There's no results there...
If black-box software provides signals, as yours does, the only thing that really matters is whether you managed to make a profit from the signals.
With all due respect I had heard of your business before Jigsaw Trading so I know you also know the importance of order flow in todays environment, also the algos to monitor the algos and I think what you have has a sound basis in todays trading environment as does this. Theres also very little out there so plenty of room for more.
The software is no black Box as simply is combinations of the best of order flow and algos as I said to detect the other algos and with thankfully now the processing power of cloud can be done in real time whereas it couldn't before unless you had millions to do it with.
I am also sure but could be wrong that when you started out trying to inform and educate traders about how important order flow is that it wouldn't have been easy for sure like a lot of new things/new information.
As regards me personally ...Yes actually I did and i do make money from this what ya want my bank account? show me yours and I'll show you mine ?( not fighting joking with you..ok)
Again with respect I think me or I is irrelavant in this conversation at this point as it should be whether the signals being provided by the software are good or not.
Sorry but I have to disagree with you saying theres no results. The whole conversation was to let people know about just whats out there now to gain an edge.I know it's good but would like to know what other people think etc.
Everyone is going to trade different what the algos do is give people a real time advantage to trade along with when the banks etc are trading not against them.
Yesterdays example of the signals that surfaced are only one part of the Algorytms that are part of the software companies system.
I'll be happy to post results for a while so people can see whether or not they could have traded signals like that.
The beauty of crunching order flows and combining them with other algos in real time as well as detechting buy and sell programs kicking in is the percentages are now in the traders favour for a change.
Some people spread bet , some people trade an emini account with a broker some trade binaries the type of signals put out by this is tradeable in many ways and styles like everthing.
I personally trade Binaries with an expiration time signals like that are perfect for it and by the way order Flows which you also do are a very helpful part of the whole sytem.
It as I said some of the companies customers only put a trade on a binary early or late in the day depending on what way the tape is looking.
I usually prefer to get a good indication of where the market is moving short time and buy binaries with a very close expiration (2 hour binaries etc)knowing full well that with the signals the odds are now stacked very much in my favour.
The company has applied this to several markets including crude with great results. Again I respectfully ask let me post the signals as you suggested for all to see and make their own decisions without's not about me.
I spent years trying to figure out program trading etc and how to deal with the new trading environment , I tried and came across a few different pieces of software during that time but theres not a lot out there and definetly not a lot of real time stuff.
I am actually happy to see that your business exists too as the more companies or in this software companies case individuals that put there resources and time into working on order flows and algos to detect the "black boxes" then the better it is for all traders trying to make their living.
thanks again and hopefully as you see more signals you might agree or half agree. that indeed software like this ....and others...are a good thing to help give all traders an edge in very different times !
Not everyone agrees on the same things all the time but hopefully even if not be objective and see both sides of the coin.
One good thing about some developers is they will listen and try to adapt the stuff to what customers are saying. Theres still a lot of development going on with this behind the scenes due to customer requests including a few suggestion by myself.
Anyway Thanks and best regards look forward to not arguing any more and having a good discussion about good points or possible pitfalls with the software etc as time goes on. It's late so I'm going to go bed and going toenjoy the weekend before it starts agin Monday have a good weekend and best regards.
btw as regards results the guy gives a free two week trial to download and run his software so anyone can just run it and see results for themselves before ever commiting to anything.
Also then they can confirm whether or not real output for the previous days trading are being posted or not very simple could do that yourself even. I think two weeks is pretty decent. !