That's certainly on topic if delightfully off kilter.
There has also been a suggestion that the French from which this was originally derived "Saint Graal" was possibly a corruption of "Sang Real" or royal bloodline: The vessel for this precious liquid being the living ancestor(s) of [that] line rather than the cup or chalice associated with the currently extent folklore.
I know I should take all of this with a pinch of salt, but I can't help thinking that before we start discounting the existence of fairies and fairy stories which can be neither validated nor debunked, we should apply that same decision making process to the existence of dark matter for which we are all assured by the scientific community really does exist even if it can't be detected or proven.
I do not think that there are such holy grails and thus traders should not fall prey for such scam programs.
Is that the inverted, reverse mirror image thing?I recommend people take a look at the Adam principle from wilde ........
I recommend people take a look at the Adam principle from wilde ........the actual system is somewhat controversial and open to despute and challenge (what system isnt ?) but the narration and follow up has some very very sobering comments about trading ...including the Author dismissing some of the most famous indicators in the world that he invented .........interesting !
I am sure that I shall see the Pearly Gates before I see the Holy Grail.
Positive expectancy is a holy grail. If you think of it: correctly executed long series of trades with positive expectancy results in 100% probability of profit. Isn't it what every trader wants? 🙂
Even a million trades each with a Positive expectancy would not result in 100%
Probability of profit
If it didn't I would want to go back to the drawing board and find a new strat. This is over a Month and a lot of round turns, some losers, some winners and some scratches. If I gave up on the strat early on it would be blah but over the course of the month it performed well. Just like any other method. I believe 100% in positive expectancy. Give it a try and see how it shapes up ya.
"Holy Grail"?
Nothing to do with trading.
The Holy Grail is a dish, plate, stone, or cup that is part of an important theme of Arthurian literature. A grail, wondrous but not explicitly "holy," first appears in Perceval le Gallois, an unfinished romance by Chrétien de Troyes:[1] it is a processional salver used to serve at a feast. Chrétien's story attracted many continuators, translators and interpreters in the later 12th and early 13th centuries, including Wolfram von Eschenbach, who makes the grail a great precious stone that fell from the sky. The Grail legend became interwoven with legends of the Holy Chalice.[2] The connection with Joseph of Arimathea and with vessels associated with the Last Supper and crucifixion of Jesus, dates from Robert de Boron's Joseph d'Arimathie (late 12th century) in which Joseph receives the Grail from an apparition of Jesus and sends it with his followers to Great Britain. Building upon this theme, later writers recounted how Joseph used the Grail to catch Christ's blood while interring him and how he founded a line of guardians to keep it safe in Britain. The legend may combine Christian lore with a Celtic myth of a cauldron endowed with special powers. (from Wiki)
So there....
sorry Richard, but that's exactly what the Holy Grail is NOT
Talking of resurrection, Rath has awoken from the delights of Thailand or has the marching season started early this year 😆