The Final Holy Grail Journal Discussion Thread

Well todays move must have totally wiped out medbs. Good riddance and shame on you to all who supported him.

BTW what has happened to all of his postings on this thread? Why were they deleted?

No shame here, each to their own. It is a journal and we haven't reached the end of May yet. In another thread somebody is talking about borrowing money to trade. Neither you or anyone else from the self-righteous mob have said anything about the idea so I suppose you endorse the idea of borrowing money to trade.
Do you seriously think it is going to be profitable at the end of May? How much did he lose yesterday?

I don't have any view on his trading system, methodology at all. I don't even trade currencies. It seems that you and others seem to 'know' exactly what he is doing...amazing!
Actually, I have moved money around here and there. A few months ago, figuring the worst for the U.K economy, I moved £50K into another currency and I am up over 5%!:clap:
Re: The final Holy Grail!

Once again, the holy grail has taken a life.

R.I.P Medbs
Another one bites the dust!

It's probable that the thread starter won't grace this thread again, and just looking at the gbpusd trade ....long 5152 it has gone a max -675 pips into the red so far, so even if price comes back and he takes a profit, it is doubtful on past profits posted to the thread, that it will be anything like say a 1:1 r:r...and allowing a trade to go -675 pips against you is no way to trade in the context of what we understand about the historical success of his 'holy grail.'
Re: The final Holy Grail!

As I posted before, its all Bullsh1t, who in their right mind would allow a trade to go -675 against you, no doubt, as sure as day become night and night becomes day, should this recover the -675 and make a profit, no doubt Mmebs will state, it was all in the plan and excuted per say, bull, bull, bullsh1t, utter poppycock. for the record, whilst mmbes was sitting watching his position go against him I, probably like a lot of you, were shorting the trade and making pips, or is that to simple to understand, or is it just me. Hence my motto below, says its all, perhaps should add, go against the trend 675 and your likely to get shafted big style imho
Re: The final Holy Grail!

Once again, the holy grail has taken a life.

R.I.P Medbs

to be pedantic the Holy Grail is alive and well.

what has been buried is the idea of holding onto losing trades indefinitely in the belief they will always come back to BE.

a losing trade in not unlike the rope needed to hang you.
don't give the market too long a length. (oohhh errr, missuss!!)

(Hope you grabbed some pips in the recent moves. Have a great weekend.)
Re: The final Holy Grail!

I think he is a masochist, he enjoys the abuse. Struggling to think of any other reason as to why he is continuing this charade.
Re: The final Holy Grail!

I took 5 highly risky trades, and, knowing their huge risk, I took a slight leverage, the type 2:1 and 3:1.
But now, for sure, I'll not post again such trades, the risk of traders blow themselves up is very high.
I apologize to those who "blindly" follow my trades, and I must (had to) clarify that my strategy gives two kinds of signals: Risky Trades (sometimes highly risky trades) & safely Trades with killer entries.

Do you seriously believe anyone, even the most naive trader blindly follows your trades ?

You are a bigger buffon than you realise!
The only reason this thread is popular is because it is amusing and welcome entertainment from serious trading.

You are either some spotty little 16 year old or a deranged individual, like our good friend spanish. Whatever the case may be please continue posting it is welcome entertainment.
I am in contact with the powers of T2w to see if I can award your thread "most amusing thread" status
Re: The final Holy Grail!

"Copied from FF, to save everybody popping across, seems to be pissing people off everyway, hehe

"Show us your tradestatement. if you dont trade same lotsize all the time you had wrote this allready, so dont try to fake this vecause in your real account this killed your account with margin call and you dont will show this result! I believe you not. in first trades you got in 600 pip doubling account and now you would have with same amount margin calls all your game is over. You fake a lot to your site, but with cheating you can only trade in the children department. After you was over 1400 pip in the minus your account could not be alive with your unexperienced moneymanagement and your opinon you have a chance of 100% winning strategy.

You showed not the whole statement like you did from beginning when you had some hundred points win like some normal trader in this week, now you fake where you can because your strategy is a account killing strategy like many told you before you crashed. Everybody is knowing this but you still believe you are a trader. Think about this.

Your game is over after you burned your account to margin call. Trying to hide this fact let you stand like a bad loser too. Stand to what you did and learn from it. Its your first trading in real markets think so, so you have enough time to learn in next 10 years.

And as tip: without showing your statement of the account you dont need to post any more, because anybody knows you try to cheat at any point. And saying that the risky trades you dont do: sorry but this is a joke by yourself in not being honest to yourself. You even dont start to learn from it and all is now fault of strategy with risky trades. All is your fault because of not seeing whats was easy to see, believe it or not. without swizz luck you are near 2000 pip in loss maybe. You say its risky trade but dont close it fast, what any medium experinced trader is doing! There was no risky trade, there was only a trader that was not smart enough to close by some loss and trade the correct direction! This will happen very often to till you dont learn basics and dont hide behind your inexperience.

Till you can trade (or at least try to learn it) its really necessary to forewarn people to trust in any word you say."
