The Idle Investor by Edmund Shing - Free Review Copy Offer


We've teamed up with our friends at Harriman House to offer T2W members the chance to grab a free ebook copy for review of "The Idle Investor" by Edmund Shing.

The first 10 T2W members (see requirements below*) to reply to this thread will get a free copy (please also send me a private message with your preferred email address to receive the ebook). By requesting a review copy you agree to post your review of the book here on this thread.**

* In order to give as many members as possible the opportunity to review a book, we're excluding from this offer any member who has already agreed to review a book on T2W, but has yet to review it. Also any member that has been registered for less than a month or posted less than 10 posts, at the time of this posting, is excluded (sorry!)

** Reviews should be posted within 30 days of receiving it and you agree to let Harriman House use the reviews to promote the book outside of T2W.

Full jacket text:

"The Idle Investor" by Edmund Shing

3 simple strategies to earn high returns and beat the professionals

Would you like to use a simple, low-risk investing system that beats market indexes and fund manager performance over the long term, but requires only a few minutes of your time each month? Does it sound like a lot of hard work? It's not - even the laziest investor can achieve it.

The Idle Investor includes three straightforward DIY strategies for long-term investing. All you have to do is follow the simple rules. Each method requires only a limited amount of your time and they all make use of easily accessible, low-cost funds. The reasons why the strategies work and everything else you need to know to put them into practice is explained clearly, with numerous worked examples.

The three strategies are:

1. The Bone Idle Strategy: Part of your portfolio is allocated to shares and part is allocated to bonds, with adjustments only required twice a year. The rest of the time you do nothing.

2. The Summer Hibernation Strategy: For part of the year your portfolio is allocated to shares and for part of the year it is allocated to bonds. Once again, adjustments to the portfolio are only required twice per year. The rest of the time you do nothing.

3. Multi-Asset Trending Strategy: A simple trend-following method determines whether to hold your portfolio in shares or bonds. For this strategy you will need to check your investments and make adjustments once a month.

Even on the very few occasions each year when action is required - twice a year for strategies 1 and 2, and once a month for strategy 3 - you'll only spend a few minutes checking your portfolio and making simple changes. The activity levels range from yearly rebalancing, for the laziest investor, through to monthly reallocation, for those who are more active. How much you do depends on how lazy you are feeling.

Testing the three Idle Investor strategies for the period 1990 to 2012 resulted in average annual returns of up to 28%. Compare this to a buy-and-hold approach of investing in UK shares, which would have delivered 8.5% per year over the same period, and you can see that being idle doesn't mean being unsuccessful!

If you are looking for a straightforward investing method that lets you get on with your life while your money grows in the background, then become an Idle Investor.

The Idle Investor. Published in April 2015 by Harriman House, ISBN: 9780857193810 ePub RRP: £14.49.


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Review from a beginner?

are you looking for a review from a complete beginner? I'm a STEM graduate student with very limited investing experience and I would be willing to post a review.
Sorry guys, you're both below our 10 post restriction for the review copies. We prefer to offer our regular members first dibs on the review copies. Not all is lost, if we don't get enough reviewers in the next 10 days, I'll let you both have a copy.
I am an avid reader and student of the markets. I will write a comprehensive and honest review if i get the book.
Also any member that has been registered for less than a month or posted less than 10 posts, at the time of this posting, is excluded (sorry!)

OK Sharky - I will do a review, even though the initial concept in the title and the summary does not gel with me :(

Great, 4 confirmed 'regular' members, and 6 'newbies' on the waiting list, if no-one else steps forward. I'll leave this thread running till end of Sunday (26th July), if we don't get 10 regular members (over 10 posts, registered more than a month, not awaiting a review), I'll give them to the newbies in the order they asked.
I said I'd let this run until last Sunday, but I'm feeling generous, so if any regular members want to nab a review copy, post a reply today and we'll reserve one for you; otherwise newbies you're next in line :D