I couldn't comment on Paul's trade on my previous post as I'm still busy trying to figure out which way to turn the map to read it correctly!
But I did wake up this morning with something I thought would be worth sharing. It's about the right kind of mind/attitude to trading.
spike said:
Socrates, I fully agree that darksiders are the minority. I began the same jouney myself a couple of years ago and still consider myself a newbie at this art. As an amateur musician, I can appreciate that the transition from mechanical to intuitive can take many many hours of practice. 😆
As a follow on to this - in the past I've studied martial arts.
To be really effective, you must lose your ego.
If you are scared you're going to get hit, that will tense your muscles, slow you down and you will get hit. (Worried you will lose money)
If you celebrate the fact you've managed to 'tag' someone, then that takes your focus away from the task at hand and you are liable to be hit by the counter attack. (Overconfidence after a win)
If you "think" you are better than the other person then you will try to "force" your technique. But the "force" creates tension, which slows you down and you will get hit (Trying to make trades where there are none).
If you think you will lose then you will miss any chance of a counter-attack so you will lose (losing confidence after a loss)
The only way to be at your best is to operate without any ego, learn from your mistakes and move on. Do not get tied up in the fact you got hit. Do not spend time celebrating you tagged someone. After the bout you can spend time to reflect on any lessons learnt and savour techniques successfully carried out
I assume that a successful trader will have this kind of mindset.
You are all motorists aren't you ?
You are either going in one direction or another aren't you ? The key thing is that you have to be AWARE ot he traffic, but the traffic itself does not prevent you from reaching your destination, but you must be AWARE of the behaviour of other motorists in order to get home safely as you originally planned.
Therefore what you must concentrate on is developing an awareness of what is happening and what to do about it, within a living organism that has dimensions instead of a map, which is just flat.
The driving analogy can be explored further.
If someone cuts you up, do you let it pass, or do you swear at the person, gesticulating wildly, taking your focus off the road and possibly having an accident. Does your outburst serve any purpose other than massaging your own bruised ego? Do you let your buttons be pushed by other people?
If you can detach from those kind of events then it would then be good to apply that to trading so that emotions do not come into influencing your trading decision. Do not let the market push your buttons! and have a financial accident!
...but above all you must have the right character.
If you do not pass the character test, you cannot ever succeed,
you may muddle along but the Star Chamber will remain firmly locked.
I'm hoping that the above helps people in character development if they require it!