The final Holy Grail!

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Just peeking in...this thread still going? Does Medbs have any other trade calls I can follow, I still have about 2% of my account left. It's just sitting there, might as well lose it to someone who can use it.

Current open positions:

gbpusd long @ 5150 supposed after the evnt described as a 'risky trade' and therefore only 3:1 leverage used...current unrealised loss as a % of a/c -22.62%
audusd long from 9103 (description as above) -24.6%
eurusd long 2665 and 2595, supposed 'non risky trade's @ 10: 1 leverage -34% and -27% respectively.
Total -108.22% of a/c

Maximum peak to valley unrealised losses/drawdown as a % of a/c on these open trades

gbpusd -27.6%
audusd -31.1%
eurusd -97.2% the 2 open trades combined
Total -155.9%

Unfortunately Medbs still thinks Denial is a river in Egypt...and he has 'magiced' away the gbpusd and audusd trades and is now just talkking about the eurusd trades which have shown a -97.2% peak-valley drawdown and at time of writing are accounting for an unrealisd loss of -61% of a/c.
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Why do you assume that an account can't be down more than 100 pct? Footballers regularly give 110 percent or more, so I don't see the issue with an account being temporarily down 150 pct. It will eventually come back, and in the meantime the win rate is still 100 pct (can that one rise above 100 pct?).
I think you are the worst trader to ever grace t2w with your presence! :clap::clap:
And I know I can pass judgement because we are at the end of May (as per your request).


Now do the honourable thing and tell us that "it hasnt really gone as planned"..... and maybe your strategy is worse than you thought. Hmmm?
I think you are the worst trader to ever grace t2w with your presence! :clap::clap:
And I know I can pass judgement because we are at the end of May (as per your request).


Now do the honourable thing and tell us that "it hasnt really gone as planned"..... and maybe your strategy is worse than you thought. Hmmm?

We are not talking about my trading skills here in this thread.
We are just talking about a 100% winning system.
14/17 right now.
We are not talking about my trading skills here in this thread.
We are just talking about a 100% winning system.
14/17 right now.

Isnt that the point, your system isn't 100% and by most estimates you have blown your demo account.

It reminds me of a system I saw on zulutrade, it was ranked in the top two or three because of a high win rate, when you looked at open positions (which were not immediately apparent) there was a drawdown of 34,000 pips. These systems are fine in dreamworld but a total waste of space in the real world.
So medbs, my friend, your holy grail is this -

randomly take a position. if it goes in your favour, take profit. if it goes against you, leave it forever.

that way, 100 pct of trades you have closed have made money.

in the meantime your account is down 100 pct and you lost all your money.

well done, you really are a genius.
Post your account statement and we'll see.

My trades are live, you don't need to see my statement, you can verify by yourself into this thread.
Here, we talk about a 100% winning strategy, not my trading skills.
My trades are live, you don't need to see my statement, you can verify by yourself into this thread.
Here, we talk about a 100% winning strategy, not my trading skills.

You dont have a 100% winning strategy, you just said its 14 out of 17, is that 100%?
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