontal assault.

You need 4 people to have 3 blankets out-stretched. Which means there's only one way the Rhino can go...

Oh, and they all wear a shark-tooth talisman for protection.
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Unstimulated rhinos are bored and passive (are they, really?) This one sees nothing beyond the blanket barrier.
For a rectangular space with three blankets one of the blankets needs to be as long as the other two and held, to make a corner, somewhere along its length.
I think this is about perception

The way the farmer perceives the beast

The way the rhino perceives his new environment

The way the headman perceives the situation

The way the farmer perceives the actions of the tribesmen

The way in which the tribesmen perceive the rhino

And finally by confining the rhino within the blankets they limit his perception sufficiently to put him at ease

Are horses fitted with blinkers to keep them focused or to keep them calm ?

Should the apprentice trader be blinkered ?
This lately protected species has always lived in its wild environment and used its immense size and power to charge at and overcome its smaller and vastly weaker victims.It has now become prolific as not only does it have a size and stength advantage, it is protected by authority which does s for a very specific reason.

It has now become very used to getting its own way and it can rampage uninterrupted and unhindered and it does so as some , such as ignorant farmers, run away

The natives, who have always lived in africa and know the country, its animals and and their ways well have always been able to deal with the rhino as they know its habits much better than anyone else - they have been doing so for centuries

The farmer (a newcomer to the scene) doesn't know anything other than that he has a problem he can't control and believes his answer lies in increased manpower with their weapons. He expects them to use what he thinks are the traditional weapons (knobkerries)they would use and which he would use if he was brave enough but they do not. They know from their experience what is needed.

Natives know by their experience over generations that when a rhino has its view of its prey blocked and no target in site it has nothing to aim at and forgets its rage and so they surround it with blankets and block its view - leaving an exit for it at the rear.

Rhino then becomes docile and contollable and backs off

Its target is no longer in view - there is nothing to go for - no opportunity for profit. it forgets its lust and calms down, goes away and waits for its next chance of exciement.

Farmer now knows how to deal with a charging Rhino but this is only one small lesson to be learned in the jungle - the natives have learned all these lessons from father to son from time immemorial

The farmer is also a protected species but in a different way - as are the natives - to what extent does each undersand the role of the other?
A first reaction typed before reading other contributions
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Firehorse - just read your #1161 and very helpful.
Re the map - I always try to identify the large features first - see any two big hills or a tower you can identify and work from there🙂
oatman said:
Haven't you seen the people "going along"? They are not confident so they stay in the middle lane all the time.They are frightened to leave the middle lane, yet they think they're driving correctly. They won't move to the left when the lane is clear. They won't overtake when their lane slows down. They're not in control. The difference is confidence.
No, Oaty, WRONG ! Try again please.
qaza said:
I think this is about perception

The way the farmer perceives the beast

The way the rhino perceives his new environment

The way the headman perceives the situation

The way the farmer perceives the actions of the tribesmen

The way in which the tribesmen perceive the rhino

And finally by confining the rhino within the blankets they limit his perception sufficiently to put him at ease

Are horses fitted with blinkers to keep them focused or to keep them calm ?

Should the apprentice trader be blinkered ?

BANG ! This is the one !
It is all about perception.
Every player in this drama is limited by their own perception.
This is a lesson in the misapplication of perception.
I will be expanding further on this later, because there is much to learn from this.

But all of you have missed the most important point, which is:~

The action of the boys with the blanket has succeeded in ALTERING
the perception of the Rhino.
The Rhino believes the blankets to be solid walls that now enclose him.
Because he BELIEVES them to be solid, to him THEY ARE.
In consequence of this the Rhino can now be manipulated according to what
the Farmer, the boys, the headman RECOGNISE has to be done, according to
their perception , which is the correct perception to have on the matter.

Qaza, are you going to be available this coming week ?
If so you are chosen to assist me in an excercise in the instrument you are most
familiar with which is the Dax future. We are going to illustrate to the audience
two things at this stage:~
How what appears is not what is.
How what will happen next is known in advance.
These are excercises in Perception and Futurology.

This is your prize for having got it right. Well done.
I will be in contact with you later.
Looks like we disagree.
This is true of driving and it apples to trading as well. Wait for the herd to move or know what's going on around you and move first.
No Oaty, confidence is at a level below what we are considering on this thread.
Confidence is a pre requisite for you to embark on a journey before you embark on it.
Here the jopurney is already in progress.
Go back again and think deeply with regard to the original question, please.
Perception = pathway to to Damascus 😎 -bright sunlight 😀 It opens up all sorts of other problems. Next time the rhino may be the one standing unseen at the back watching what was going on - it knows the blankets can't stop rhinos. Its perception has been altered by seeing the truth of what happened
Rognvald said:
Perception = pathway to to Damascus 😎 -bright sunlight 😀 It opens up all sorts of other problems. Next time the rhino may be the one standing unseen at the back watching what was going on - it knows the blankets can't stop rhinos. Its perception has been altered by seeing the truth of what happened
Yes but the Rhino will always be a Rhino.
No amount of mentoring will succeed in raising its awareness level sufficiently
for it to behave as a developed being.
It cannot be taught to logically deduce and reason.
It cannot be educated in any way, not because it refuses,
but because it can't.
It cannot act within a framework of morality and reason.
It cannot act according to its reason.
Therfore the pre requisite foundations to try to elevate it are missing.
It is not the beast's fault because it is subject to its own limitations.
We would be mistaken in persisting with it.

Perceptions can only be altered in an individual when the individual is ready for it.
Sorry Socrates - you are able to see right through me.
Along with your other talents you are a very good teacher.
I'll have a stab -
The Rhino is the market.
The blankets are the price and volume information which observers can see in the market, created by those who know how to manipulate it.
Get the market where you want it and then you are in control of it.

If I'm way off beam, I'll go back in the garden 🙂

By another token the Rhino can be likened to the herd, thrashing around in all directions with no clear purpose and ever increasing frustration at smashing things up and not achieving anything. The tribesmen are the pros, they know how to control this beast. They keep it quietly standing still until they have prepared a target tree they wish it to attack, then they fool it into moving in the direction of the tree where it attacks, shaking fruit from the tree which the tribesman gather up leaving the Rhino to keep flailing at the tree (fruitlessly!!) while they retreat to their campfires to enjoy the fruits of their manipulation.

Perception, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. - the truth may be something else 😆
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I am back. I have been tampering with electricity again. I know a fair bit but I am not an expert in it.
I cut a wire, that according to the subsidiary fuse box in the star chamber meant the wire was safe.
I made an enormous bang, and frightened myself silly. Then I shut down the intermediate main and the main proper. All systems have been down for two hours. Phew ! I will never do this again. What a fright !
All the computers are whirring again. All is well thank goodness.
matey u shud be more careful 🙂) I've got a couple of Mexican "batos" here, they seem to know something about electricity 🙂 shall I sen them over? 🙂 cheers mate - enjoy yr weekend 🙂
I am new to trading, about six months now, and I have to say this thread is extremely interesting. The journey Socrates mentions is exactly what I have gone through, The Books, the Trade show, the search for the best indicators, everything has been exactly as he has said. In my search for the best indicator I over the last six months I had started to wonder if it was all in vain, and if there was another way. That is when I cam across this thread and have been stuck to it. I am very anxious to learn, and I am grateful for those who teach and contribute, to help those willing to learn.
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