qaza said:
I think this is about perception
The way the farmer perceives the beast
The way the rhino perceives his new environment
The way the headman perceives the situation
The way the farmer perceives the actions of the tribesmen
The way in which the tribesmen perceive the rhino
And finally by confining the rhino within the blankets they limit his perception sufficiently to put him at ease
Are horses fitted with blinkers to keep them focused or to keep them calm ?
Should the apprentice trader be blinkered ?
BANG ! This is the one !
It is all about perception.
Every player in this drama is limited by their own perception.
This is a lesson in the misapplication of perception.
I will be expanding further on this later, because there is much to learn from this.
But all of you have missed the most important point, which is:~
The action of the boys with the blanket has succeeded in ALTERING
the perception of the Rhino.
The Rhino believes the blankets to be solid walls that now enclose him.
Because he BELIEVES them to be solid, to him THEY ARE.
In consequence of this the Rhino can now be manipulated according to what
the Farmer, the boys, the headman RECOGNISE has to be done, according to
their perception , which is the correct perception to have on the matter.
Qaza, are you going to be available this coming week ?
If so you are chosen to assist me in an excercise in the instrument you are most
familiar with which is the Dax future. We are going to illustrate to the audience
two things at this stage:~
How what appears is not what is.
How what will happen next is known in advance.
These are excercises in Perception and Futurology.
This is your prize for having got it right. Well done.
I will be in contact with you later.