The future

here's what puzzles me:

1) no discussion is ever going to be engaged by you or Albert
2) your posts will always be of this tone
3) and this infuriates people more
4) and the aggression and name calling and insults start to fly
5) and then you might get banned again
6) so exactly what is all this for? . . . . why don't you all go back to

with the money you make you can AFFORD to make it look like T2W - but without the annoying advertisements or any other obligations/sponsorships that blights this site.
lots of laughs indeed, newtrader

This has been a nice wind-up which we've let run for its entertainment value. Rather like the re-incarnations of Elvis Presley, though, let no-one doubt the king is dead. :cheesy:


Let's see if it lands...finally.. :LOL:
Anyway SOOCRATES, if it is you Alby, I say welcome back! U R obviously a different person to what u were 6 months back - we all are!

You won't be laughing when I send her a copy of your reply. Or if she thinks the same way.


Is that an oblique reference to Heraclitus? The virtues of a classical education - money well spent.

Anyway SOOCRATES, if it is you Alby, I say welcome back! U R obviously a different person to what u were 6 months back - we all are!

no, Albert hasn't changed at all, even he will tell you that.

However, what has changed is that more and more posters on this site are realising that they are losing, either slowly or will eventually.

this now splits into 2 camps:

1) those that have an inkling as to what's going on and who they should follow and listen to
2) or get frustrated and angry and vent their frustration here, slowly having it diffused over time when they gradually realise they can't do it, so they leave, never to return

and this now leaves the newbies in the crossfire, if you know what I mean. The site will gradually deteriorate over time, with the occasional vendors and newbies posting their "system" and insights that never really amounted to anything.
Now let us look carefully at all of this.

I have said many times none of this is constructed for the benefit of Joe Public.

Yet everywhere I look everyone wants to have a go....all the time, like a compulsion, an absolute obsession on which millions are hooked.

I only have two days to discuss this, by the way, after that I am bizzi for several days and will not be posting here.

What is the point of wanting to be active in the market all the time ? Only the unskilled fall into this trap. They feel if they are not trading they are missing something.

What do the skilled traders do ?

Skilled traders only participate meaningfully, and not just for the sake of it, all the time.

Now as expected, if you look at the bottom right on the forums page, I have the highest reputation received already and I only returned this week.

All this was KNOWN and expected as there are only a handful of us who are profitable and only a handful of members left are successful and that is being generous you see.

How many times, HOW MANY TIMES does something have to be proved to you before you all understand it ?
you don't have a clue who you're dealing with do you? and yet you get reputation points for being rude to someone who actually does know.:-0

I have not been rude to anyone. As for the person whom I have allegedly been rude to, actually knowing themselves, that's no great feat temptrader.
if this was a Shakespearian play I wonder what it would be?

here we have those that cannot trade (and have been in the game for some time constantly losing) against those that could, but they need to cover their ignorance as well

I wonder, how long does it take to own up to reality? Unless you all are from rich families and don't really need to work, we can assume that the pain gets to you eventually . . . .
if this was a Shakespearian play I wonder what it would be?

here we have those that cannot trade (and have been in the game for some time constantly losing) against those that could, but they need to cover their ignorance as well

I wonder, how long does it take to own up to reality? Unless you all are from rich families and don't really need to work, we can assume that the pain gets to you eventually . . . .

Have you been using Albert's crystal ball?

Share your secrets with us - give us the PnL of all contributors to this thread.:)

Julius Caesar because he wore purple.


I bet you're the only bloke in the City who goes to work in a velvet smoking jacket.

This is true. At Euston station of a couple of weeks ago I saw that ex-Morgan Grenfell fraudster loony transvestite fund manager (Peter Young?). I'm positive it was him. Still dresses as a woman (badly) but also losing his hair (badly) with no attempt to cover it. I think he should be dating Cliff Richard.

At least Adair Turner has been made head of FSA. Ex-CBI, ex-IOD (and the only non-right wing reactionary sh1tbag to hold that post); ex head of Builing Societies something or other. I like him; he's a good guy.

It was Albert and Therese.
As he always said, he is indeed a Master Mariner and Navigator.
They were sailing his yacht across the Atlantic and were obviously caught in a storm.
I'm relieved their injuries appear light. It's such a shame about the yacht, it was a very fine vessel.
When I said in post #13 that I doubted the thread initiator was Albert, it was because I thought he had more to do getting the yacht across the Atlantic than posting here !
After that I just played along with the post with "Soocrates" ;)
I know Albert was disliked on this board and as I said to him face to face several times he was, to put it mildly, provocative and sometimes aggressive.
I enjoyed Albert and Therese's hospitality several times and they are a lovely couple on a personal level.
I was very concerned about the decision that just he and Therese sail her across the Atlantic but as you all know he is a supremely self confident person ;)
They will be okay, they are both great survivors.
I'm mightily relieved their lives were saved.
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